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HR has an important part in taking care of the learning requirements of a company. How can HR help employees learn? It’s important today for companies to focus on the learning of emplo… Read More
A new era has begun for banks due to the invention of AI. They have to train their employees in a new way to make the best out of this change. A lot of financial institutions are using AI no… Read More
Artificial intelligence is changing the way the world is functioning. Today, artificial intelligence (AI) is used in every organization. Even degree-holding employees need to learn AI to do… Read More
Sales training is an essential component of every company’s strategy today. The CRM contains integrated information about a customer that has been collected from the website contact fo… Read More
There has been a massive change in the industry now. New rules and regulations have come up for the safety of employees. The employers are also concerned because the OSHA can impose huge fin… Read More
The customer has changed a lot in today’s times. They do come to the store but order online. They only enter the store once the store attendant has something special. All the following… Read More
HR training is important to ensure that the company is functioning smoothly.  HR selects which people will be a part of the organization. If the HR training has not been done, they migh… Read More
Multilingual workers are present in every industry now. It’s because companies hire workers locally to save costs. The company should make efforts that employees can learn in their loc… Read More
Medical training has been critical for new employees so that they can fit themselves with the policies of the hospital. However, there can be problems during onboarding itself when the new h… Read More
L&D staff needs an enhancement in every company due to the workload pressure. Although a company might have an internal L&D department, problems arise when there are many projects. T… Read More
Need for performance coaching: Mental health has become a major concern for everyone these days. People are feeling burned out these days. This is hurting companies now. Companies have to un… Read More
Artificial intelligence can be used in many beneficial ways to leverage the power of L&D. In the following ways it can be useful to create better solutions for learners. Easy search resu… Read More
Companies are now focussing on microlearning to provide the best training to employees. But there can be problems in creating such kind of learning also. Microlearning is a structured approa… Read More
There is a strong focus on training now because of the changes. Online training is getting so much attention from companies because employees quit when they don’t get any success in th… Read More
Making Sales is one of the toughest jobs in the world. Although it seems easy because you just have to describe the product features, it’s not so. Every customer has unique needs, and… Read More
The manufacturing industry has been progressing at a rapid pace. However the workers have to be trained via manufacturing elearning because they need to have skills to survive. When they don… Read More
SaaS software is getting rapidly prepared in the market, so businesses can derive the maximum benefit from using them. But the customers need to be taught how to use such software for an ext… Read More

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