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Y'all my doctor is so sweet!First of all, I'm SO thrilled and happy and grateful and lucky to have a doctor to begin with (we have a family/general practitioner doctor shortage here and when… Read More
More often than I'd like, there are people who don't live in my building in our building's back parking area, which I can see from my windows.The other night as I was going to bed, I heard t… Read More
One of the things I'm having an extra hard time with with this heat wave is that I keep looking at the forecast waiting for the day the temperatures fall and that's just not happening. … Read More
For a while, Jason had a bag of jujubes (hard gummy candy) at his place and I'd have one or five when I wanted a little sugar boost.  I don't particularly like jujubes all that muc… Read More
Yesterday I emailed my building manager to see if they would talk to whoever about potentially getting some awnings up on my side of the building (the side that gets the worst of the sun… Read More
The heat's here.And I'm trying to ignore it while also trying to manage it and live in it.Yesterday was our first warm day of the summer really and the start of at least another week of elev… Read More
For years, I've marvelled at video of that crossing in Shibuya Japan that is called a "scramble crossing" where all traffic stops and pedestrians go in ALLLLLL directions at once (in the dir… Read More
When I was out walking with my friend on Monday, we actually ran into another mutual friend and the three of us caught up for a bit.  We're all in the same line of work (it's how w… Read More
I went for a walk on Monday (the holiday day) with a friend I haven't seen in ages and as it was Canada Day there were a lot of happy people out, many of them dressed in red and white for th… Read More
I'm on a few social media apps/sites and one of them has been showing me a lot of Taylor Swift concert footage.  I'm fine with this (in part because two of my nieces are huge Swifties a… Read More
We managed to get a holiday on a Monday to give us an extra long weekend, well done!Happy Canada Day all.  Read More
Just a note to say I don't really enjoy books where the chapters switch between characters.  Yes, even if those characters' lives are going to meet up or overlap later in the book I jus… Read More
No, I'm not Ms Taylor Swift, I'm a person who doesn't like being overly warm!So I have fans.  You know, the blowing air on you kind... I have two of the same type (branded tower fa… Read More
You've probably read some of the other times my brain comes up with something that then makes me get all wigged out... well, I had another one of those this week!I'm not sure I'll do a great… Read More
In an ever so slightly frustrating turn of events, it seems my body is currently really not cool with eating things I've up until now been just fine with.The more... chemically filled things… Read More
We have raccoons living in the general area of our building. (For some reason spell check really really isn't liking the plural of raccoon.  I don't know why but it's insisting I remove… Read More
We had a few warm(er) days last week but more of note for me is that the nights also warmed up.Or, I suppose a combo of the nights not cooling so much and the day's heat cranking up the gene… Read More
I woke up Monday morning with what I figured was a pimple on my cheek.  Dealt with it and that was that.I'd worn sunscreen over the weekend and it sometimes makes my pores angry so I fi… Read More
Over the last few years I've heard people here talk about "June-uary" - calling June cold like January and I'm sure you can guess how much I relish June days that aren't full heat days.Twent… Read More
I switched out my duvets (and covers) this weekend and when I went that first night to give it a try I found the "summer weight" duvet SO physically light weight that I didn't think I could… Read More
I think I've mentioned before but I'm certainly noticing changes in how my mind/brain works these days.It's almost like my brain has flipped from professional mode to casual mode and so in s… Read More
This is a fairly niche issue so feel free (as always!) to skip it!I saved up and bought a summer weight duvet last month and my plan has been that when I switch out my usual one and go to st… Read More
I haven't had cable television in years and years and years.  I even remember when I started hanging out at Jason's and watching cable tv with him how jarring I found the ads.I fee… Read More
I'm thinking this one through as I type it but in a water fit class the other day the instructor reminded us that balance isn't standing still, it's constant movement... or something along t… Read More
And for any Powers That Be that may be listening...I have absolutely LOVED the last few weeks of cooler weather but longer days.  It has been perfect for me.  I haven't minded the… Read More
The attempted noise you see in the title is me trying to type out what "Charlie Brown's teacher" sounded like in the Charlie Brown movie(s).You know, some muffled adult you could never reall… Read More
What age *is* "middle age" anyway?I mean I've googled and gotten an internet answer but I ask because I saw a notice for a workshop to talk about middle aged stuff and I wondered if I was to… Read More
C-Dawg has been busier than usual lately so our catch up conversations are often short and on the fly (she sometimes calls me when waiting for her kid to come out of school or something like… Read More
I KNOW that a few times this week I was totally aware that this thought or that thought I was having with myself was something I wanted to write about here.  And now that I'm taking the… Read More
It's not news that my body is aging.  I mean that's a weird reality from the day you're born, right?  You and your body are getting older moment by moment, but that's not really wh… Read More
Nearing the end of another month it seems.... and I'm holding out hope that the sometimes called "June-uary" (aka "chilly for June" - something I grew up hearing my mother say) happens as I… Read More
I feel like it's been a while since I've had a book I really enjoyed and therefore ripped my way through.The last book I had I had to renew to finish, but only needed a few extra days in the… Read More
