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Mexican Flower Motif Shawl

Mexican Flower Motif Shawl

I thought it might be nice to infuse the cold vortex that is blanketing a good portion of the US with a dash of warm color...

This shawl was definitely inspired by Sarah London's Hawaiian Flowers motif pattern. I love her use of color and well, who doesn't love a good motif pattern? What I didn't love so much about Sarah's motif was the number of petals (her motif sports four petals). So, using Sarah's basic idea, I added a petal per motif and voila! The Mexican Flower Shawl was born! Um, err, crocheted!

The shawl was crocheted using Knit Picks Brava Worsted. This has become my go-to worsted yarn for working out designs. It is not expensive, washes nicely and comes in a variety of beautiful colors.

Check out the little star motifs in between the flower motifs. After a few versions, I finally settled on the stars pictured above.

I cannot wait to wear this shawl atop a pretty spring frock!

Happy New Year, everyone! Stay warm!

This post first appeared on Monster Crochet, please read the originial post: here

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Mexican Flower Motif Shawl
