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The Curmudgeon · 13:27 26 Jul 2024
Yet further moral glory has accrued to the Metropolitan Firearms and Headbangers' Club, as yet another rotten apple has pleaded guilty to excessive entrepreneurialism in public office. The p… Read More
My Life
Moogly · 13:00 26 Jul 2024
The Long Cat Door Draft Stopper is a fun way to dress up plain draft stopper, and create an adorable custom gift - made with Bernat Blanket! Grab the colors to match your favorite feline fri… Read More
My Life
Seeing Hearts · 11:07 26 Jul 2024
October 2021, A storm blew through our neighborhood, knocking over the neighbors tree that broke our cedar privacy fence, our electrical connection for our home, broke the Cow statue and sma… Read More
My Life
Gudang Ilmu Fisika · 07:42 26 Jul 2024
Titrasi Asam Basa: Prinsip, Prosedur, dan Aplikasi Titrasi asam basa adalah salah satu teknik dasar dalam kimia analitik yang digunakan untuk menentukan konsentrasi larutan. Proses ini melib… Read More
My Life
Confessions Of A Dum… · 20:36 25 Jul 2024
Thought of the dayGreetings and salutations my wonderful blogging friend.You are looking fabulous and I am glad you stopped by.Not much going on at Casa de Shifley but I am looking forward t… Read More
My Life
¡¡¡No Lo Se!!!...… · 20:05 25 Jul 2024
Cuando fue asesinado John F. Kennedy en 1963, no era un delito federal matar a un presidente de los Estados Unidos. De 1836 a 1896, la ley de la Bandera Roja, en Inglaterra, exigía q… Read More
My Life
Very Much Not
S. Weasel · 18:51 25 Jul 2024
I’m very much having a bad technology day. I spent a couple of hours troubleshooting my Outlook at work. It received files okay but couldn’t send them. No idea what the problem… Read More
My Life
Work Harder Resource!
I Am Resource · 12:24 25 Jul 2024
 Yesterday Danny was really down, after work we met at the pub and ordered beers. He was quite pale and tired and looked like he came out of an asylum or something.- Seb, the patron has… Read More
My Life
Mi Boina · 05:00 25 Jul 2024
Soy de plata y exacto. Sin prejuicios.Y cuanto veo trago sin tardanzatal y como es, intacto de amor u odio.No soy cruel, solamente veraz:ojo cuadrangular de un diosecillo.En la pared opu… Read More
My Life
Dear Crissy · 00:23 23 Jul 2024
Baked Pumpkin Donuts are a perfect fall treat that bring a touch of pumpkin spice flavor to your fall festivities. These homemade donuts are easy to make and ca… Read More
My Life