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Monster Crochet Blog

Currently fighting and losing the battle of a crochet-controlled existence.
Dangerous Implements - Chef Knife
Hey guys, I have just released the third pattern in my Dangerous Implements series...The Chef Knife! The pattern for this lovely life-size blade can be found in both my Etsy and Ravelry stor… Read More
Dangerous Implements - Cleaver Pattern
Hey Kids! Long time no type.Well as most of you know I am obsessed with horror movies, Halloween AND of course, crocheting. So, how does one meld those seemingly disparate interests together… Read More
I just listed a new pattern in my Ravelry store...Nothing like a sea turtle appliques to brighten your summer wardrobe and accessories! This pattern is not only fun, but it's challenging too… Read More
Mexican Flower Motif Shawl
I thought it might be nice to infuse the cold vortex that is blanketing a good portion of the US with a dash of warm color...This shawl was definitely inspired by Sarah London's Hawaiian Flo… Read More
One of my all time favorite type of hats is the beret. At this point, I've made more than my share. The one pictured below was thrown together with scrap yarn, while watching a 2012 document… Read More
In Other News...
In addition to my one-off designs, I've had a few patterns published recently in books as well. Firstly, this lovely little motif bag...The pattern for this cool crochet can be found in this… Read More
Woven Star Shawl
I love small loom weaving. Weaving on a small frame loom is portable, allows me to use up small amounts of leftover yarn and it gives my wrists and fingers a much needed break from crochetin… Read More
Crocheted Raffia Fedora - Free Pattern!
Everyone likes to sport a bit of fun atop their heads during the summer months, whether at the beach or just running errands about town. So, I figured I'd get my fingers working on a quick c… Read More
Hand Dyed Goodness
I was showing my mom how to dye fabric (silk to be specific) last weekend. We dabbled in a range of techniques including painting, dipping, dripping and some good old fashioned kettle dyeing… Read More
Raffia Granny Rug
I know what you’re thinking…she reappears and then disappears again! Well, I do have good reasons for my latest absence. Firstly, Steve and I moved from our Westside apartment t… Read More
So, my original design went from this...This is what I was aiming for to begin with. I just didn't know it at the time! Big, bee-you-ti-ful 70's flowers encased in han… Read More
So, although I've been silent lately, I have, nonetheless, been creating. In fact, I am working on two eBooks filled cover to cover with quirky crochet patterns, loads of one-off patterns as… Read More
Are you longing for a crafty good time? Do you desire a little story-telling from a neurotic, middle-aged art chick with a penchant for all things yarn? Do you sit in your cube farm day afte… Read More
Designing Despite It All...
I am trying to keep my designer brain active while attempting to slog through my latest personal morass. (I don't want to get into the specifics of this right now, but I will probably share… Read More
Another rough year here at ChezLinoleum. Keeping up with my blog is really next to impossible at this point. I am declaring this an official blog vacation. Don't know when or if I'll be back… Read More
More Homespun!
I've been doing a lot of spinning lately. I love this process. It's incredibly meditative, satisfyingly creative and well, who doesn't love a craft in which the by-product is yarn? Speaking… Read More

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Monster Crochet
