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Yvette's Blog Blog

This blog is designed to celebrate love of all kinds.
Perfect Place To Retire
This month I've been blogging about Healthy Aging in honor of Older Americans Month. I know for many people, one of the best things about getting older is looking forward to retirement!For m… Read More
At Home Eldercare Options Available!
One cataract surgery down and very successful! I'm currently pretty blurry-eyed on the computer, so I'll keep my blog posts short and sweet.I'm going to continue with my May theme of Older A… Read More
Eye Style
Can you tell I like glasses? I have a whole bag of funky glasses for every occasion and holiday! However, none of those 'fun' glasses are prescription glasses. And THOSE are glasses I hopefu… Read More
Sixty And Me: Aging Beautifully Cards
 This month I've been writing about Health Aging in honor of Older Americans Month! As usual, once I start blogging about a theme, I end up finding a plethora of resources, often one le… Read More
Aging Joyfully
Riding the merry-go-round with Mom on her 80th birthdayLast month, Ingrid Fetell Lee, author of Joyful, wrote a wonderful article: Forget Aging Gracefully. Here's how to Age Joyfully.The art… Read More
Music And Healthy Aging
This month, in honor of Older Americans Month, I've been learning more about Healthy Aging.  The other day, I attended the AARP CO Virtual Healthy Living Conference and one of the… Read More
This month, in celebration of Older Americans Month, I've been blogging about Healthy Aging topics. One of the best sources of information about Healthy Aging is AARP! This morning AARP CO s… Read More
This morning's blog post in honor of Older Americans Month is to let you know about this opportunity to check out the movie, "Duty Free" for free!  But hurry and sign up. It's today!The… Read More
This month I'm dedicating my blog posts to Healthy Aging in celebration of Older Americans Month! I just discovered that May was Older Americans Month yesterday and it made me wonder if I wo… Read More
In my never-ending attempt to declutter, I often find memorabilia.  Throughout my life, I've saved cards and letters (they don't take up too much room after all).  However, even ca… Read More
The other day, my post was about finding your "genius," and letting it "flow" through you.  I gave the example of my friend, Cathy, and the poem she wrote to go along with one of her pa… Read More
A Happy And Healthy Brain
Since I left my full-time job at the end of 2018, I've been kind of running an experiment: Creating a life for myself that maximizes happiness and minimizes stress.  I'd already be… Read More
As I've mentioned before, one of the biggest messages that the Agile mindset teaches us, is that we must embrace change.  We do this by becoming more flexible or adaptable to the changi… Read More
The Importance Of Sleep
Sea Lion SlumberOne of the fun parts of doing these daily blog posts is picking out the photo using Google Photos.  I think it's such a cool feature that I can type a word in the Search… Read More
What does it mean to you to be "intentional"?  To me, it means: Having a plan and staying focused on executing that plan.  But can our plan also include unscheduled time? Absolutel… Read More
A Growth Mindset
A few months ago, I was talking to my wise friend, Becky, about talents and skills.  I don't remember exactly how the conversation went, but I think I was saying something like, "I'm re… Read More
How Emotionally Agile Are You?
As I prepare for the 4-Week Workshop I'm hosting,  I continue to find wonderful resources! Really, every topic I'll be covering has a slew of books, courses, networks, etc. so trying to… Read More
As I mentioned in yesterday's blog post, focus is one of the many attributes that we try and promote in an agile culture.  But what does that mean? Basically, it's the opposite of multi… Read More
This was a tough week for me to continue my regular "happy" routine. The Atlanta and Boulder shootings were so senseless and such tragedies.  I can't even imagine the grief the families… Read More
Happy Refired Not Retired Day
This morning when I asked Alexa, "Alexa, what special day is it?" she answered that there were 54 informal holidays! FIFTY-FOUR!!  It was even too much for Alexa. (She only talked about… Read More
I’m usually very Polyanna-ish on my blog. I’m a big advocate for positivity, so I try and practice what I preach and not whine about little pet peeves.  On the other hand, I… Read More
Carpe Diem Day EBook Experiments
For the past year, I've been experimenting with social media and how I might promote Carpe Diem Day. One idea I had was to create an eBook and maybe a newsletter.One nice thing about not hav… Read More