We (probably) know that I struggle with heat these days.  (I say these days as I don't have a memory of struggling with heat in my childhood or up until the last chunk of years or maybe… Read More
Yesterday was a stat holiday for Canadians and I know for a lot of people it's their first camping trip or trip to the lake/cabin and for many. the "May long weekend" feels like the start of… Read More
I found a recipe for sweet and spicy (not usually a flavour I go for to be honest) roasted almonds and quite enjoyed them but then made them again and decided to up the spice factor and, wel… Read More
I've still been eating and making (and sharing) sorbets and thought I'd jot down some of my thoughts.So far, the "juice" based ones (pomegranate/orange) turn out icier than I'd like.  P… Read More
On my drive to work, there is a road I go town and turn from onto a main road.  (Typing this out sounds like a "well duh" but I'm leaving it!)This is my third year (wow) in this locatio… Read More
A few nights ago I was heading to bed when I smelled what was quite distinctly the smell of pee.I did a mental check of myself (like did I somehow pee myself and forget?  no!&n… Read More
I quite regularly don't understand my brain and last night was definitely one of those times...I was in bed, ready to sleep and rolled over to get into a comfier position and as I rolled ove… Read More
A few weeks ago I was chatting with a neighbour of mine about how the weather had/has been fluctuating.She's an older woman (probably 10 - 15+ years older than me give or take?) and very nic… Read More
This week (thankfully) has been calmer and easier than last week although still "a lot".  But my mood has been quite all over the place, as has the weather....So I said to Jason the oth… Read More
There is a visually impaired lady I have seen around this area for years.  Or I used to see her around a lot but hadn't until last week when I was driving leaving my place and saw… Read More
I think the lady who lives across from me (the building across from me) is trying to save some baby birds.I mean she could be doing something totally different but here's what I've seen/hear… Read More
I had a realization on the weekend.  It was the first time in about a week that I felt kind of calm and far more at ease than I have since things got complicated last week.I was contemp… Read More
The day after I told C-Dawg that our favourite store ran out of my favourite treat (Cadbury creme eggs, don't judge!) they were taken down by a huge cyber attack, so clearly they shouldn't h… Read More
One of the things I haven't appreciated about this stressful situation is how my brain is first thing in the morning.I'm very grateful that other than that first night or two of things I've… Read More
I had a hard go of gym going for a few weeks there but with the high stress of what's going on right now I really tried hard to get to the gym as I know that more intense cardio does knock m… Read More
We didn't get that much rain in April for the whole "April showers bring May flowers" thing but the last week has tried to make up for it a little.I'm utterly confused as to how we are sudde… Read More
(I have what feels like a calm moment so I'm writing while it lasts!)One of the reasons I like having thermometers in my place is that when I'm highly stressed my body has a hard time regula… Read More
If you've been around you may remember that in 2016 I bought an old camper van and madly spent less than a week fixing it up enough to drive it down to Burning Man.  It had a break down… Read More
It's probably a hallmark of middle age (and half the time I try to ignore the fact that that really is where I am life-age-wise) to think about the things you'll likely not get to do.This we… Read More
I'm sure we've all heard that social media is not good for our mental health and well being, most often because it shows the best of people's lives that we then compare to the worst of our o… Read More
When Max and I were together and planning the rest of our lives together, he wanted us go to on a trip over the Christmas season time.As you may remember, he ended things before that happene… Read More
Earth Day has been around as long as I can remember, or I suppose as long as I had teachers who made it into a day to remember.  And so while I was going to write a post about this or t… Read More
Did I tell you I've made some sorbet?I was watching a cooking show with Jason and the chef (Jamie Oliver) made a sorbet for dinner and it was SO so easy (how he made it anyway) that I though… Read More
The gym that I go to, and have gone to on and off for AGES is moving.I knew this.  They let us know pre Covid lockdowns and then I didn't go to the gym for years due to Covid health anx… Read More
I hesitate to say this as I do not want to jinx things and it could have been a coincidence but I think this last time change wasn't as awful as usual and I think I have a guess as to why??A… Read More
Y'all, I am super sad that I have just learned that my favourite, best crackers have become no more.I've been a fan of Stoned Wheat Thins for ages.  And of late they've become kind of a… Read More
I have been having issues with my double knots on my runners getting stuck!  Like I go to take off my runners and the whole "pulling on one lace" thing only gets me so far and I have to… Read More
Last month it seemed a lot of folks were talking about how it has been four years since we (the world) went into Covid lockdowns.  For me, it still somehow feels odd that it was "that m… Read More
I broke a plant.Like, snapped the thing.  Totally by accident and I suppose my fault for not knowing but also not my fault?A few years ago one of my neighbours put this spindly limbed p… Read More
(I mean two days of spider blog posts and now this!)Last night I learned about the birds and the bees.  The raccoon birds and bees, I mean.I was heading to bed and heard a "not normal"… Read More
Y'all?  I just yelled at another spider.  Or, let's be real, maybe the same one that made its way back into my apartment, I don't know, I didn't ask for I.D.!This time?  I nea… Read More
