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On Kiltz’s Keto Cure


Good morning, good morning, Dr. Rob Kiltz. How are you doing on another awesome and amazing day?  I’m here to share with you a little bit about the health and wellness of your Ferrari.  This doesn’t take a whole bunch of mystery, by the way. The human Body is really very simple. You need lots of air; a little bit of water; a lot less food; and lots of love. Right? Mind, Body, Smile, check it out. But I’m here to share a little bit about how to fuel the Ferrari—that’s the human Ferrari.  And if you haven’t checked out my TedX talk, please check it out. It’s another awesome and amazing conversation. Just sharing some thoughts and ideas that are opposite approaches to your health and wellness.

It’s kind of simple:  food, water, air.  This all comes into the body through the upper entity called your mouth (and the nose brings in the air, but let’s stick to the mouth right now). The food is composed of carbs, which equal sugar; protein, which is essentially Amino Acids; and fat, which makes up fatty acids. Now, these three things go into the mouth and down into the stomach and into the intestines—small and then the large. They basically are micronized or simplified into those sugars, amino acids, and fatty acids. Simple, right? All of the amino acids and simple sugars go to the liver where they must be converted into fat. All of the blood flow from the gastrointestinal tract goes to the liver where it must be converted to fat or you die. And insulin, also its blood supply from the pancreas, goes directly to the liver where its necessary to convert both amino acids and simple sugars into fat. Because we need zero

carbohydrates or sugar in our diet, ever, you need very little amino acids, by the way. In a plant-based diet, you are missing some of the most important components of both amino acids and fatty acids. You get plenty of carbs, but there is no carbohydrate that is essential in our bodies. A plant-based diet is almost all sugar, my friends. I’m sorry. It’s really an interesting concept in this, and how to learn and understand this because it doesn’t make sense so often.

The fat from the gastrointestinal tract goes into the lymphatics. The lymphatics need fat. That’s where the chylomicrons pack the phospholipids and then shove them into the lymphatics, and they go right to the thoracic duct, where they dump into the heart. This is critical, by the way. You have to have a ton of fat going through this in order to have a functional GI tract and to have a functional lymphatic system. My bet is that one of our biggest problems is that we don’t eat fat. And plant fat is industrial fat that you and I never had access to. All of this bottled fat and canned fat and “health” fat is not good for us.

I know it’s a crazy, crazy concept. My job at 62 as a physician practicing mostly fertility is to help us all understand that basically carbs are unnecessary and they are the cause of your diabetes, hypertension, your irritable bowel, your colitis, your every disease including maybe Alzheimer’s, dementia, Parkinson’s, ALS, MS, I’ll go down the list. It’s basically due to a high plant-based diet and a low-fat diet. FAT IS CRITICAL in order for the lymphatics to function properly.

There’s a tremendous amount of cancer going around. My bet is that cancer is caused by the carbs that basically seep in through the lymphatics because the liver can’t handle the amount of sugar we are eating 3-6 times a day—complex carbs. The complex carbs spill out into the bloodstream in order to go to the heart and then spills into every nook and cranny of our body. It gets into the interstitial spaces, which are between the cells, there are these things called the interstitial spaces. So, the blood supply comes in and the blood supply goes out, but a lot of the liquid components that are dissolved in the lymph are seeping into through the cells and interstitial spaces and then they must go out through the lymphatics, which are all over our body. The lymphatics—we don’t even talk enough about them, but they are critical. All of those lymph nodes, all of those cancers that are lymphomas are likely caused by a high carb diet/low-fat diet which doesn’t allow the lymph to flow properly. It’s like oil in the Ferrari. Your body needs oil, and it needs a lot of it. We are told don’t touch fat because it will make you unhealth, but in fact a high fat / low-carb (ultra low carb to no carb) diet like Kiltz’s Keto Cure, which is bacon, eggs, butter, beef, ice cream (B.E.B.B,I.).

I know it sounds really crazy. It doesn’t make any sense, but it is amazing. We have negated the lymphatic system which is critical. There’s this really large duct called the thoracic duct which basically goes up from the gut and dumps right into the heart eventually through the thoracic duct in the superior vena cava on the left side. Interestingly enough, the lymph system is split between the upper arm and the upper chest on the right and the upper face on the right. And then the left side is the entire gut and lower extremities. It’s an amazing system, the lymphatic systems, which causes swelling and edema everywhere because just like hypertension is caused by vasculitis, lymphangitis, which basically trashes our ability to move the water or the serum fluid around the body which carries the fat which is the Ferrari fuel for your body. It gets messed up and then inside these lymph nodes, these lymph nodes have these areas in them that process all of the foreign particles like plant antigens and microorganisms that get into our body through a very high carbohydrate diet and raw food, in the way of a plant-based diet: seeds, nuts, vegetables, fruit, and fiber—which we don’t need ever, by the way. This is the crazy part of the story.

