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The Happiness Equation by Neil Pasricha

The Happiness Equation By Neil Pasricha

The Book In Two Sentence

The Happiness Equation by Neil Pasricha is a book gives the understanding of skill that is needed in a real-life situation that is needed to do business.


You the single calculation to find out what you really make do you remember fractions I learned them back in fourth grade in a moldy classroom with flickering fluorescent lights in my elementary school pink chalk dust scrawled across blackboards showing us how one half can be written as 1 over 2 or 3/4 can be written as 3 over 4 with 3 being the numerator and 4 being the denominator as n I sat on the couch in sweatpants watching TV all Saturday night and ate 3/4 of a pepperoni pie well the Harvard salary of one hundred and twenty thousand dollars is a fraction two it means you make one hundred and twenty thousand dollars over one year of work with 120 thousand dollars as the numerator and one year of work as the denominator that sounds great but there's one little problem with that fraction nobody works each and every hour of the year along these lines it doesn't bode well discussing how a lot of cash you make over a whole year of work that makes pay sound like giant cardboard paychecks handed up on New Year's Eve with hearty handshakes Congrats Samson you blew away your sales numbers for the past twelve months after a solid year of grinding it out every single day you will finally earn this your annual paycheck but it doesn't work that way we don't earn big fat dollars for years of work we gain small little dollars for a considerable length of time of work when I had my first keeping an eye on I worked for five dollars an hour entirely sweet arrangement for viewing AIF with a couple of eight year olds while eating unlimited cheese strings then I did yard work for my parents for $10 an hour that was generous of them since the going rate for raking leaves and shoveling driveways was lower than that although it did help them avoid pesky health insurance by getting paid under the table some of my friends did construction for $12 an hour some life guarded pools for $16 an hour point is every single job is paid by the hour some are 120 however regardless of how a lot of cash you're making the numerator is the amount you get and the denominator is the amount you work each and every activity is by the our Harvard Business School grads make double or triple the money a lot of people make but they often work double or triple the hours - when you work that much it's harder to discover time to scoop the carport play with your children or plant your greenhouse so perhaps you contract individuals at little to no cost to do those things for you you will still have fun frankly the money you're making can afford luxury vacations and expensive restaurants you may even have more fun but there's less time for fun your third bucket disappears think about whether it's important to you to feel the pride of a freshly shoveled driveway the joy of watching your kids discover a new word or see the tulips you planted in the fall finally bloom in the spring there's nothing wrong with either life but think about the life you want how does the instructor or retail right hand administrator make in excess of a Harvard MBA we should make sense of it let let's compare a Harvard MBA with two very common jobs an assistant manager at a retail store and an elementary school teacher when we do the math and when we compare how many hours they work a week and we parse it all the way down to how much they make per hour it turns out that all three jobs make $28 per hour where did I get the numbers from while teachers are scheduled for 7:00 our school days usually 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. but typically an hour off for lunch let's round that up to 31 hours a week but we all know how hard teachers work we know it's way more than that my dad is a teacher my wife Leslie is a teacher and they bring work home the average teacher does an hour or two of work every single night marking prepping coaching a team so I added 10 hours a week for that and I added in the amount of vacation time they have throughout the year including the summer holidays retail assistant store managers are typically scheduled for 40-hour work weeks but it's a tough job they end up working before or after shift sometimes there are questions issues pop up people call them at home so I added 10 hours a week for that and the 85 hours for Harvard MBAs it's a ballpark average based on my information research and individual experience taking a shot at counseling gigs in the Chicago lodging or slaving without end on the speculation banking arrangement doesn't actually give you free nighttimes or weekends although these numbers are and really accurate of course through our exceptions maybe you're a teacher who works 85 hours a week or you're a Harvard MBA who works 40 but stick with me here because this secret still has meaning for you what's the bottom line they all make $28 an hour so how do you make more money than a Harvard MBA two ways one work more hours than they do and make way more per year or to work way less hours than they do and make less money per year this works because when you over value your time you make more money by working less hours and earning more dollars per hour but wait am I telling you to work less absolutely not my point isn't that you should suddenly dial down your interests passion or career my point is to calculate how much you make every hour and realize this number recall this number have this number in your head I have friends who work around the clock as downtown lawyers and they joke that when I do the math I actually make less the minimum wage they are right and frankly I don't understand them do not make less than minimum wage the way to make more money than a Harvard MBA isn't to get your annual salary over $120,000 or 150 thousand dollars or even five hundred thousand dollars it's to measure how much you make per hour and overvalue you so you're spending time working on only things you enjoy the average life expectancy in our world today is 70 years and we sleep for a third of that that means you have 400,000 waking hours in your life total you have 400,000 hours to spend in your life total understand how much a Harvard MBA really makes and overvalue you so every single hour of your working life is spent doing something you love you. 

This post first appeared on Kundan Jewelery, please read the originial post: here

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The Happiness Equation by Neil Pasricha
