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Dark Matter | You've… · 09:53 19 Jul 2024
I don’t have anything much: a pack of smokes, a cupcake, half a Coke,a sheaf of half-finished poems. A limp legwith a delayed step and a stutter now andthen — more now than then… Read More
Dark Matter | You've… · 15:22 17 Jul 2024
Careless — I am carelesstoward the present. I preferthe past and its knowable quirks.I prefer the future and its quirkyunmapped uncertainty. What willhappen versus what did happen?Mean… Read More
Dark Matter | You've… · 11:05 12 Jul 2024
Listening to music and thinking of dyingas an abstract. (You cannot know it, of course,until it happens and then you can’t tell anyonewhat it is like. You will be called an abstract… Read More
Dark Matter | You've… · 10:47 03 Jul 2024
Suppose you take a momentout of your busy day and reflect,like a mirror, on your failingssince you fell victim to the CVA and were unable to tell the timeby ear or simple sense of gap bet… Read More