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Neil Pasricha Blog Posts

Misty Meadows · 20:23 01 May 2011
Okay so first of all, go here.For those who haven't heard about this, it's a blog started by a person named Neil Pasricha.He has been putting together a list of things that he finds 'awesome… Read More
My Life
Simple Acts of Kindness
Articlewalla · 08:13 16 Oct 2013
On the virtues of kindness, the great philosopher Lao Tzu waxed eloquent ‘Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates lo… Read More
Janne Piiroinen · 17:52 12 Dec 2017
How would you feel after being 1000-times courageous, would you be more courageous? How would you feel after you would show caring 1000-times would you be more caring? What would you know i… Read More