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Ikigai: The Japanese secret to a long and happy life

Ikigai: The Japanese Secret To A Long And Happy Life

Ikigai: The Japanese art of living a long and fulfilling life


Everybody has an Ikigai. It is a term for "a reason to live" or "a reason to get out of bed in the morning" in Japanese. It is the intersection of your needs, wants, goals, and satisfaction. a stable location. It is not surprising that locating your Ikigai is strongly associated with living longer. It's not as difficult as you might imagine to find your Ikigai. This book will empower you to improve your life by assisting you in identifying your true Ikigai. Your skills, interests, aspirations, and background have made you the ideal candidate for anything, and you have a role in this world. You just need to locate it. If you do that, you can enjoy each and every day of your life.

I read it, and ever since, it has possessed me. I'm enthralled. C. S. Evans Ikigai softly reveals easy techniques that we may all utilise to lead full, purposeful lives. Science-based studies are expertly woven into an engaging, blunt conversation that you won't want to end. Instead than pushing you from behind, this book gently invites you along on your own journey. It is warm, patient, and compassionate. The Happiness Equation's best-selling author, Neil Pasricha.

Have you ever thought to yourself, "What is my purpose?"
It can be challenging to choose what we want to do with our lives because there are so many options in life, as well as a wide variety of vocations and careers. Society expects us to decide what road we want to go down at a very young age. The majority of the time, kids have no idea what adult life is like or what they want to do when they grow up. In fact, a lot of grownups are even clueless. Now, the Japanese created a school of thought known as Ikigai, which means "cause for existence,"
Ikigai can assist us in figuring out why we desire to get up in the morning.
You know, the very thing we can devote our entire selves to.
We're in a state of flow when we're completely engrossed in our activity and nothing else matters.
Ikigai aids us in determining the components required to enter this flow condition, make our endeavours sustainable, and benefit society as a whole.
Many people hold down these miserable employment. 
When we engage in these hobbies, the agony we associate with them frequently sneaks up on us on Sunday nights as we start to imagine that horrible Monday morning when we have to drag ourselves out of bed knowing that the rest of the week will be spent in torment. As soon as we start working, we start counting down to the first break, then the next, and so on, until we can finally leave and go home again, repeating the process. When we first come, we still have this nostalgia for the weekend. Now, living like this isn't very fun.
Consider this.
Doing something we detest is detrimental to both our environment and to ourselves. Particularly when we observe other coworkers who genuinely seem to enjoy their work. Additionally, they are performing admirably. Again, a lot of people experience job dissatisfaction, which can exacerbate significant health issues like depression. Because they are unable to deal with their feelings of hopelessness, helplessness, and the persistent notion that they are failures in life, some even consider killing themselves.
However, we do have some degree of control over our environment. We can attempt to alter our attitude toward the circumstance and improve the quality of our current work.
Alternately, we can evaluate our own nature as well as the nature of our surroundings and probably come to the decision that it's preferable to choose another activity to engage in.  Therefore, there are two changes we must make: first, we must alter our perspective.   On the other side, we must alter the situation. Because we can achieve a state of flow when we act appropriately and with the appropriate mindset.
Ikigai enables a person to determine what is the proper course of action for them, enabling them to get out of bed in the morning with a sense of purpose and work relatively effortlessly as a result. Currently, Ikigai has four dimensions.
First, we must choose a skill that we are proficient in.
Second, it must be something we enjoy doing.
Third, the world ought to require it.
Finally, we need to be paid.
Let's discuss each dimension in turn.
(1) Exercising our strengths.
Everyone possesses a unique set of skills.
Some things are influenced by nature, while others are influenced by nurture.
We can learn talents to a large extent.
However, we also have innate qualities that suit various people for different jobs.
For instance, we observe variations in intelligence, motor abilities, empathy, physical strength, etc.
People frequently concentrate on strengthening their weak points.
They spend their entire lives trying to fix themselves while shunning their strengths.
Therefore, we could wish to concentrate on the latter and enhance those abilities so that we become experts in it.
Because we have the chance to become great, why spend so much work trying to become at best mediocre? Not to mention the positive effects on the rest of the planet when we reach our full potential. I'll address this in a moment, but according to the Ikigai concept, this ought to be something that the world needs.
(2) Pursuing our passions.
This is a hard one even though it is pretty evident. Although a talent level can be quantified, this dimension is somewhat complex and subjective. You might aspire to work as a full-time YouTube video creator, for instance. However, there may be some elements of the procedure that you absolutely detest.
You might enjoy creating screenplays and editing videos but detest filming.
Filming creates a bottleneck in this situation. We may now attempt to improve the filming experience. Maybe we can adjust our workflow or relocate so that we can still be fully focused on this task and be in a flow state. Here, mindset is crucial.
And when we have the proper attention, we can do jobs that we don't particularly enjoy doing but that are nonetheless vital. Outsourcing is, of course, a choice as well. But it could be wiser to choose something else to do if our activities as a whole make us miserable and we can't see how to get any enjoyment out of them. Perhaps we simply lack interest in this area or we are frustrated by our limited abilities. Taste cannot be quantified, at least not in the end. Therefore, it's probably far simpler to simply follow our instincts and allow our intuition guide us.
(3) Carrying forth what the world requires.
When we know what we are good at and what we enjoy doing, everything is wonderful. But that is insufficient to qualify it as Ikigai. because it should benefit the world in some way for what we do.
If they don't, it's just a hobby. Fortunately, the demands of the world come in a wide variety. Jobs that are despised by some are frequently quite important. Jobs that are despised by some are frequently quite important. We need somebody to clean up the mess so that we can function as a society. Someone has to take out the trash, someone needs to fix our sink. If we enjoy doing these kind of jobs, it is fantastic. We may simply conduct market research to determine the present demands in order to determine what the world wants. Can we instead take a broader view of the world and consider how we may use our skills to improve it?
(4) Engaging in profitable activity.
Some contend that money shouldn't or shouldn't be a consideration.
But when we examine reality, we realise that money is what keeps everything in motion. And we are unable to pay the bills without money. Our efforts must therefore produce income in order to be financially viable and to actually have a "reason for existence." If not, what we do turns into more of a pastime. Naturally, there is nothing wrong with having a hobby.
As a result, we may have to work a job we don't particularly enjoy in order to make ends meet and devote most of our time and effort to a task we don't find very fulfilling. Therefore, we could think of money as a type of energy that drives us forward in our goals.
After discussing the four Ikigai aspects, it is critical to consider how they interact with one another and how they combine to create an Ikigai. We are passionate about what we do when it is what we love and are good at. However, this drive is insufficient to qualify as an Ikigai. Since it's possible that it's something the world doesn't need or perhaps harmful to the environment. Additionally, it might not be profitable or might be costly to us. A part of an Ikigai, though, is having a strong passion for something.
We define a mission as doing what we love and what the world needs.

