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All About Piles. Blog
Piles, also known as hemorrhoids, is a common medical condition affecting millions of people worldwide. It occurs when the veins in the rectal area become swollen and inflamed, causing discomfort and pain. While piles can occur at any age, the risk of developing this condition increases as you age. This is because the tissues supporting the rectum and anus weaken, making it easier for the veins to swell and become painful. Other factors that can increase the risk of developing piles include pregnancy, obesity, a low-fiber diet, and chronic constipation. Symptoms of piles can vary from person to person, but the most common ones include rectal bleeding, itching, and discomfort in the anal region. In some cases, piles can also cause severe pain and discomfort, making it difficult to sit or have a bowel movement. If you suspect you have piles, it is important to seek medical attention immediately. A doctor can diagnose the condition and recommend appropriate treatment based on the severity of your symptoms. In most cases, mild cases of piles can be treated with home remedies, such as increasing fiber intake, drinking plenty of fluids, and using over-the-counter creams or ointments. However, if the condition is severe or has been ongoing for a long time, medical intervention may be necessary. Treatment option,s may include prescription medications, such as corticosteroids or painkillers, or surgical procedures, such as hemorrhoidectomy or rubber band ligation. In conclusion, piles can be a painful and uncomfortable condition, but it is important to seek medical attention promptly to prevent the condition from worsening. With the right treatment, most cases of piles can be successfully managed, allowing you to live a comfortable and pain-free life. CAUSES OF PILES: Excessive Straining While Emptying Bowels Effect: Swelling and Inflammation of Anus Veins Symptoms: Difficulty Passing Stools, Bleeding, Pain Experiencing difficulty passing stools, bleeding, and pain during bowel movements can be a result of excessive straining. This behavior causes the veins around the anus to become swollen and inflamed. It is essential to address this issue to prevent further discomfort and complications. Chronic Constipation Chronic constipation is a leading cause of piles and fissures. When you experience this condition for an extended period, it can lead to frustration and excessive straining during bowel movements. 3.The Challenges of Obesity: Obesity poses various challenges and health implications. One significant consequence of obesity is the increased likelihood of developing piles among individuals who suffer from constipation. Being pregnant: can result in chronic constipation and pelvic complications that make passing stools challenging without prolonged straining. This straining can lead to piles. Potential Risks of Regular Heavy Lifting Regular heavy lifting can have negative effects on the pelvic and anal region. The strain caused by lifting heavy weights may result in the swelling of veins around the anus, leading to the development of piles. In addition, this type of lifting can increase the risk of bowel incontinence Overindulging in Spices Overindulging in spices may not be the root cause of hemorrhoids, but it can exacerbate an already existing condition. Consuming excessive amounts of spicy food, for instance, can irritate the rectum during bowel movements, causing excruciating pain and discomfort. While Ayurvedic remedies for hemorrhoids can assist in managing the condition, seeking medical advice is recommended in the event of extreme pain and bleeding. Furthermore, accurate diagnosis is critical for effective treatment since hemorrhoids come in various forms, and each necessitates a distinct treatment approach. If you are unable to identify the symptoms, it is advisable to consult with a doctor. Ayurveda’s Take on the Digestive Concerns Relating to Piles: Ayurveda associates piles, fissures, and related digestive issues with the three Doshas - Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. According to Ayurveda, each individual has a unique combination of Doshas, and the dominance of two Doshas determines their digestive concerns. For instance, low levels of Vata and Pitta Doshas are usually associated with piles, and Ayurvedic medicines aim to balance the Dosha levels and improve the body's digestive fire, known as Agni. Vata Dosha governs the body's movements, and its imbalance can cause dryness in the bowel contents, resulting in constipation and painful black haemorrhoids. On the other hand, Pitta Dosha is hot and excessive levels can lead to diarrhoea, excessive thirst, and inflamed bleeding haemorrhoids. Kapha Dosha, being cold and heavy, can cause large light-colored haemorrhoids when imbalanced. In summary, Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of balancing the three Doshas to maintain healthy digestion and prevent digestive concerns such as piles and fissures. How to Manage and Prevent Haemorrhoids Naturally? 