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Thousand times more


How would you feel after being 1000-times courageous, would you be more courageous?

How would you feel after you would show caring 1000-times would you be more caring?

What would you know if you would read a 1000 books?

What about after writing 1000 books?

I achieved my reading goal of 40 books for this year on Sunday and I began to ponder what would be meaningful endeavor next. Instead of setting just merely next year goal, which certainly will be part of my bigger thinking, I remembered from the concept of 1000 times more from coaching session with Vesa Honkanen  and I thought the 1000 times is a pretty awesome concept.

It might be interesting to visualize a bit what would doing 1000 times more mean and what could the results be. One of the most energizing thoughts I had would be 1000 times more positive – what would that mean and be?

This reminds me of 1000 awesome things by Neil Pasricha. That’s certainly 1000 more awesome than before. I didn’t know the name of broccoflower before I read his 1000th awesome thing, before that I called it “fractal thing.”

I just may start the 1000 positive things, it feels like my thing anyway.

How would you feel for taking an extra step for thousand days, how would you feel?

Tagged: 1000, awesome, concept, energy, goals, improvement, outcomes, positive, thousand, visualize

This post first appeared on Janne Piiroinen, please read the originial post: here

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Thousand times more