I’m not here to sell a potion or a protein powder. And high protein mixes, shakes, and bars are equally deadly to everything else. I do not exercise at age 62. Haven’t done it for nearly 10 years. I’ve got a great workout studio. I used to get on that bike and work out, but I knew that all of the aches and pains were coming from that. When I stopped it, they were gone. Well, almost. There’s a little bit of it here and there. It happens to all of us because inflammation is everywhere. You’ve got to get up and move. I’m not telling you to be a couch potato, but believe me, you haven’t heard of all of those couch potato deaths.

Carbohydrates are like cocaine. Once you touch it, it’s hard to get it out of there. But basically, you’ve got to get a trash can and throw it all away. I know, it doesn’t make sense. Alcohol, beer, wine, and spirits are not good for you in any daily amount. Only have it very rarely and from time to time maybe, but only a little teeny tiny bit.

Remember: food, water, and air. The air is critical to come into the lungs where it graphs onto all of the carbon dioxide that’s been tossed off by the mitochondria in making the energy to keep you moving.  It’s got to grab onto the oxygen that’s coming in, so there’s this little passage of carbon dioxide out of the lungs and oxygen into the lungs. But at every cellular level, there are mitochondria, which are the energy makers of the universe. They require fat, which is where you get acetyl Co-A.  That is the energy of our body, not glucose or amino acids although they are both converted in the liver only to acetyl Co-A and then to fat and distributed everywhere in your body. So, you can eat that high plant-based diet, but you must make fat. You must have insulin to make fat, and you must have a liver to make fat. The only place in the human body that makes fat is the liver from insulin. Type I diabetics don’t make fat, and liver failure patients don’t make fat. It’s most simple and amazing story in the universe.

The movement of air is critical to get rid of the carbon dioxide.  Blood flow at the microvascular level is critical to do the same thing—take the carbon dioxide out of the are because it is toxic to your blood vessels, the interstitial spaces, and the lymphatics. We haven’t really talked about the lymphatics at all, but this idea that there’s a barrier to prevent fats and glucose and every dissolved molecule in any of those things from getting into your brain is crazy. Our brain is amazing. It utilizes acetyl Co-A and fat for energy, my friends, and NOT glucose.

This is the challenge and the problem. We’ve all been led to believe one thing, but the very opposite is true. I know I sound like a crazy doctor, but as a reproductive endocrinologist and fertility specialist and having spent a year learning about internal medicine, I’m now understanding that your human Ferrari—no matter the size or the shape, height, or however you are—you can kick ass and get back to your human Ferrari-ness that you already are or your Lamborghini-ness or your BMW-ness or Porsche or Ford or whatever you admire. You are healthy and well already. What you need to do is don’t keep on fueling the Ferrari six times a day and then taking it to the racetrack and racing around and thinking Voila, I’m going to be the best thing ever. You’re going to end up in the junk yard!  And Adam Weitsman, my good friend, is going to be taking your car and putting it right back into the particles of metal that can now be made into something else. That’s basically what happens to us. We all get processed, compacted, micronized, and sent back into the universe as energy, at the very microscopic level.

From time to time, go enjoy those things and enjoy with your friends. Get a chance to talk to a good friend every single day. Paul Magarelli, amazing doctor. I admire him tremendously. He actually taught me much about keto, Paleo, and the science of food. But now I realize that there is another level to the science of food. Remember, what you put into that Ferrari matters most. You are it! Remember, food one time a day at night then rest and digest. All of this morning stuff—and remember oats, oatmeal, and those little O’s that are cheery are sugar, and your body does not require them. They are plant antigens. Those plant antigens manage to get into the lymph nodes along with all of the microorganisms that are in the cereal we eat. Those little antigens and little bugs (and they’re allowed to have so much in there).  We can eat them, by the way. Now they have dog food and cat food that are made of bugs! What dog or cat wants to eat a bug?

Basically, all of these little plant antigens or microscopic organisms that illicit our body to react against them. It’s basically like pouring acid all over your body. The acid damages the interstitial spaces, the lymphatic spaces, the blood vessels, and every organ of our body—the brain, lymph nodes, the thyroid, the pancreas, the stomach, the kidneys, the renals, the adrenals, our joints, our muscles, our nerves, our eyes—every single sensory organ of our bodies is messed up by eating a high plant-based diet and eating 3-6 times a day.

You know my craziness:  Feed’em, fuck’em, and put’em to bed. Go shopping. I’m not here to insult anybody, but basically,we are feeding and reproducing animals and that’s who we are, but we are amazing, pristine gods. We have the power of God to control our internal environment, but you need to change what your listening to, what you’re watching, and what you’re doing every day.

If you have a cupboard full of beer, wine, and spirits, get rid of them! Marijuana, heroin, cocaine – get rid of it. Fruits, fiber, and vegetables, they look good, don’t they? But they are like that sexy car or dress or that thing that you just can’t live without. But believe me, you could live with a healthy, amazing mind, body, and hold the smile. Check out Mind, Body, Smile. I know this is all crazy, right?

