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Tales Of Mystery And Imagination Blog
Online Literature, Tales of Mystery and Imagination, escritores de misterio, terror, ciencia ficción y fantasía del mundo
Edward Frederic Benson: Bagnell Terrace
I had been for ten years an inhabitant of Bagnell Terrace, and, like all those who have been so fortunate as to secure a footing there, was convinced that for amenity, convenience, and tranq… Read More
Elizabeth Gaskell: Disappearances
I am not in the habit of seeing the Household Words regularly; but a friend, who lately sent me some of the back numbers, recommended me to read "all the papers relating to the Detective and… Read More
Clifford Donald Simak: Mirage
THEY came out of the Martian night, six pitiful little creatures looking for a seventh. They stopped at the edge of the campfire's lighted circle and stood there, staring with their owlish e… Read More
Carlos Buiza: La Caída
DEL COMANDANTE AL CONSEJO SUPREMO DEL SISTEMA REYGAL. - Hemos detectado otro Sistema Planetario y a él nos dirigimos. Parece ser el más propicio según nuestros instrumen… Read More
Robert Sheckley: Watchbird
Strange how often the Millennium has been at hand. The idea is peace on Earth, see, and the way to do it is by figuring out angles. When Gelsen entered, he saw that the rest of the watchbird… Read More
Algis Budrys: The War Is Over
A slow wind was rolling over the dusty plateau where the spaceship was being fueled, and Frank Simpson, waiting in his flight coveralls, drew his nictitating membranes across his stinging ey… Read More
Harlan Ellison: Susan
As she had done every night since they met, she went in bare feet and a cantaloupe-meat-colored nightshift to the shore of the sea of mist, the verge of the ocean of smothering vapor, the e… Read More
Hector Hugh Munro (Saki): Tobermory
It was a chill, rain-washed afternoon of a late August day, that indefinite season when partridges are still in security or cold storage, and there is nothing to hunt - unless one is bounded… Read More
Ray Bradbury: The Highway
THE cooling afternoon rain had come over the valley, touching the corn in the tilled mountain fields, tapping on the dry grass roof of the hut. In the rainy darkness the woman ground corn be… Read More
Philip K. Dick: Roog
“Roog!” the dog said. He rested his paws on the top of the fence and looked around him. The Roog came running into the yard. It was early morning, and the sun had not really come… Read More
José María Aroca: Traidor
Le cogieron en París. Los seres misteriosos habían desaparecido. Pero unas cuantas chozas de brillante metal en la tundra siberiana daban mudo testimonio de que no había… Read More
Dale Bailey: Sleep Paralysis
I am subject to dreams, especially one of a curious type in which I wake on my back, unable to move, my arms pinned to my side, my legs straight. My paralysis is complete, and a thick dark… Read More
Ambrose Bierce: The Stranger
A man stepped out of the darkness into the little illuminated circle about our failing campfire and seated himself upon a rock. “You are not the first to explore this region,” he… Read More
Robert William Chambers: The Mask
Camilla: You, sir, should unmask. Stranger: Indeed? Cassilda: Indeed it's time. We all have laid aside disguise but you. Stranger: I wear no mask. Camilla: (Terrified, aside to Cassilda.) No… Read More
Cristina Peri Rossi: La Cabalgata
Una vez por semana, los verdugos cabalgan sobre sus víctimas. No siempre es el mismo día, de lo contrario la cabalgata perdería el elemento de sorpresa que constituye un… Read More
Greg Egan: Cocoon
The explosion shattered windows hundreds of meters away, but started no fire. Later, I discovered that it had shown up on a seismograph at Macquarie University, fixing the time precisely: 3:… Read More
1. El sol quemaba como metal fundido. La tierra humeaba ardiente. Quinientos hombres recorrían el desierto. Quinientos supervivientes al hambre que la falta de agua había repar… Read More
Clarice Lispector: Miss Algrave
Ela era sujeita a julgamento. Por isso não contou nada a ninguém. Se contasse, não acreditariam porque não acreditavam na realidade. Mas ela que morava em Londres… Read More

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Tales of Mystery and Imagination
