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Kinkakuji Temple Blog Posts · 16:58 18 Mar 2016
Kyoto recycling I found this junk pile just outside the entrance to the Temple of the Golden Pavilion (Kinkakuji). The discarded sign is for various film and print processing options. Appare… Read More
Golden Pavilion
Travelling, Vacation… · 02:02 08 May 2011
Kyoto is one city of Japan or also called sunrise country, is well known with a thousands temples. How can? Because everywhere we walk, we could find many temples there. One of the famous te… Read More
Travel With Pops · 11:57 07 Oct 2016
Kinkakuji Last night we flew from Tokyo to Nagoya. The flight was an easy 1 hour and our hotel is right on the bay with a water view.Our CarToday we got the rental car and drove from Na… Read More
Japan trip, Day 5
Go 11 · 23:08 26 Oct 2018
Thursday began with a visit to the Nijo Castle, built in the early 17th century. Ninomaru- goten, renovated in 1626, is a building representative of the architectural style of that period.At… Read More
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