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Carnivore Diet and Mitochondriac Resource Page

Is the Carnivore Diet a passing fad? I think not. Is it the ultimate elimination diet and does it support our innate genetic make-up? I think so. For some, like those with cancer, depression, autoimmune disease, diabetes, obesity, irritable bowel disease (Crohn’s or ulcerative colitis), SIBO, leaky gut (brain fog), celiac disease, this may possibly be your dietary panacea – the ultimate dietary life hack. An ever-increasing number of people, doctors, and clinics, including myself and a number of my patients, are experiencing life-changing results from adopting or implementing an all fat/meat, Carnivore Diet. To be perfectly clear, the Carnivore Diet may not be right for every person, and it may not need to be strictly followed long-term. This diet is completely worth giving a fair shake. Below are a ton of references to help you make an intelligent and informed decision. I’m trying to present facts and not hype.

“The more information we have the better choices we can make. Making a decision based solely on emotion is not logical. Whether you are a vegan, vegetarian, paleo or carnivore, the diet and lifestyle choices you make should be based on real data that can be supported by logical and substantiated facts, not politically, monetary or emotionally motivated agendas.” Dr. Ettinger

Disclaimer: I do take potassium bicarbonate, sodium bicarbonate, Baja Gold Sea Salt, and magnesium orotate daily. I run 2-3, 10K’s per week and sweat a lot. I also weight train 2-3 hours per week. I find repleting my electrolytes helps me perform at a consistently high level. The diet consists of animal fat, meat, offal and eggs with an approximate 2:1 fat: protein ratio. Red and fatty meats instead of poultry, as well as regular intake of organ meats from chicken, pork and beef, are highly encouraged. Grains, milk, dairy, beans, vegetables, refined sugars, fruit, vegetable oils, seed oil, nightshades, and artificial sweeteners are excluded.

If you are sick or just plain curious (Neo in the Matrix being offered the red pill (red light and enlightenment) or blue pill (blue light, non-native EMF a man-made, artificial life) and would like help sorting through all the bullshit, false data, misconceptions…, I can help. I have spent 30+ years researching and helping people regain Health. It’s not hard but it does take some work and fortitude to achieve the desired results – health, youthful energy, and vitality. It’s a combination of discovering all the WHY(s) contributing to one’s problems, a lot of deprogramming, adopting a new lifestyle, and understanding that continued coaching may be needed. All of this is needed to help achieve a durable resolution to one’s past digression from how we were actually meant to live and eat. For more information, you can reach me at 714-639-4360 (PST)

Carnivore Diet Facebook Groups

    • 100% Carnivore… and Beyond!
    • Zeroing In On Health
    • Principia Carnivora
    • World Carnivore Tribe

Cholesterol, Constipation and Cancer Myths and Truths

Fats, Cholesterol and Heart Disease

High Ratio of Triglycerides to HDL-Cholesterol Predicts Extensive Coronary Disease – Abstract: An abnormal ratio of triglycerides to HDL-cholesterol (TG/HDL-c) indicates an atherogenic lipid profile and a risk for the development of coronary disease. CONCLUSIONS: Although some lipid variables were associated with the extent of coronary disease, the ratio of triglycerides to HDL-cholesterol showed the strongest association with extent.

So how can a person tell if they are insulin resistant and have metabolic syndrome? The Metabolic Syndrome is defined as having 3 of the following 5 conditions: central obesity, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, high serum triglycerides, and low HDL Cholesterol if you have 3 of these you are definitely insulin resistant.  No need to look further.

Here are (2) easy ways to tell if you are insulin resistant.  The first is to get a routine Cholesterol Panel done.  The Triglyceride/HDL Cholesterol ratio has been shown to closely mirror insulin resistance as this study shows (read the “Conclusion”}.  If your Cholesterol Panel was done using U.S. style units (mg/dl) you can simply take your triglyceride number and divide it by the HDL Cholesterol number.  If it is greater than 1.5 there is a good chance you are insulin resistant and you should proceed to the more sensitive HOMA-IR which is the test used to gauge insulin resistance in most clinical trials done recently.   If your report is in the European values of mmol/l (millimoles per liter) you must then multiply the value by 2.3 to get the correct ratio.

To calculate your HOMA-IR you will need to have your doctor order a fasting insulin level and fasting glucose test to be done at the same time.  You then take these 2 numbers and plug them into a HOMA-IR calculator like this one on the internet.  If yours is greater than 1 then you should be concerned and consider a Low Carb, High Fat diet even if you are not overweight.

