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Parkrun Blog Posts

Mike Runs · 20:13 26 Feb 2023
This time 3 years ago I had just completed week 10 of my original marathon training block. My charity vest had just arrived and I was sorting out race day logistics. At this point I also had… Read More
Using AI to Help my Blog
Mike Runs · 20:16 05 May 2023
Everywhere you look these days you are seeing AI being used. From university students using ChatGPT to write essays, to a colleague using it to write his leaving email, it’s here! So w… Read More
Roundhay parkrun
Mike Runs · 09:08 11 Jun 2023
Usually when I find myself partaking in some parkrun tourism, it won’t be long until I have added a post here. However, there are a couple of parkruns that I did before this blog exist… Read More
Mike Runs · 15:55 04 Jul 2023
Everyone remembers their first time. For me it was wet, dirty and at the end I was absolutely knackered. I am of course talking about parkrun where back in March 2018, Huntingdon parkrun too… Read More
Alice Holt parkrun
Mike Runs · 06:52 31 Jul 2023
A weekend away means, as any good parkrunner knows, a chance for a little bit of parkrun tourism. Therefore, as soon as we arranged to head to a place just outside of Alton, Hampshire to go… Read More
Nostell parkrun
Mike Runs · 21:33 12 Aug 2023
If you look at most parkrunners tourist maps, it will usually have a cluster around their home location, unless they are an uber tourist travelling the country. For me that isn’t quite… Read More