Ultimately, the ring of fire is the colon. And we’re filling it with a tremendous amount of carbs and plant-based sticks:  lettuce, bread, pasta, yogurt, milk.  All of this stuff gets to the colon and the ring of fire, takes the plant material with the bacteria and yeast, and ferments it. That damages the colon. It heats it up. Damages all of the organs in the pelvis, the bowel, and the belly and sends that inflammation to the lymphatics, to the vasculature, to the brain, to the neurons, to everything in our body, and it trashes us to no end.  Aah, one end:  cancer, diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, dementia, anxiety. It’s natural to be a little depressed and anxious from time to time, by the way. So, if you’re throwing a drug at it every single time, you might stop and think.

You are the one who controls what you put in here (the mouth, what gets in here (the mind), and what gets in here (the eyes). Remember, you are the creator via your interpretation of what’s good/bad, right/wrong, easy/hard, and I know this all sounds crazy.

I’m a little nuts, but if you keep it simple and boring—“how do you eat steak and eggs every day?”  Well, how do you stay with that same partner every day? How do you stay with yourself every day? Variety and spice are fun from time to time, but is deadly on a daily basis. Your mind requires the focused—get right to the center of that cross. That’s what it’s all about. It’s belief in a higher power. And I’m not here to promote any religion. All religions and spiritual beliefs are fantastic if they’re focused on kindness, goodness, love, and generosity. That’s it, for all of us.

The Master is within you. You have the ability to change all things. It doesn’t have to be pork bacon, by the way.





Ice Cream (Kiltz’s Ice cream)

BEBBI – “baby”. I’m a fertility doctor, that’s why I promote this. I recommend you eat the bacon, eggs, and the fat. Butter, beef, fatty meat, foie gras, rib eye, rib eye, rib eye. The fattiest, fattiest, fattiest, that’s the home run.  I know. I’m going to tell you that a high plant-based diet is putting a ton of sugar in everything. The antigens are coming from the seeds and nuts are dangerous. There’s no such thing as almond milk. It’s mushed up almonds. It’s like mushed up grains from wheat. And oat milk—they’re all deadly for us. From time to time, maybe, but if you’re allergic to it-never. My bet is there are allergies happening below the surface for all of us. That’s it. It’s a crazy, crazy, concept.

If you’re eating a high plant-based diet, narrow it out. Add a ton of fat. You’ve got to add the cream, the butter, the eggs. As a vegan, look towards coconut oil and hemp seed oil, but narrow it up. From time to time, consume one meal a day. Get off the treadmill. That treadmill is just going to damage all of the joints. It’s going to heat up the body. It causes inflammation, which is the foundation of our death and destruction.

Start every day with a clean slate. Are you reading something positive and uplifting every day? Look at Mind, Body, Smile. I’ll bet a billion dollars on this story. It’s a crazy one.

Meditation and focusing on the breath that brings in that fresh air but also tosses out the carbon dioxide. It allows the blood to flow in a more natural way to every single entity of your body. You’re perfect no matter your shape or your size. Obesity doesn’t cause diseases. It’s basically what you put into your bucket. I call this the belly bucket of bad. It’s a crock of shit, and if it’s smelly shit, you know you’re eating a bunch of shit that gets fermented in the belly and causes diseases.

Kiltz’s Keto is different. It’s very narrow. It’s one meal a day at night before you rest and digest. Or before you nap . . . take plenty of naps, by the way. You’ve got to rest the Ferrari. You’ve got to shine it up. Remember to lube and grease and oil it up. That is generally animal-based fat. Low protein diet is my opinion. Hemp seeds have all of the essential amino acids and fatty acids, so they’re a really great way, but get rid of marijuana, heroin, cocaine, alcohol. Get it out of your body, our of your Ferrari. It’s going to damage it. It’s going to put it in Adam Weitsman’s wrecking yard, and we don’t want you to be in the wrecking yard. We want you to be full of health and wellness.

From time to time, you can go out to the track and maybe you’re the pace setter in front of everyone, then you can get off and let them go get it. But we want to show off, all of us. That’s our nature—look at me, look at me! You know why.

I know I sound crazy, but I’m just sharing some thoughts and ideas that I’ve learned about how to make you healthy. I’ve learned a lot from Maria Emmerich, Gary Taubes, Jason Fung, Jimmy Moore, Andreas Eenfeldt, the list goes on.

Kiltz’s Keto means narrow it down and slow it down. Meditation, yoga, prayer, visualization. Remember, read something positive and uplifting every day. And every nook and cranny of your body will feel amazing and better.

I’m not here to sell you protein shakes or supplements. We do recommend CNY CBD oil for those aches and pains. We think it’s anti-inflammatory and helpful, but basically a little bit of coffee or tea, a little bit of fresh water, but don’t pound it down. That dilutes  our system. You don’t need so much, by the way. Check out Side Hill Farmers and Snake River Farms for the really best, amazing rib eyes.

God Bless. Enjoy the day.

~Dr. Rob Kiltz


This post first appeared on Mind Body Smile | Daily Smile Therapy By Dr. Rob, please read the originial post: here

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On Kiltz’s Keto Cure


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