Cholesterol and Mortality – However, because up to now the guidelines have included a number of serious flaws, [we consider that] they were not valid. Not only lay people but also medical professionals really want to know how all-cause mortality is affected by high cholesterol levels. However, the data on all-cause mortality has never been described in the previous guidelines. If contrary to what seems intuitive—that the mortality of people with higher cholesterol levels is lower—it becomes necessary to reconsider our commonly held belief that cholesterol is bad.

As we show from several lines of evidence in our guidelines, all-cause mortality in Japan is reduced when total or LDL cholesterol values are high. That is to say, people with high cholesterol levels live longer. This fact has been known by researchers for more than 10 years. Why has the general public not been told of this important fact?

Our guidelines, compiled with support from the Japan Society for Lipid Nutrition, present many facts that the general public will not be aware of until now. This situation has been made possible simply because almost all editorial committee members [of CGL] do not receive any research grants from pharmaceutical companies. Also see: Research Lack of an association or an inverse association between low-density-lipoprotein cholesterol and mortality in the elderly: a systematic review

In response to, “Low-Carb Diets Could Shorten Life, Study Suggests” I present Dr. Zoe Harcombe, Ph.D.’s rebuttal, “Low Carb Diets Could Shorten Life (Really?!)”

Saturated Fat Does Not Clog the Arteries: Coronary Heart Disease Is A Chronic Inflammatory Condition, The Risk Of Which Can Be Effectively Reduced From Healthy Lifestyle Interventions – Coronary artery disease pathogenesis and treatment urgently requires a paradigm shift. Despite popular belief among doctors and the public, the conceptual model of dietary saturated fat clogging a pipe is just plain wrong. A landmark systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies showed no association between saturated fat consumption and (1) all-cause mortality, (2) coronary heart disease (CHD), (3) CHD mortality, (4) ischaemic stroke or (5) type 2 diabetes in healthy adults.

Carnivore Diet – What Did All That Meat Do To My Arteries? My Coronary Artery Calcium Score (CACS) Results. Spoiler alert, Dr. Shawn Baker’s results were “0”. A score of “0” means there is no plaque is present. You have less than a 5% chance of having heart disease. Your risk of a heart attack is very low.

Supporting data on the reliability and usefulness of CACS testing for prediction and prevention of cardiovascular disease development aka heart attack. Coronary Artery Calcium Score: Current Status and Cardiac Calcium Scoring – University of Maryland Medical Center. Do You Know Your Heart Calcium Score? You Should – Dr. Joel Kahn. Vegan cardiologist, Dr. Joel Kahn “America’s Healthiest Doc” (LOL) states on his website, “research studies like those cited above indicated that the heart calcium score is the most accurate way to detect silent heart disease and also the strongest predictor of future cardiac events like heart attack and death.” So, basically, a vegan and carnivore can have the same CACS. Let the debate begin.

Records Found in Dusty Basement Undermine Decades of Dietary Advice – Raw data from a 40-year-old study raises new questions about fats. “…substituting vegetable oils lowered total blood cholesterol levels, by an average of 14 percent. But that lowered cholesterol did not help people live longer. Instead, the lower cholesterol fell, the higher the risk of dying: 22 percent higher for every 30-point fall. Nor did the corn-oil group have less atherosclerosis or fewer heart attacks.”

Fiber and Constipation

Stopping or Reducing Dietary Fiber Intake Reduces Constipation and its Associated Symptoms – In conclusion, contrary to popularly held beliefs, reducing or stopping dietary fiber intake improves constipation and its associated symptoms.

“Only A Vegan Diet Can Heal The Gut” | Another Vegan Lie

Dr. Paul Mason – ‘From Fiber to the Microbiome: Low Carb Gut Health’– Dr. Paul Mason obtained his medical degree with honors from the University of Sydney, and also holds degrees in Physiotherapy and Occupational Health. He is a Specialist Sports Medicine and Exercise Physician. Dr. Mason developed an interest in low carbohydrate diets in 2011. Since then he has spent hundreds of hours reading and analyzing the scientific literature. For the last two years, Dr. Mason has been applying this knowledge in treating metabolic and arthritis patients who have achieved dramatic and sustained weight loss and reductions in joint pain.

