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Kissing Frogs Blog
Alice Hayes doesn't believe in fairy tales. In fact, after her brother disappered five years ago, she doesn't believe in much of anything. So when Alice meets a charming boy who helps her rescue an almost-roadkill frog off the street, she doesn't know what she's in for.
So sorry everyone, I've had this post up on the wrong blog! Silly me!I wasn't exactly sure what my world was when I woke up the next morning. I woke up the way I always do, in my bed, cozy… Read More
I felt drained, empty, like the substance that had been filling me up was now gone, and a hundred other things were rushing to take that space. I slipped Mohawk back into his cage, hoping th… Read More
He hoisted his arm up so that he was holding on by his armpits, bare feet most likely gripping the drain pipe. I know. I could get up and down that gutter pipe with my eyes closed."A hand pl… Read More
I counted the dots on my ceiling. I connected them. When I had finished that, I made up stories for the dot creatures. And when I was done that, I stared at the ceiling some more.There was a… Read More
Yeah, I know, there's a whole lot here, and chances are, you'd look at it all, say, "Oh I'll read it later," and never come back.So here is a quick summary. Details are not included.When Ali… Read More
"Alice?" I jumped as I swung around a crowded corner, Grey's face inches from my own."Oh, Grey, sorry," I apologized, embarrassed, and dodged around him, merging into the throng of students… Read More
"Would you bring me the sewing box in my cuboard please?" Mum asked from her sewing chair in the living room. I agreed and slipped into her closet. It was a small closet, long, but wide enou… Read More
Just wanted to say a quick sorry that Chapter Twenty Two and Twenty Three are switched, that's my fault Read More
I smiled sweetly at Blair and my mother. "I won't go anywhere, I promise," I pleaded as I fingered the phone in my pocket. I needed to get out of here, even if it was just for a minute. Thes… Read More
Dr. Fortin smiled and slowly removed the cast. She ran a finger down Mohawk's back. I looked at our little frog and I thought of how I loved that little guy, the stripe down his back, the wa… Read More
I ran a finger along Mohawk's back, cooed and smiled before placing him back in his page. Grey looked up from the project and asked me how the family counseling went."Horrible thank you.""Wi… Read More
I was still fuming Sunday morning. I banged a plate of toast down on the table, being careful to side at the opposite end of the table as my mother. I chewed the toast viciously, titanic bit… Read More
I sifted my peas around my plate with my fork. Dad stuffed the mashed potatoes hungrily into his mouth, while Mum delicately placeed a pea in her mouth."We had a call from one of your teache… Read More
Grey gently places the frog back into his tank. "We really should name the little thing you know. It's been about a month.""Yeah you're right." I handled the bag of insects carefully, made s… Read More
I racked through the jeans, looking for a medium. Small, extra small, large. No medium. I sighed."He likes you." I jumped. Emily smiled at me, rows of straight teeth sparkling between cherry… Read More
Rod, Max, Sammy, Emily, Grey and I sat down at a table, our trays heaped with a variety of junk food. I nibbled quietly at a slice of pizza. They discussed what shop to go to next. I kept a… Read More
The phone rang, once, twice. "Would you get it?" Mum yells from downstairs. I didn't reply, continued to stare at the ceiling. She sighs and answers, "Hayes' residence." She can't just say h… Read More
I gently scooped the little frog into my hand, an eyedropper cocked in one hand. Grey held the camera out, zoomed in. He smiled the way that someone smiles when they take a picture, the way… Read More
"Should we go in?" I quizzed."She's fine, she likes company, but not when she's working, if she can help it," Grey replied. I glanced again at the examination room door. I stacked my fists o… Read More
I strolled home, the sun slowly fading behind a horizon of trees. My head shot up, the sound of rackety wheels on concrete shooting through my ears. Pushed by his mother, a small boy rode in… Read More
Just wanted to say thanks everyone, Kissing Frogs has had over one hundred page views! Thanks everyone, and keep reading! Read More
"Grey Fortin and Alice Hayes," Mrs. Darvis glanced up, then looked back at her paper and called out the next pair. Grey looked over at me, raised an eyebrow. A small smile played at the edge… Read More

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Kissing Frogs
