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Space Your Face Blog
Here are my ramblings...some of you know them well...the rest of you will soon enough...
Ladies and gentleman, here it is, my first ever GUEST POST! Behold!If you are thinking about turning that whimsical summer fling into a life-long contractual obligation by hopping on the fir… Read More
From time to time, being that I have had this blog for an eternity, I get all ambitious and decide to read through again. Sometimes I pick random posts and sometimes I search for specific th… Read More
I think that one of the weirdest parts of not really being friends with Spliff anymore is the connection we both have with other people. I have a hard time going to places I know she likes t… Read More
Oh man, internet…it is about to get really 1980’s in here. So, as a female child of the 1980’s, it is totally fair to say that I was kind of in love with Jordan Knight. I… Read More
So, I try really hard not to get into touchy subjects here. Sex? Eh. Sometimes. Drugs? Come on, ya’ll, *I’m an adult. Rock and Roll. Yes. But Politics and Religion. No. Never. No… Read More
Okay, internet, yes. I realize that I haven’t posted anything in a really long time. And I probably should have tried to be realistic about doing this in thirty days. But I am still on… Read More
Oh, this one is fun, internet. I am going to go ahead and tell you that Jonathan Coulton is effing hilarious. I had never heard of him until one day, Rack sent me a text that said, “I… Read More
I am just going to say right now that I am not a big dancer. I need a couple of cocktails and some pretty significant motivation before you will catch me on a dance floor. Motivation usually… Read More
Currently, Rackamonie is attempting to convince me that everything I do, he causes through inception.Me: You don’t even know what I am doing right now.Him: Yes I do. You are digesting… Read More

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Space YOUR Face
