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Oh! Oh! I Know This One!
You can read the article if you want (graphic is theirs), but the answer is yes. The ‘official’ answer used to be no, but one of my chickens farted onc… Read More
Day 2
Today it’s walkie-talkies. Fourteen dead and 450 injured. Also, unconfirmed reports of phones, motorcycles, fingerprint machines, solar panels, anything with a modern bat… Read More
Obvious Photoshop Idea Is Obvious
Oh my lord, this looks so painful I’m almost sympathetic. For posterity: “2,750 people were injured and eight killed after handheld pagers used by Hezb… Read More
This guy’s face screams functional psychotic to me. The long-term nutter has an emaciated, hollowed-out look because eating as a pleasurable activity humans engage in is not for him… Read More
Fun Fact
British newspapers report things that happened in British soap operas as news items. You might have noticed this if you frequent sites like the Mail. This confused the hell out of me at fir… Read More
Who’s Staying Up?
The debate is like 2am my time, but I wouldn’t watch anyway. The two George Bushes finished me for live debate. After the supremely smooth Reagan, I found the stumbly mushmouth Bush s… Read More
I Outted Me  :(
I hate clothes. I suppose there was a time when I were a lass that I felt differently, but most of my adult life I’d’ve been perfectly happy to wear a nun’s habit every da… Read More
Mark Your Calendar
The next lecture at the Prehistoric Society will be streamed on YouTube, and it looks like anyone can join. I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed these lectures during lockdown, but the… Read More
I’m Sulking
You see this wet, disconsolate bird? It’s well past his bedtime, but he didn’t get out at all today because of rain. When I went to lock up, he stood in his run looking so miser… Read More
I’m New!
Bluebell Railway has built a whole new steam train from scratch. It took volunteers 25 years to do it. The original train called the Beachy Head was broken up for scrap in the Sixties. They… Read More
A Man And His Eagle
More from Sunday. We used to see this hawking group at most of the local shows, but they’ve been absent the last few years. Not sure why. Used to be, for a pound you could have your… Read More
In honor of Labor Day, a woman labors to make lace. I believe this is what you call bobbin lace, because of all those bobbins of thread she’s keeping track of. You can make white lace… Read More
One Perfect Pointed Pepper
Peppers are a tough crop for England. Even in a greenhouse, there’s not enough sunlight and heat (and we’re in the sunniest county in the country). So it’s always exciting… Read More
It’s been getting harder and harder to read signs at a distance with my glasses, so I scheduled an eye exam for today. Turns out, my eyes have gotten better. Like, a lot better. My gla… Read More
This lovely old church door. An old lady stood and admired it with us for a moment. I know we’ve stopped and stared at it before, because three years ago I posted a closeup of the sto… Read More
I Have A Glut Of Beans
What, that? That’s not a glut of beans, that’s a serving for my dinner tonight. No, Uncle B has a whole raised bed of beans that’s likely to bean up before Winter. (He pla… Read More
Hooray For Beer!
Local brewery wins a bunch of international awards. Not my favorite, but Harvey’s is a very good beer and the oldest family-owned business in Sussex – operating since 1790 and t… Read More
I Have A Bad Feeling I Might Need It
I joined the Free Speech Union today. They’re the only organization I know (along with Fair Cop) sticking up for those poor bastards arrested for Facebook posts, “it’s oka… Read More
This is Uncle B’s Cereus Peruvianus, also known as the Peruvian Apple Cactus or Night Blooming Cactus. He bought it in the Eighties. Then it broke in half and he repotted it. This is… Read More
When He Was Small
This isn’t a memorial post. Albert is still very much with us. I witnessed the very moment he fell out of his shell. Onto his back, naturally, waving his feet in the air. He was alwa… Read More
I Ate My First Fig
I didn’t care for it. It tasted nothing like Fig Newtons. We have an elderly neighbor who sometimes calls upon us to wrangle technology for her. She has a large and attentive family… Read More
I Bought Another Thing
I bought a sun hat made of paper. It looks like a regular straw sun hat, but weirdly floppy. It’s hard to see how it’s made. It like little tubules of paper rolled and then wove… Read More
I Bought A Thing
You’ve probably figured it out, but I was stumped. It’s a dandelion puller. Works a treat on soil. You dig the prongs into the earth and rock it back. I have a whole bunch of th… Read More
Oh No!