1- Title: Importance of Not Ignoring Your Urge to Go to the Bathroom Content: One of the basic requirements of maintaining good health is to attend to our body’s natural urges promptly. Ignoring the urge to use the bathroom, whether it is to urinate or defecate, can lead to various health complications. Here are some reasons why you should not hold your urges, particularly when it comes to bowel movements: Avoid Hard and Dry Stool When we ignore the urge to pass stool, the stool remains in the bowel for a longer period. As a result, the moisture from the stool gets absorbed, making it hard and dry. Passing such a hard stool can be painful and uncomfortable. Moreover, it can lead to constipation, which can cause abdominal pain, bloating, and other digestive issues. Prevent Hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the rectum or anus that can cause discomfort, pain, and bleeding. Straining to pass stool when there is no natural urge can increase the pressure on the venous cushion in the rectum. This can lead to the development of hemorrhoids, which can be quite uncomfortable and difficult to manage. Therefore, it is important to heed the body's natural urges to go to the bathroom. While it may be difficult to take a break from our busy lives, we must prioritize our health and well-being. By attending to our body's natural urges promptly, we can prevent health complications and maintain optimal digestive health 2- IMPROVE YOUR DIET. To maintain a healthy digestive system and prevent haemorrhoids, it's important to improve your diet. Avoid fried, salty, processed, and high-fat foods, as well as red meat, chocolate, candy, alcohol, and sugary drinks. Instead, increase your fibre intake by consuming beans, lentils, fruits, and vegetables. Staying hydrated by drinking more water can also prevent piles.. 3- EXERCISE REGULARLY. Regular exercise can prevent digestive concerns and bowel problems. A sedentary lifestyle can slow down bowel movements and cause haemorrhoids. Moderate physical activity helps stool move comfortably out of the bowel. Brisk walking, sprinting, cycling, or Yoga are good options to keep your digestive tract healthy. If you have existing haemorrhoids, avoid heavy weight-lifting, squatting, or exercises that pressure the abdomen. How can Ayurvedic medicine help in treating piles and fistula? Ayurveda takes a comprehensive approach to manage and treat piles and fissures. The aim is to bring and maintain the natural balance of the three Doshas and to benefit the overall health. Adding to that, some helpful herbs can make effective Ayurvedic medicines for haemorrhoids. 1. Touch-me-not plant The touch-me-not herb has been recognized for its medicinal properties in the treatment of bleeding piles. It contains mimosine, an alkaloid known for its pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties. Ayurvedic practitioners and Vaidyas have recommended the use of touch-me-not plants for treating piles since ancient times. To achieve optimal results, a paste made from touch-me-not leaves can be externally applied to the affected area. Kerala Ayurveda's Pilogest capsules incorporate touch-me-not and other beneficial herbs to alleviate symptoms and prevent future occurrences. TRIPHALA: Triphala, a combination of three powerful herbs namely Amalaki, Bhibhitaki, and Haritaki, can provide long-term relief from piles. This herbal mixture is known for its efficacy in alleviating constipation, which in turn reduces the risk of straining and developing piles. Its unique composition makes it an excellent ingredient for promoting smooth bowel movements. 3. Guggul for piles Guggul, also known as Balsamodendron Mukul, is a highly effective anti-inflammatory herb in Ayurvedic medicine. It can assist in reducing inflammation, managing hemorrhoids, and offering quick and long-lasting relief from piles. Guggul has both laxative and astringent properties, which aid in the metabolism of the bioactive etiologic elements of hemorrhoids. This aids in the elimination of toxins (Ama) and improves digestive health. Key Takeaways Haemorrhoids can cause pain and inconvenience, and lifestyle changes and a healthy diet are essential for managing them. Piles may result from factors such as bowel strain, constipation, obesity, pregnancy, low-fibre diet, and excessive consumption of spicy food. Ayurveda suggests that an imbalance in the three Doshas may contribute to the development of piles. Natural tips can assist in managing and preventing haemorrhoids, and several Ayurvedic herbs are beneficial for treating piles and fissures.
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2023-08-07 07:26
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2023-04-04 06:11
(TREATMENT,CAUSES AND MORE)Piles, also known as hemorrhoids, is a common medical condition affecting millions of people worldwide. It occurs when the veins in the rectal area become swollen… Read More
2023-04-04 05:59
(SYMPTOMS,TREATMENT AND MORE)What are hemorrhoids? Hemorrhoids refer to swollen veins that surround the lower rectum and anus, which can become inflamed and bulge. The two primary… Read More

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