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New Pattern: Sea Turtle Applique!


I just listed a new pattern in my Ravelry store...

Nothing like a sea turtle appliques to brighten your summer wardrobe and accessories! This pattern is not only fun, but it's challenging too due to the fact that the turtle is made up of components. You just crochet a bunch of parts and then cobble those together to make a turtle. It's a fun little puzzle. And don't worry, I put schematics in the pattern so you won't get lost, turtle parts scattered about the room. That would be terrible, but it just won't happen because I have left a clear trail marked by green scaly breadcrumbs!

The turtle above is a thread version, but the pattern works just as well with any yarn weight and corresponding hook. I made a few DK weight versions that look cool too...just bigger. The little dude above is about 9 x 9".

So, if you're interested in turtling up your life you can obtain the pattern from my Ravelry store. Happy crocheting!

This post first appeared on Monster Crochet, please read the originial post: here

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New Pattern: Sea Turtle Applique!