“Only A Vegan Diet Can Heal The Gut” | Another Vegan Lie (33:30)


HUMAN PERFORMANCE OUTLIERS PODCAST Episode 40: Professor Thomas Seyfried – In this episode, Professor Thomas Seyfried breaks down cancer as a metabolic disease. He explains how cancer thrives and what mistakes we are making in current cancer treatment. The key takeaway from this episode is that cancer loves glucose and the amino acid glutamine. If you cut off the supply of both to the cancer cells, they die. Activation of AMPK suppresses mTOR and vice-versa. Glutamine stimulates mTOR. Targeting Glutamine Metabolism for Cancer Treatment will be a continued focus in the fight against cancer. It’s interesting to note that some of the same substances (EGCG from green tea, curcumin, the medication Metformin and others reduce L-glutamine via disruption/suppression of mTOR) and are potent AMPK activators. Check out Dr. Seyfried’s book, Cancer as a Metabolic Disease. Here’s a recent paper coauthored by Dr. Seyfried, “Mitochondrial Correction: A New Therapeutic Paradigm for Cancer and Degenerative Diseases.” Please utilize it for the information about the mitochondria-cancer connection. I personally do not recommend the paper’s dietary or nutritional supplement recommendation to be utilized over the course of a person’s paleo-ketogenic diet and lifestyle modification protocol. There may be or is a place in the beginning, depending on many factors. But, once the mitochondria begin to become more efficient, supplements may actually interfere with future progress.

Carnivore Diet & Zero Carb Related Articles; Videos and Podcasts; and Books


A Brief History of the Zero Carb Way of Eating – by Paul Mabry MD

Dr. Shawn Baker’s Carnivore Diet: A Review. By Marty Kendal

Zsófia Clemens, Ph.D., is a neurobiologist and clinical researcher specialized in nutrition, nutritional therapy, and brain research. She has been affiliated with the National Institute of Clinical Neuroscience, Budapest and the Neurological Department, University of Pécs, Hungary. She is also the leader of the Paleomedicina Hungary with fellow doctor Csaba Toth. In international academic journals, She has published 40 research articles with more than 1100 citations.”

  • Paleomedicina (Dr. Csaba Tóth & Dr. Zsófia Clemens)
  • “Crohn’s disease successfully treated with the paleolithic ketogenic diet”
  • “The paleolithic ketogenic diet may ensure adequate serum magnesium levels”
  • “Vitamin C and Disease: Insights from the Evolutionary Perspective”
  • Publications by Dr. Csaba Tóth [ResearchGate]
  • “Lard or Coconut Oil?” by Dr. Csaba Tóth
  • @paleoketogenic (Dr. Csaba Tóth) [Twitter]


Using an All-Meat Diet Against Cancer, Diabetes & Autoimmune Conditions Dr.Zsófia Clemens. “Meat causes cancer” is plastered everywhere in the world of health and nutrition but what happens when you pitch a practically all-meat diet against cancer and various other chronic conditions? Time to find out and bust one of the biggest controversies in human health. Here’s another video Paleo-Ketogenic Diet Benefits (+Advanced Tips) • Dr. Zsófia Clemens PhD

Carnivore Diet: Why would it work? What about Nutrients and Fiber? – For those that say, “I’ve tried everything and I’m still sick.” Here is the “Ultimate Elimination Diet” low lectin, low FODMAP, low sulfite, low oxalate, low phytate, no fiber, low salicylate, no nightshade (Nightshade Data) This is what I’m experimenting with now. So far I feel better than I have in a long time and I thought I was as good as I could get, with zero complaints about my health or energy. I have increased endurance, a decrease in body fat at my same weight (increased muscle mass), better mental focus and clarity of thought. Yes, being in a high level of ketosis also plays a part in this.

Dr. Mike Eades – ‘Paleopathology and the Origins of the Paleo Diet’ (47:52) – The video is a little technical, but a must for anyone needing data and facts to support how humans should live – a paleolithic lifestyle. “It is mind-blowing that we have such “controversy” over the Paleolithic diet while we have evidence like stable isotope analysis. Some people just don’t want to learn I guess.” To follow Dr. Eades’ work here’s –The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D. – A critical look at nutritional science and anything else that strikes my fancy

Red Meat and Health – Nina Teicholz. Nina Teicholz is a New York Times bestselling investigative science journalist who has played a pivotal role in challenging the conventional wisdom on dietary fat. Her groundbreaking work, ‘The Big Fat Surprise‘, which The Economist named as the #1 science book of 2014, has led to a profound rethinking on whether we have been wrong to think that fat, including saturated fat, causes disease.

