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5 Simple Things You Can Do to Be Happier Right Away (and You Need Only Pick 1)


Neil Pasricha, NY Times Bestselling Author of The Happiness Equation, pointed out 5 simple things you can do to be happier right away on Quora. The good news is you only have to do one, not all five, to boost your happiness.

  1. Brisk 20-minute walk
  2. Journal about a positive experience you had during the day
  3. Commit a random act of kindness
  4. Meditate
  5. Write down five gratitudes


The post 5 Simple Things You Can Do to Be Happier Right Away (and You Need Only Pick 1) appeared first on Personal Finance News.

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This post first appeared on Personal Finance News - Stuff That Matters, please read the originial post: here

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5 Simple Things You Can Do to Be Happier Right Away (and You Need Only Pick 1)
