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I know it’s been a while and I have a LOT of posts to catch up on.  First things first, updates Since I last wrote, I have (1) graduated from Capella University with my Masters in… Read More
This award was granted by AnxietyAdventures over at Anxiety Adventures: The Chronicles of the Anxious  – this is an excellent blog expressing thoughts/emotions surrounding an… Read More
This image and quote from the Dalai Lama holds a lot of meaning. In stressing over the future or worrying excessively, many develop anxiety responses. In focusing on the past, trauma and pai… Read More
Now you too can start a “Psychiatric ‘Lemonade’ Stand” Like Lucy in Peanuts.  Impress your friends and family, treat that obnoxious anxiety triggered by late nig… Read More

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Coffee Counseling | Putting the FUN in DysFUNction