Joe Rogan Experience #1164 – Mikhaila Peterson – Mikhaila Peterson is a food blogger tracking her experiences with the Carnivore Diet at “Don’t Eat That” “The food pyramid is a lie, fat is good for you, and many (if not most) health problems are treatable with diet alone. I’m in remission from severe arthritis (multiple joints replaced), chronic fatigue, depression and a plethora of other symptoms from changing how I eat. This blog chronicles how my family and my parents eat and what it’s done for us.” For more information on Mikhaila Peterson’s journey, past and future, here’s Don’t Eat That – Mikhalia Peterson’s Blog – The food pyramid is a lie, fat is good for you, and many (if not most) health problems are treatable with diet alone. I’m in remission from severe arthritis (multiple joints replaced), chronic fatigue, depression and a plethora of other symptoms from changing how I eat. This blog chronicles how my family and my parents eat and what it’s done for us.

Joe Rogan Experience #1139 – Jordan Peterson – Jordan Peterson is a clinical psychologist and tenured professor of psychology at the University of Toronto. The last part of this podcast goes over Jordan Peterson’s own experience with the carnivore diet and how it improved his health. It’s worth a listen.

Carnivore Diet – Myths about Meat – Phil Escott – WHIS 2018 – Meat myths… Does the Carnivore Diet cause cancer? How reliable are the studies? Did our ancestors eat meat? Were they sick? How should light cycles and circadian biology guide what we eat? What does Ayurveda say about meat eating? Why can we often not stay healthy on what our grandparents ate in this changing world? How does diet relate to artificial light and EMFs? And for any more vegans who pull me up on Shawn Baker’s blood results, here’s my video response to that…… World Health Innovation Summit 2018.

The Health & Wellness Show: The Miraculous Carnivore Diet: Interview with Phil Escott – 05 October 2018

Zero-Carb/Carnivore for 90 days. Pros, Cons, and Lessons – A 15-minute video by Mitch Allan

Robb Wolf’s Paleo Solution Podcast Episode 409 – Amber O’Hearn – Carnivore Diet – On Episode 409 of the Paleo Solution Podcast, we have guest Amber O’Hearn. Amber is a data scientist by profession with a background in math, computer science, linguistics, and psychology. She has been studying and experimenting with ketogenic diets since 1997, and more recently writing and speaking about her findings. Her review on the evolutionary appropriateness and benefit of weaning babies onto a meat-based, high fat, low carb diet, was included as testimony defending Tim Noakes in his recent trial. Amber has been eating a plant-free diet since 2009. And, Primal Edge Health’s 2-hour interview, Amber O’Hearn 9-Year Keto-Carnivore Pioneer – It’s a great interview with Tristan Haggard and L Amber O’Hearn (nine years fully carnivore). If you want to know what carnivory is all about, this is an ideal place to start with just about every common and not so common question answered…

Debunking Season – Debunking “Debunking the Paleo Diet | Christina Warinner | TEDxOU” – Miki Ben-Dor (Ph.D. candidate at the Department of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University and proprietor of “As for teeth, biologists and anthropologists have to learn the term ‘Liem’s Parado’. We frequently hear that the morphology of our teeth provides adequate evidence of humans being omnivores. However, our personal clinical experience with an animal meat-fat-based diet has revealed it as being superior to any other diet in terms of ameliorating recovery from several different diseases. We view this as an indication that humans are meat-eaters rather than omnivores. To resolve the apparent conflict between teeth morphology and the evolutionary adapted diet we propose the Liem’s Paradox. The Liem’s Paradox pertains to an apparent conflict between morphological adaptation and actual use. It suggests that in an evolutionary time scale the morphology of teeth does not necessarily change with a change in the diet. Overall, preserving the morphology of teeth from an earlier evolutionary stage may be beneficial if the old morphology is compatible with both the old and the new diets, but the preferred new diet items are not always available.” Csaba Toth, Paleomedicina Hungary

Ancestral Health Society (AHS18) – Are We Carnivores – Miki Ben-Dor, BA, MBA, Doctoral candidate. Past attempts to estimate the plant/animal ratio of the Paleolithic Diet (e.g., Eaton and Konner, 1985; Cordain et al., 2000; Marlowe, 2005; Kuipers et al., 2010) were based mainly on recent hunter-gatherers’ data. I show that the available ethnographic data is misleading in that it is historically inaccurate and even if it were, significant technological and ecological changes since the Paleolithic prevents the application of this data to the prediction of Paleolithic diets. Archaeology is also a poor source of quantitative prediction of the plant/animal ratio of the Paleolithic diet since plants residues are only rarely preserved. This state of affairs leaves the human physiological record, such as anatomy, metabolism, and genes, as the primary source where an evolutionary record of past plant: animal ratio in the diet is preserved. This record is reviewed, and a clear picture of the plant: animal ratio to which we evolved emerges.


