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Cheese Stuffed Shishito Peppers

Cheese Stuffed Shishito Peppers

This Cheesy Stuffed Shishito Peppers appetizer is easy to make and a flavor bomb even with such simple ingredients - only two ingredients.

This appetizer should also work well with other mild-heat chili peppers such as jalapeno or Korean chili peppers.

Cheesy Stuffed Shishito Peppers
Handful of shishito peppers, make a slit lengthwise to peppers  
Pack of shaved/shredded Parmesan cheese; or cheddar, mozzarella, Feta cheese
Preheat oven at 375F. Lay the peppers on baking tray. Stuff /sprinkle cheese to the peppers. Roast for 15-25mins mins till cheese melts, and peppers are slightly charred

This is another version using shishito peppers, garlic powder over the chili halves, stuffed with cubed cheddar.

This post first appeared on Teczcape-An Escape To Food, please read the originial post: here

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Cheese Stuffed Shishito Peppers
