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Work the Problem
Shutdown Hook · 17:06 24 Apr 2024
My father-in-law is actually a really great, super-nice guy. But that doesn’t mean he’ll pass up an opportunity to give me a hard time — say, paddling the canoe towards… Read More
April 2024 Book Reviews
Booksformind · 03:01 03 May 2024
Hello friends! April has come and gone, and we’re officially getting closer to summertime. I, for one, am ecstatic. because with the longer days and warmer temperatures, I feel like… Read More
Digital Bloggers · 03:50 10 May 2024
THE RETURN Book Seven... Excerpt This is an excerpt from THE RETURN, my seventh and last novel in the Elysium's Passage series. I'm posting this for a short time to provide a… Read More