Strong Medicine by Blake F. Donaldson, MD. At a minimum, please read chapters 19 and 20. First published in 1961, Strong Medicine by Dr. Blake F. Donaldson is a diet book supporting a meat-only diet. Dr. Donaldson efficiently treated overweight people with a diet in which up to 24oz. of fat meat were prescribed daily. His philosophy comes from the idea: “During the millions of years that our ancestors lived by hunting, every weakling who could not maintain perfect health on fresh fat meat and water was bred out.”

The Vegetarian Myth: Food, Justice, and Sustainability by Lierre Keith 2009 – Part memoir, nutritional primer, and political manifesto, this controversial examination exposes the destructive history of agriculture—causing the devastation of prairies and forests, driving countless species extinct, altering the climate, and destroying the topsoil—and asserts that, in order to save the planet, food must come from within living communities. In order for this to happen, the argument champions eating locally and sustainably and encourages those with the resources to grow their own food. Further examining the question of what to eat from the perspective of both human and environmental health, the account goes beyond health choices and discusses potential moral issues from eating—or not eating—animals. Through the deeply personal narrative of someone who practiced veganism for 20 years, this unique exploration also discusses alternatives to industrial farming, reveals the risks of a vegan diet, and explains why animals belong on ecologically sound farms. Supportive video: PaleoHacks – Lierre Keith | How a Former Vegan Learned to Love Meat

The Fat of The Land by Vilhjalmur Stefansson. HERE is a book that should be read by everyone who eats meat. It will relieve unnecessary apprehension regarding the food we most enjoy. Of course, it should be read by, or read to, everyone who does not eat meat. The most intensive consideration should come from all those who are working in the fields of nutrition and its allied science, dietetics. Vilhjalmur Stefansson states clearly the fact that men can remain in good health on a diet of meat alone. The evidence is ample and incontrovertible.

Ex-Vegan to Carnivore Stories

Ex-Vegan (2.5 Years): I Almost Died & My Daughter’s Teeth Were Rotting – This is a great representation of what I’ve experienced with my own patients who were vegan. Almost all of them eventually came to realize that their diet was causing more harm than good. Only those who chose veganism for philosophical reasons stayed with it and continued to experience non-optimal health.

84% of Vegetarians and Vegans Return to Meat. Why? – Psychology Today. Hal Herzog, Ph.D. has been investigating the complex psychology of our interactions with other species for three decades. His research interests include the impact of pets on human health and well-being, attitudes toward the use of animals, and the evolution of pet-keeping. An award-winning teacher and researcher, he has published more than 100 research articles and book chapters.

Countering the Vegan Theory and/or Agenda (why not to become a vegan)

Nutrition and Health – The Association between Eating Behavior and Various Health Parameters: A Matched Sample Study – “Moreover, our results showed that a vegetarian diet is associated with poorer health (higher incidences of cancer, allergies, and mental health disorders), a higher need for health care, and poorer quality of life.”

The Least Harm Principle May Require that Humans Consume a Diet Containing Large Herbivores, Not a Vegan Diet– Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics July 2003, Volume 16, Issue 4, pp 387–394. CONCLUSIONS: 1. Vegan diets are not bloodless diets. Millions of animals of the field die every year to provide products used in vegan diets. 2. Several alternative food production models exist that may kill fewer animals than the vegan model. 3. More research is needed to obtain accurate estimations of the number of field animals killed in different crop production systems. 4. Humans may be morally obligated to consume a diet from plant-based plus pasture-forage-ruminant systems.

Vegans: The Epitome of Malnourishment – (Disclaimer: Please don’t watch these videos if you have a sensitive constitution.)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Why Being Vegetarian Could be BAD for Your Teeth: Compound Found in Meat Breaks Down Dental Plaque – and Could Treat Gum Disease – The article was compiled from the research presented in this research journal article published in the PLOS one, “L-Arginine Destabilizes Oral Multi-Species Biofilm Communities Developed in Human Saliva

AHS17 Lost Seasonality and Overconsumption of Plants: Risking Oxalate Toxicity – Sally Norton. In the context of a global food system and 24-hour retail groceries offering every imaginable food 365 days a year, the dictum to “eat more plants” may be dangerous to human health due to unaware excessive consumption of oxalates. Dramatic increases in calcium-oxalate kidney stones, and functional problems with digestive health, neurotoxicity (sleep, brain function), inflammation (pain, autoimmunity, cellular stress, fatigue), and connective tissue instability (osteoporosis, arthritis, vulnerability to injury) are all consistent with increased oxalate toxicity. Learn how modern food choices and meal patterns create the conditions for accumulation of oxalate in the body, and how oxalates create metabolic havoc. This session explains how modern foods and medicines increase susceptibility to oxalates; makes the case for careful attention to oxalate consumption; dispels the notion that all vegetables and seeds are healthy and safe to eat on a regular basis, and introduces the therapeutic benefits of a low-oxalate diet.