However, a single mission is not an Ikigai.  We might not be very good at it, and we might not get paid anything for doing it.  The perception of our actions as a mission, however, is a component of our raison d'être.  We've found a vocation when we accomplish something that the world needs and that pays well. But does that imply that we enjoy it and are skilled at it?

No, not always. Because of this, even though the world expects it of us and we feel compelled to do it, we may utterly detest our career.  Thus, a profession by itself is not an Ikigai. The term "profession" refers to the practise of what we are skilled at and for which we are compensated. The term "profession" refers to the practise of what we are skilled at and for which we are compensated. Does that imply that we love what we do and think the world needs it? Yet again, not always. Some people despise their line of work. And some occupations even harm the environment. Therefore, a vocation by itself is not an Ikigai. An Ikigai is created by combining all four dimensions. As a result, a person's "cause for being" can be their passion, mission, vocation, or job. These are all the elements that enable us to participate in an activity that is valuable and that we enjoy getting up for.

We enjoy rising early for in the morning. Furthermore, it's simple to lose ourselves in our work and enter a state of flow when we enjoy what we do.

The key is to match our nature with that of our surroundings in order to create the best possible interaction between the two, which will make our pursuit easier. This is what Taoists refer to as Wu-Wei, which translates as "effortless action." It's critical to keep in mind that the answers we seek are not absolutes. What constitutes our Ikigai is determined by a variety of circumstances. To maintain that flow state in a world that is continuously evolving, we must constantly adjust and perfect our place within the bigger picture. Ikigai isn't static as a result. It is a dynamic creature that evolves as time passes.


This post first appeared on Lunatic Santa, please read the originial post: here

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Ikigai: The Japanese secret to a long and happy life
