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That Is Life Blog
*** Cases and things of life and tips of interest
Dinos, Origin
2018-02-11 23:27
Origin of dinosaursFrom the Proterosúquidos (253 to 245 million years), the Arcosaurios arose (245 to 208 million years).The Archosaurs evolved and gave rise to the Dinosaurs that app… Read More
2017-06-16 18:34
Sunspots are regions of the Sun, with less temperature than the rest of the solar surface. In addition, they have a high magnetic activity.The absence of sunspots has a negative effect on th… Read More
Do You Want To Be Amateur Radio?
2017-05-22 00:41
We have the opportunity through the free software HamSphere, to convert our computers into a Transceiver (radio-transmitter), and to make contacts with amateurs around the world and obtain c… Read More
The Space Finite Or Infinite?
2017-03-01 21:10
We think of space as something virtual, but the truth is that space is real and we are immersed in it.According to Einstein, to space must be added the parameter we call time.Space and with… Read More
2017-01-31 22:43
The Sun is a medium-sized star that occupies the center of our planetary system.The mass of the Sun is approximately 300,000 times greater than the mass of the Earth and its diameter is abou… Read More
Where Our Thoughts Reside
2016-11-30 19:20
The telencephalonTelencephalon or BrainIt is the part of the nervous system of the vertebrates, that is protected inside the skull.It is divided into several parts:Forebrain, the midbra… Read More
Human Memory
2016-10-02 21:30
The human being is able to store events that occur during the evolution of the day, by the capabilities of the brain to store information.This ability of the brain, we call memory.Train memo… Read More
The Postage Stamp World's Rarest
2016-09-25 01:04
Some postage stamps, come to reach impressive values, because there are few specimens.It is the case of this, called "Magenta penny," issued by the British colony of Guyana, in 1856.It prese… Read More
Stages Of The Evolution Of Man
2016-08-22 00:20
It all started about 7 million years ago in Africa, when there was a separation of several lines in the evolution of monkeys, and some of these storylines gave rise to the bipedal apes such… Read More
Theory Of Plate Tectonics
2016-08-01 21:48
Tectonic plates are the regions in which is divided Earth's lithosphere.Earthquakes and volcanism, occur mostly in areas of contact, pushing a plate to go against each other, resulting in te… Read More
The Geocentric Theory And Heliocentric
2016-07-21 18:45
The geocentric theory held that the Earth was the center of the universe. Its main exponent was the Egyptian Ptolemy, in his Almagest. It described the movement of planets and stars, through… Read More
Leonardo Da Vinci
2016-07-03 00:28
Leonardo da Vinci was born in Italy, in the town of Vinci, on April 15, 1452.He died in Amboise, France, on May 2, 1519, at the age of 67 years.His mural of the Last Supper took about 10 yea… Read More
Insects And Their Classification
2016-06-19 04:52
After unicellular organisms such as bacteria and microbes, are the most abundant living beings on the planet.There are different models of classification. The more accessible to non-speciali… Read More
Home Microscopes
2016-05-29 02:24
Do you have some microscope at home, no matter if toy and is in good working order?Then you have an object that you will spend incredible moments. Motivated by the videos of microorgani… Read More
2016-05-10 15:37
Birds, I particularly envy them their condition to fly.Imagine if we humans could fly, they would not have so many polluting vehicles.  And yet, there are species of flightless bir… Read More
2016-04-18 04:15
If we do not exercise our intelligence, it atrophies.Daily life presents few options for intellectual development and a good choice are the hobbies. From collecting stamps or other, to… Read More
2016-04-03 02:55
We will have to distinguish between language and dialect.It is understood by language, speech that has a literary body that has been formally standardized. As examples, we have the Indi, Fre… Read More
2016-03-19 17:49
We've all seen or read about "conspiracies". It is the belief that governments hide evidence of relevant facts for their peoples and for humanity.Among these conspiracies, there is a very po… Read More
2016-03-06 21:42
The symbolism is inherent in human beings. For all seek a similar action in the quality of something or some animal.Since ancient times, animals have been taken to implement features such as… Read More
2016-01-30 01:56