Joe Rogan Experience podcast #842 with Chris Kresser – Negative Health Consequences of a Vegan Diet.

Denise Minger – The China Study Fact or Fallacy. This blog post covers only a fraction of what’s wrong with “The China Study.” In the years since I wrote it, I’ve added a number of additional articles expanding on this critique and covering a great deal of new material. Please read my Forks Over Knives review for more information on what’s wrong with the conclusions drawn from Campbell’s casein/aflatoxin research, and if you’d rather look at peer-reviewed research than the words of some random internet blogger, see my collection of scientific papers based on the China Study data that contradict the claims in Campbell’s book.I’ve also responded to Campbell’s reply to my critique with a much longer, more formal analysis than the one on this page, which you can read here.

Grass-fed Beef — The Most Vegan Item In The Supermarket by Drew French – “…Sadly, in the practice of agriculture as it exists now, it is impossible to refrain from causing endless suffering to many living creatures. One could argue that the most suffering of all is caused by the practice of annual agriculture, which is the cultivation of vegetables, including grains, beans, and rice, that only take one year to grow from seed to food. We displace countless wild animals from their homes and landscapes when we cultivate annual crops. Not only that, we also kill thousands of creatures when we till the soil and pull our harvests from its depths…”

Persistence of Neurological Damage Induced by Dietary Vitamin B-12 Deficiency in Infancy – A case is reported of a 14-month-old boy with severe dietary vitamin B-12 deficiency caused by his mother’s vegan diet.

Before Agriculture, Human Jaws Were a Perfect Fit for Human Teeth– …The switch to farming didn’t only cause changes to our jawbones. Two studies published last year (Switching to Farming Made Human Joint Bones Lighter) found that the emergence of agriculture likely precipitated other skeletal changes in humans, causing lighter, less-dense bones, particularly around joints. Such developments appear to be due to both diet and changes in physical activity, particularly the more sedentary lifestyle allowed by farming and domesticating animals.

Livestock, Agriculture and Greenhouse Gases

Nutritional and greenhouse gas impacts of removing animals from US agriculture – “Conclusions: Overall, the removal of animals resulted in diets that are nonviable in the long or short term to support the nutritional needs of the US population without nutrient supplementation.”

Impacts of Soil Carbon Sequestration on Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Midwestern USA Beef Finishing Systems – Dr. Jason Rowntree from Michigan State University

Human Performance Outliers Podcast. Episode 39: Professor Frank Mitloehner (Carnivore, vegan, vegetarian or just curious, this is a must listen to podcast!) – In this episode, Professor Frank Mitloehner joins the show. Professor Mitloehner is a faculty member in the Department of Animal Science at the University of California, Davis. He specializes in measurements and mitigation of greenhouse gases, volatile organic compounds, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, and particulate matter and the study of their effects on human- and animal health and welfare. In short, his lab investigates agricultural productivity and environmental sustainability.

KetoCon 2018 Peter Ballerstedt “Ruminant* Reality Check” – *Ruminants convert “protein” and low nutrient density organic materials into food for humans via anaerobic (without oxygen) microbial fermentation of fibrous plants and plant residues in the rumen. Peter Ballerstedt, Ph.D. Forage Product Manager at Barenbrug USA. “I’m attempting to communicate the messages that the optimal human diet health is grass-based, not grain-based, and that the only truly sustainable form of agriculture is the production of livestock products from grazed forages. I’m a transition agent standing between consumers and producers, hoping to: help them improve their health; change how they each think about nutrition; help producers make changes in their production practices; help Oregon become a leader in grass-based livestock production.”