Apropos of nothing.... after watching a few documentaries about cults, it seems like the only "good" way to be involved is to get in early while things are still good and positive and possib… Read More
One of the things I noticed when I was away (in the cabin near the ocean... happy sigh) was that I survived just fine without wifi/internet/my devices.Yes, I had my phone and laptop with me… Read More
Jason and I went away for a few days to a cabin out of town.It was so incredibly relaxing and now all I want to do is go back.Jason cooked, (and I did dishes... for the record!) so all I had… Read More
We've hit our first warm days of the year moments before Spring officially arrives.Today is the second day I have wondered about turning my radiator completely off rather than just having it… Read More
There is a herbal spray that I accidentally found out helps keeping my digestive system... um.... going in a way that is better for me even though that is not the intention of the spray.So I… Read More
I SWEAR I've babbled about this before y'all, but I just scrolled back through a few weeks worth of posts and didn't see anything so here we are... maybe "again".So we had a relatively mild… Read More
I doubt it's a one hundred percent of the world wide sort of situation but I'd imagine it's pretty darn close to that.... the musical artist (singer) Taylor Swift is seemingly EVERYWHERE rig… Read More
Jason has told me he doesn't feel up to going camping this year so for the first time in a few years we're not doing Spring/Late Winter camping.  I'm kind of ok with that as it has… Read More
Taylor Jenkins Reid is an author who wrote a book called "Daisy Jones and the Six" that was turned into a series I really enjoyed watching.  It was a story about a band and I'll leave i… Read More
When it feels safe and comfortable to do so (because in all honestly there are times it does not) I will make eye contact with and say hello to someone who is "pan-handling" or asking for mo… Read More
I was thinking on that post the other day where I mentioned my life not being a written tv/movie/show/book and it occurred to me to maybe sort of try interpreting things that way to see how… Read More
I can recognize that my dreams (the ones I remember) are often taken in part from a show I'm watching.Like over the weekend I finished a show that was essentially a romance (with some sex sc… Read More
It's a leap year!  A leap day!  I don't know what that means but yay!  A special "only every few years" magical day we get to have, hurrah!(And a whole lot of people get to ce… Read More
I struggle with perfectionism.  I won't get into it here and will oversimplify by saying that for me, it shows up as "If I can't do it really really well (aka perfectly) I won't do… Read More
I'm still not 100% body wise.I'll have days where I'm just exhausted with that "fighting off a sickness" kind of exhaustion and my nose is still needing some help with the stuff and although… Read More
I've maybe talked about this before but why are night time bed sleeps so different from daytime couch nap sleeps? Like I try not to nap much these days as it can mess up my night time s… Read More
I spent much of this long weekend helping Jason move stuff around at his place.  Long story short he's fixing up the room that used to be his bedroom that was lost to the flood of whene… Read More
So yesterday I was just chatting with my neighbour when I got all hot/cold and felt like I was close to fainting.I told her I had to stop talking now as I wasn't feeling good and I went stra… Read More
Oh, also?  I think I got addicted to clean air while I was sick!I have air purifiers in my place (I got them a few years back for fire "seasons" and what have you) and I turned them on… Read More
I feel like I'm in the thick of "going through a lot" right now growth wise.December was a lot and then January was intensely brutal oh and then I got sick.  I cry very easily righ… Read More
Heya.I'm ok.  Not quite myself again yet, but ok.Last day of antibiotics was yesterday.  It was supposed to be Saturday but I missed two doses on the two days I went in to work (lo… Read More
It's Monday proper as I write this and I am not feeling worse, so I suppose I'm feeling better?I didn't get in to see a doctor (mine's not in the office and you can't get in to a walk in cli… Read More
Maybe because I was exposed to a whole lot more people than usual at work AND it was a really high stress week at work (due to ongoing weather related remediation) I am sick.I woke up Friday… Read More
I have a January birthday (that I no longer "advertise" on social media, or at least I haven't for a few years, we shall see) and so each year is like a new age for me, if that makes sense… Read More
One of the things I noticed this last week or so as I've been paying attention to my high anxiety levels is that there's this frustrating cycle that happens and it reinforces itself.So... ex… Read More
As I was finishing up my last post I had an idea for a new post and it was going to be simple and easy and so I opened up this new page and POOF! gone.  No idea what I was considering t… Read More
I have notes for two posts that I jotted down a few weeks ago and they're both about topics that stressed me at the time or that had big feelings or emotions attached to them at the time and… Read More
I walked to the gym on Sunday for the first time since it snowed (Wednesday?) and I noticed that while the majority of the snow has melted/washed away you can totally see where people shovel… Read More
Holy crap I am unwell right now.It's been a while since I've been this "not ok", or at least it feels like it has been and this week was the first time (I suppose last week since I'm typing… Read More
On one of the sub zero days last week I ended up at home (see above re pipes and freezing cold days....) and so took myself to the gym for some cardio and a swim.  And y'all?  The… Read More
So last week was hard and this week was even harder.  Worser.Some of that, unfortunately, was weather related with the freeze affecting work in non positive ways (pipes... they burst… Read More

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Advice From a Single Girl