Yesterday, James Lileks published his last column for the Minneapolis Star Tribune. I know this because Iowahawk tweeted it. (The two men congratulate each other for being funny in the thre… Read More
Loved It.
It’s the only two minutes of the Olympics I watched. You’ll be hard pressed to find a version of it on YouTube that doesn’t have a huge, bouncing watermark or breaks halfw… Read More
Say What Now?
I’ve slept to a white noise machine my whole adult life. Probably longer. My dad taught me old style – tuning the TV to an off channel. Doubles as a night light! I was happy wit… Read More
That Creaking Sound You Hear…
…is my elderly braincells springing into action. We’re getting a new touch-screen kiosk at work that runs entirely on PowerPoint. I’ve worked on oodles and oodles of Powe… Read More
Srs Bsnss
The Summer Fete season is nearing the end for 2024 and I haven’t posted about it once. It’s the same every year. That’s part of the charm, but it makes for lousy content… Read More
I’m Hornswaggled
Whenever I have to do something graphic-y for work, I have to bring it home to my personal copy of Photoshop. They’ve made it stupidly expensive to buy now because they want you to sig… Read More
NHS Approved
I don’t mean to brag, but I passed my squish test with flying colors. I thought I was too old to be called in, but they keep calling until you’re 71 (and you can book yourself i… Read More
Not Today.
The bee man came this morning. I was at work, but Uncle B tells me he could, as we say where I come from, talk the hind leg off a dog. The object in the image is some kind of…bee fas… Read More
Just got off the phone to my cousin in Alabama, the last living member of my family I’m at all close to. Unexpected call and we had a good long natter, a thing we don’t do often… Read More
That Word Of All Words
The memo has gone out: watch this hilarious supercut of Democrats calling JD Vance ‘weird’. I counted 54 times the word was used – all today, I guess? I meant to count how… Read More
They’re Up To Something
There is no way they’re running the ticket they seem to be running. No way. Two weeks ago, they were admitting she was the worst of the possible candidates, polling below Biden, and n… Read More
Dead Pool 179: You Call This Summer?
Gromulin wins the dick with Bob Newhart, and I bet he wishes he didn’t. There are worse ways to idle away an afternoon than watching Bob Newhart clips on YouTube. He was a seriously fu… Read More
Very Much Not
I’m very much having a bad technology day. I spent a couple of hours troubleshooting my Outlook at work. It received files okay but couldn’t send them. No idea what the problem… Read More
Flipping Redcurrants.
Of all the fruits Uncle B grows in the garden, the only one that overperforms every year is the red currant bush. One year we got twelve pounds of fruit off that thing. I mean, thanks but&h… Read More
What A Weird Day
Joe Biden has been on deathwatch all day. Moments ago, an apparently fresh video of him surfaced, so he ain’t already dead after all. He was pretty feeble though. I believe in Uncle A… Read More
It Seemed Appropriate
All week, I’ve been craving a sloppy joe. It must be subliminal. I made one. It was awful. You can see from the pic the meat stayed in chunks and never cooked down to a smooth &lsquo… Read More
Name Her
Special Agent Cindy. Her friends call her Doodlebug. I had an instinctive spasm of sympathy for this chick. It can’t be nice to wake up one day and find you’re an internet meme… Read More
Too Soon
That poof of smoke in the distance is a combine harvester. They took in the rapeseed field today. That is way, way early. We’ve had a lousy Summer. Still walking through the timeline… Read More
The Blink Of An Eye
In the second picture, he had just turned to look at the chart behind him (images pinched from this tweet, which runs them as a neat animation). I don’t need to say more. This is the… Read More
Carry On!
The tweet. I’ve been stuck in a Zoom call this evening. I looked up in time to see my one hen go sailing over the hedge. Fortunately, she hadn’t made it all the way over and int… Read More
I Have A Cold
Luckily the miserable phase is usually not more than 24 hours, but I’m smack in the thick of it now. Looking forward to my gin. What a miserable Summer. We have the central heat on… Read More
Any Beekeepers In The House?
The bees of Badger House are angry. We’ve been coexisting with them happily for years, but a stupidly aggressive bee went after both of us while we were just standing in the garden l… Read More