Peter Ballerstedt – Forage Agronomist – on the Ruminant Revolution! – Nice chat in Corvallis last night with Peter, who has extensive experience in the science of animal feeding practices – and the subsequent impact on their biological makeup. We cover this, the dietary guidelines debacle, low carb for improving health, and a few other topics! Note that we do not get into the detail here of particular genetic profiles that may have a sensitivity to dairy and other animal products – this is a more general overview of the field

Food Facts

Enjoy Your BACON! The Nitrate/Nitrite Cancer Scare Destroyed! – Dr. Ken Berry, MD. For years we’ve been told that processed and/or cured meats increase our risk of cancer. I decided to delve into the research and the common-sense of this issue and see what I could find. You will be surprised at how strong one is, and how weak the other. Nitrates and Nitrite containing salts have been used to cure meats for thousands of years, but only since the 1970’s have we been told that these natural ions cause cancer. Can you enjoy your bacon, or should you avoid nitrate/nitrite due to the cancer risk? It took me a couple months to cut through all of the emotion, blustering, and “expert opinion” on this issue and find out what the research actually shows. If you eat bacon. or other processed meats, you want to watch this video.

  • Nitrate in Saliva:…
  • Nitrate Regulation:
  • More Nitrate/Nitrite Regulation:
  • History of Nitrate/Nitrite Curing:
  • Great Blog about the Subject:

Poison VEGETABLES: the Five-A-Day Myth – Phil Escott – WHIS 2018

WHO Says MEAT Causes Cancer? by Georgia Ede, MD – Dr. Georgia Ede is a Harvard-trained psychiatrist whose areas of expertise include ketogenic and pre-agricultural diets, food sensitivity syndromes, and college mental health. She explores food’s powerful effects on brain chemistry, hormonal balance, and metabolism for Psychology Today and on her website

Will Grilling Your Meat Cause CANCER?? (Watch before you grill again) – Dr. Ken Berry, MD. If we listened to the National Cancer Institute and the World Health Organization we would be convinced that something humans have been doing for a million years is now dangerous, that is grilling meat. Let’s discuss the common-sense of this topic, and also the existing research. Will grilling your meat cause cancer? I think not. But, don’t take my word for it, watch the video and examine the information for yourself. If we are going to tell humans not to cook meat over an open flame then we damned well better have some solid facts to back that up!

Nutritional Myth Busting – Marty Kendall. This post looks at a number of common nutritional beliefs in light of the long-term data:
– Dietary cholesterol is bad for you
– Saturated fat is a “bad fat”
– Polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats are “good fats”
– Fat does not make you fat
– Carbohydrates make you fat
– Calories don’t count
– Salt is bad for you
– Sugar is public enemy #1
– Red meat and eggs are bad for you
– Macronutrient percentages matter

Supplemental Material (What Really Matters)

Bicarbonate Therapy

  • Oral NaHCO3 Activates a Splenic Anti-Inflammatory Pathway: Evidence That Cholinergic Signals Are Transmitted via Mesothelial Cells
  • Sodium Bicarbonate – Mark Sircus Ac., OMD (sections 4, 6 and 7 are the most relevant)

Blue Light (Risks and benefits)

  • Exposure to Blue Light Reduces Blood Pressure Via Increased Plasma Nitric Oxide

Cold Thermogenesis

“It requires 2 weeks of cold to get full adaptation in humans.

When cold is perceived by skin cold receptors over two weeks leptin is liberated from fat cells in massive quantities. Cold empties fats stores like a fire empties a movie theater. It can occur even faster if the method of adaptation is controlled with metal. The modern Zeltiq procedure does this in 45 minutes in a medical office.

The cold liberates leptin directly from white adipose tissue (WAT). Cold environments induce a long-buried genetic program in all mammals that allows for WAT to convert to brown adipose tissues (BAT) to burn calories as free heat and not generate ATP or to increase ROS simultaneously. This allows us to age more slowly, while increasing our metabolism and ability to work on fewer calories all while burning fat to make heat to stay warm.

We also lower our body fat while improving our body composition too! The cold temperatures also raises IGF-1 mRNA to increase Growth Hormone release tremendously. This increases autophagic efficiency and improves muscular and cardiac function quickly. It does this all without exercise!

The cold also increases GnRH and selects for reproductive fitness too. This is important in cold because most mammals are pregnant during winter months.

Cold thermogenesis allows for a constant supply of fatty acids to continuously enter the mitochondria where fat is turned to free heat to allow the mammal to tolerate the cold and where the brain is rewired to allow the liver, heart and skeletal muscle to survive on a ketogenic diet indefinitely for long-term survival.

