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Pregnancy, Parenting, Breastfeeding
I am probably the  most nagging forum administrator in MyMomsBest forum.  No to this, no to that.  The [tag]baby walker[/tag] is one of the no-no.… Read More
Three ways children can be bullied * Physical bullying – this happens when your child is hit, pushed, has her hair pulled and so on. * Verbal bullying   Read More
What is bullying? Bullying can range from teasing to name calling, from spreading nasty rumours about someone to threats of intimidation or actual physical aggression. The effect of bu… Read More
If new parents read too much, they will be so freaked out about taking care of babies.  If they are lucky, they (new parents)  probably have grown up in a home where… Read More
Few days ago, my eldest son who was 16 years old got into an accident and had bruises and cuts.  We took him to the doctor for a check-up.  Incidentally, he just had… Read More
I posted about this 63 yrs old mother who had an IVF using a donated egg and the sperm of her new husband to get a baby. It is sad sometimes, when celebrities and other rich people pile on m… Read More
There are many little, nitty-gritty things that can happen to a new born.  One of them is hernia.  Once, one of my baby had a swollen testicles and I took him to the… Read More
My kids grew up with Santa Claus, tooth fairies and sometimes, even fairy godmothers. Well, you don’t have to worry about them being fooled silly and turned out to be weird adults. B… Read More
How To Get A Child To Love Reading
This is not a ‘pose for camera’ shot but a pic I took when my toddler and I hang out at the skateboarding park during the evenings. Frankly, getting a child to read is a no prob… Read More
There are some things in life that I do not agree upon. One of them is to buy life insurance for my children. And I see cord blood banking as such. No matter how a person tries to convinc… Read More
Big Mother is watching you michelle kirsch (Timesonline) New softwre lets parents secretly check every computer keystroke their children make. Do the perils of the internet justify such spy… Read More
With relation to the previous post on MMR (mumps, measles and rubella jab), I would like to share these helpful tips regarding measles which I have taken from BBC Health site. It is prepare… Read More
This is another health alert on what to avoid when pregnant.  Vitamin E is found naturally in the foods we eat.  Therefore, those women who are trying to conceive are… Read More
One of our forum member has asked about the above but so far, no other member can share any such experience. When LH does surge and your egg is released, the ruptured follicle begins produci… Read More
Preparing Baby Foods
On over MyMomsBest website, there are several good resources from a paediatrician/lactation consultant regarding starting solids and also some of my personal tips on preparing baby foods. Th… Read More
Or rather – a dad’s account of how his wife made it to the hospital by foot because they don’t own a car. Pregnant moms and dads whose wives are expecting will love to re… Read More
Getting pregnant is a funny thing.  Just when you thought you can easily hit the bull’s eye, you may go for months and years without any success.  I had been th… Read More
The statistics are clear: kids who dine with the folks are healthier, happier and better students, which is why a dying tradition is coming back By NANCY GIBBS (full article here on Time… Read More
I like this. Who wouldn’t. After the dedication given by all the breastfeeding mothers towards encouraging other mothers to breastfeed, we love this sort of news. I copied this from… Read More
Food To Increase Breastmilk
There are foods that some mothers claim that can increase breastmilk.  Fenugreek is one of them but they are not to be taken by pregnant mothers.  (PLEASE NOTE THIS)… Read More
Father’s Day Gifts Ideas
Father’s Day is just next week. How are you, young mothers with small children, celebrating this day with your spouse? I found a leaflet from the newspapers promoting a super-expens… Read More

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