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Chametz Blog Posts

La Pasqua ebraica
Iesurun · 16:12 08 Mar 2017
Studio sulla Pasqua ebraica.La festività di Pesach cade il 14 del mese di Nissan, giorno in cui Dio liberò Israele dalla schiavitù dell’Egitto e aprì il Mar… Read More
The Bread of SufferinQ
Saltshaker · 14:28 14 Apr 2020
The Torah says: “You shall eat matzot during seven days…bread of suffering, for you departed Egypt in great haste.” Here we are in the time of Passover, Pesach, or, as it… Read More
My Life
Ritiriwaz · 21:48 30 Mar 2021
The Jewish holiday of Passover is one of the most widely celebrated holidays in the Jewish calendar. Passover (Pesakh in Hebrew) is a holiday that celebrates the Jews’ liberation from… Read More