This evolutionary adaptation provides substantial fuel for the body while not depleting blood glucose. This is how mammals naturally adapted over time and why they were naturally selected for by evolution in their environments. This adaptation optimized fat utilization to prevent the need for the body to use lean tissue reserves during extreme caloric deficits. This is why mammals were ideally adapted for hibernation too until they got too smart for their own genes sake.” Jack Kruse, MD

  • The Cold Thermogenesis Protocol – Jack Kruse, MD
  • Cold Thermogenesis Handbook (how to guide) – PrimalHacker
  • Wim Hof Method – Mini Course
  • Wim Hof Method | Every day for 1 Year (Will Grant – Wim Hof testimonial)
  • ICE SWIM | Feeling the power from the cold (Inspirational Video)


Deuterium Depletion: The Most Powerful Health Hack You’ve Never Heard Of – Best takeaways: A natural ketogenic diet (high fat and moderate protein) as a metabolic therapy helps to deplete deuterium. Basically, it contains the least deuterium and helps to reduce the overall burden, by increasing the generation/level of deuterium depleted water (DDW) in the body. Also, food is better than anything you can make from it – ie supplements…

What exactly is deuterium?

It is a rare isotope of hydrogen (only 0.000155% of hydrogen atoms) that contains a proton and a neutron in its nucleus, and the extra neutron doubles the mass of this type of hydrogen atom. When two deuteriums combine with oxygen, the resulting substance is referred to as “heavy” water, 2H2O, because of the additional mass. Although heavy water tastes and looks the same as ordinary water, it doesn’t behave the same: it has a higher boiling point, a lower freezing point, and ice cubes made with heavy water will sink in ordinary water. These differences demonstrate that the presence of Deuterium can change chemical behavior.

Why does that matter?

Hydrogen is in the air we breathe, the food we eat, and the water we drink, and as we take hydrogen into our body, it becomes part of our blood, organs, DNA, and everything else that makes us who we are. When deuterium builds up in your body, it changes chemical reactions at a cellular level and has devastating effects on your metabolism. Deuterium buildup can affect your ability to create and use energy, limit your DNA’s ability to replicate, change how you respond to clinical treatments, and generally change, on a fundamental level, how your body works and, as a result, who you are.

“Another issue with deuterium, but not covered in either talk is that deuterium is more sensitive to electromagnetic fields. Because of its greater magnetic moment. This is how the body actually separates it from regular hydrogen. The body then puts it in places where magnetic reactivity is desirable and keeps it out of places where it is not. This process is ultimately driven by sunlight. The sunlight put the deuterium in specific places in food molecules so it’s no surprise that sunlight is also required by our bodies if we want to dismantle the food and its deuterium in an orderly fashion. So eating high deuterium foods is ok in strong sunlight, but not out of that season. Also, a (KEY POINT) deuterium in excess or in the wrong places makes us MORE SENSITIVE TO non-native EMF’s (nnEMFs). Now think of all the deuterium loaded humans bathing in wifi etc. Any wonder we have diseases and premature aging, especially in the deuterium collectors par excellence aka VEGANS.”  – Graeme Norbury

Deuterium Depletion Revisited: The Missing Link With Dr. Anne Cooper #166


  • Nutritional Armor in Evolution: Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) as a Determinant of Neural, Evolution and Hominid Brain Development – Michael A. Crawford Ph.D., FSB, FRCPATH
  • Serial Circulating Omega 3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Healthy Ageing Among Older Adults in the Cardiovascular Health Study: Prospective Cohort Study
  • The Fish Paradox: Are Maternal Omega-3 (n-3) DHA and Selenium (Se) Intake Protective Against Negative Effects of Methylmercury Exposure on Infant Cognitive Development?
  • Effect of Marine Omega 3 Fatty Acids on Methylmercury-Induced Toxicity in Fish and Mammalian Cells In Vitro
  • Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) Signalolipidomics in Nutrition: Significance in Aging, Neuroinflammation, Macular Degeneration, Alzheimer’s, and Other Neurodegenerative Diseases
  • Effect of docosahexaenoic acid-rich fish oil supplementation on human leukocyte function
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Brain Resistance to Ageing and Stress: Body of Evidence and Possible Mechanisms
  • Docosahexaenoic Acid is More Effective than Eicosapentaenoic Acid in Increasing the Omega-3 Index Measured in Red Blood Cell Membranes

EMF (5G)

Here are some methods which can be used to protect yourself from the effects of EMF’s – by increasing mitochondrial function and/or mitochondrial density, as well as being supportive against oxidative stress.

  1. Follow a natural ketogenic diet, low in deuterium. (See Deuterium above)
  2. Cold Thermogenesis Therapy (Source 1, 2. See also CT above)
  3. Consume a diet rich in DHA (salmon and sardines). If you can’t then supplement. (Source and see DHA above)
  4. Get morning sun exposure – before

This post first appeared on Functional Medicine Blogarama, please read the originial post: here

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