2021 Is A Happier New Year!
I don't know about you, but I am ALWAYS motivated in the new year to...  well.. do everything! I want to eat better, exercise more, get more organized, write more, read more, hike more… Read More
Meet My Adopted Flamingo, Kazi
Flamingos have been my personal mascot for many years now. When Sarasota Jungle Gardens offered the opportunity to Adopt a Flamingo last April, I was so excited! Because of Covid, the p… Read More
The Joy Makeover
This girl's dance on Halloween is pure Joy!In Season 2 of my podcast, Carpe Diem Connections, I'm going to be doing a deep dive into finding joy.  I've become enamored with Ingrid Fetel… Read More
Goodbye Beautiful October!
As everyone keeps saying, these are crazy times! Like the rest of the world, my emotions have been all over the map. Besides all of the stressful things going on in America, we had the worst… Read More
Dollar Tree Is Worth The Risk!
A couple of months ago, I took care of my grandchildren while their parents celebrated their Anniversary. Reneya, my 8-year-old granddaughter and I share a favorite tradition: Going to Dolla… Read More
AARP Movie Night: Lives Well Lived
Last night I was inspired, and, for once, almost excited, about getting older, by the movie Lives Well Lived, put on by AARP's Movie for Grownups series.Watching the stories of these elders… Read More
Love In The Time Of Corona
This is not my typical blog post. I normally don’t talk about my love life anymore. Granted, that’s because I don’t have much of a love life. But sometimes, life throws you… Read More
Boomers Zoomers!
I've heard a lot of people ask: "Do you see any good coming from the changes that are happening due to the Corona virus."  I've actually seen a lot of good including an increased intere… Read More
Seniors With Skills - You Can Help!
As a tech-geek, I have been quite enamored with this age of social media and collaborative team tools.  My mother, on the other hand, and many others in her generation have not been so… Read More
Virtual Dance Party!
Had fun hosting my first Virtual Dance Party via Zoom!What worked well:Hats and coordinated attire (black and white)Girls only / informal / sillyGood music!Fun to drink some wine and relax w… Read More
I know that grocery-store shopping is something we're "allowed" to do, but based on my last experience, I wouldn't exactly call it "safe."I've been monitoring Walmart's online shopping app a… Read More
Finding Peace In A Time Of Crisis
Since everyone started freaking out about the Corona virus, I've been somewhat manic about wanting to help. I've helped people throughout my career collaborate using online technologies. I a… Read More
Staying Connected
Today was my daughter-in-law's birthday and we were able to have a virtual birthday party over zoom!  I know it's not the same as being together in person, but even if we weren't in the… Read More
Pi Day Celebrations!
OK, people, I know we're all disappointed about all the Pi Day Parades and Pi Parties that have been cancelled due to the Corona Virus, but don't despair! There is plenty of Pi fun you can h… Read More
Seizing The Daylight In Sarasota!
This week we did the "spring forward" Daylight Savings thing and while others grumble at a lost hour of sleep, I love getting that extra hour of light in the afternoons and evenings and the… Read More
National Carpe Diem Day!
Yes, National Carpe Diem Day is a reality, thanks to my family and friends! What a surprise! Creating a National Day was going to be my next "big project" and now it's already done, and in s… Read More
Week 59: 60 Celebrations Slideshow
OK, people, we are coming in for a big finish to my 60-week birthday party. Last week I made my playlist and this week, I've been working overtime trying to get all my slideshows finished. A… Read More
Week 58: My 60-Song Playlist
My 60-song playlist is just about ready to take on the road! This has been a goal I've been working on throughout my 60-until-60 project :Put together a playlist of at least 60 songs by… Read More
Week 56: Pondering The Meaning Of Life
On January 9th, the world lost a great man.. my Uncle Bill. He was 96 and had an amazing life.My uncle had the kind of life, and death, that we all would want. He was kind and funny and was… Read More

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