I've always loved those little machines that all they do is to spin several needles around its covers.Although not always small: Some are really great as the clock of the church where my mot… Read More
2016-01-14 23:38
Festivals and celebrations are held throughout the year and in each different country, because every country national dates (specific to each country), dates commemorative events have also h… Read More
2015-12-29 19:15
NameSince humans acquired the ability to speak, we have distinguished the things around us, assigning to each a particular word.That particular word also have assigned a word and have called… Read More
2015-12-22 16:26
It was Pythagoras of Samos, who lived about five centuries before Christ, who studied sound with an instrument called monotone (one string), he identified the seven basic sounds with which m… Read More
2015-12-13 00:40
Remember the movie 21 Grams? it is exposed to at the time of death, low body weight, 21 grams.Does weight then the spirit or soul?According to Christian doctrine, the spirit could have no we… Read More
2015-11-11 14:48
The first was undoubtedly sweetener, honey. In ancient times and the Middle Ages, honey was the principal sweetener.In the late Middle Ages, it began to get sugar from sugar beet called. It… Read More
2015-10-27 15:55
One of my hobbies is photography.All art has some basic rules that must be followed for best results.So based on my experience of many years in this art, I dare suggest these five basic rule… Read More
2015-10-20 23:26
Because of the social nature of man, he may have developed a culture that is definitely what distinguishes us from other animals.If man had not met in small groups, then in villages, towns a… Read More
2015-10-13 15:55
It seems that is a task only for experts with large telescopes. But anyone who owns a computer and an Internet connection, you can participate in the search for intelligent life on other wor… Read More
2015-10-04 02:13
They are technologies derived from space research, and commonly use every day:Textile fibers such as Mylar, insulation and very flexible and Kevlar, impact resistant plastic.The laser in spa… Read More
2015-10-01 00:10
In most of the blogs where supposedly you can download books, when wanting to download a book that has caught your attention, instead of being able to download it and already, they send you… Read More
2015-09-21 03:02
What it is "normal?"Science statistics is a function of density, that is, to plot (plot the data on the XY axes), these data are grouped in a central area called normality.The curve that pro… Read More
2015-09-13 20:32
Life is like that, sometimes favorably and others unfavorably.Therefore, following the parable of the good times and the bad times, we must save in the right time, to be how to defend oursel… Read More
2015-09-05 20:06
Two friends take the same train to meet. That would casuality.Two friends agreed to meet at the station are. That's causality.In the first case, nor friends and remembered each other, there… Read More
2015-09-02 23:48
About 3500 million years ago, life appeared in the oceans. They were like the present unicellular microbes and bacteria.The first attempt to classify living things was Aristotle that include… Read More
2015-08-27 00:24
Maintaining an aquarium at home, distracted, flies and taught.It does not take much of our time and let satisfactions.Shall be provided with a good book aquariology even describe how to buil… Read More
2015-08-23 22:37
Sure you have heard these terms, but applied eg meteorology and other sciences.The best description of these terms is when applied to the Topography.All mountains have two sides, the side wh… Read More
2015-08-21 16:38
We use them for distance, see closely, to read as sun protection, eye protection and industry, sports and others.The call glasses, spectacles, sunglasses, goggles ...There hieroglyphics of V… Read More
2015-08-14 20:59
People who use the right hand for writing and other activities that require fine, controlled movements, are referred to as rights.People using his left hand to write and fine and precision m… Read More
2015-08-11 19:36
Moon does "illuminating", a word that comes from Latin.As we know, it is the only satellite of Earth, with synchronous movement which always makes the same face toward eachother.Moon existed… Read More
2015-08-08 16:06
Adage says: "Some are lime and sand are few"That is, you can reach us bad times and then get the best times.When someone goes through bad times, it is often said that phrase to indicate that… Read More

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