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Oratory Of Obfuscation...obviously...
Yes I am a bit behind but that's what happens when you're a working day behind, although Twitter helps. Kier Starmer could have made it, he could have built on the [nauseatingly] choreograph… Read More
Obverting Ordurification...
Okay, you may struggle with the meaning of ordurification, mainly because I just made it up, as one can do with flexible languages: what led me to use it was Robert Malone's (yes that one) T… Read More
Ocracy Obiter...
Had enough yet? All the banal claptrap spewing from the main stream media? Back in the day I would have written a dozen posts on the UK General Election , now others do it all and much bett… Read More
Yes, I am still alive; yes I wish I was blogging more. And yes there will be an opening for some decent U.K. Parliament 'Opposition' soon. It is simply too boring these days to get wound up… Read More
Oppressed Obedience...
Great article from the bad cat: [LINK] how we got to here how moral relativism destroyed sanity and how objectivity can bring it back [sic] "all this division and vilification… Read More
Obscurantism: Othering Others II...
A quick follow up on yesterday re the Google AI project Gemini. It isn't only grossly racist, surprise surprise it is also a lefty twat censorship monster. It is patently a danger to fr… Read More
Othering Others...
"The nightmare feeling caused by the disappearance of objective truth." Othering others, "WTF?!" would be a normal reaction. But oh my fucking GOD this is worse: Google are very, very d… Read More
It appears the UK Government's Office for National statistics (ONS) doesn't care what it looks like; I guess they know none of them will ever suffer any consequences: "We've led the developm… Read More
OHS Obscurantism; OMG!...
"Above is a table of all-cause mortality data from the UK Office of National Statistics (ONS). The figures are broken down by age and sex." [LINK to HART] There are previous numbers and… Read More
Happy New Year! [edited for typos etc., 1400hrs] The blog title does not refer to the beautiful city of Oxford nor the wonderful university there, although the former and the latter have a… Read More
Oh ōʻō...
"The ōʻō was one of 21 species that the US Fish and Wildlife Service removed from the endangered species list in 2023 because they had vanished from the wild." "Grief is a… Read More
Orinoco Oil Output III...
By way of celebration of the easing of sanctions on Venezuela last week (albeit temporarily for the present) here's an interesting blog from Latinometrics Substack today: Venezuela's Oil Pot… Read More
Opiate Outrage...
Well, the image below tells it's own story, and it's a horror story. In only two decades look how the leading cause of death has changed in the USA (by age and state). At the beginning of th… Read More
Ongoing Ocean Observations II...
Source: Ocean Clean-up Paper: Science (Advances) Hat-tip: bad cat "and this is why i find the issues raised by so many of the self-described “greens” today who have been s… Read More
Ocean Observation Of Opaque Octopus...
...or more accurately glass octopus. Ah nostalgia! Saw this Massimo* tweet and immediately thought of Paul (nearly 13 years ago!).Massimo links to the Schmidt Ocean Institute with the… Read More
Older Opium Outlook...
Image from RFI (France)Interesting insights into the Afghanistan government's (AKA The Taliban) successful ban on opium production. William Byrd [Link to article] writing at The United State… Read More
Overtly Orwellian Overreaction...
Scott Atlas is one of a small group that has been consistantly correct throughout the whole 'COVID era'. America's COVID Response Was Based on Lies [Newsweek]: "The tragic failure… Read More
Outed Obama (re)outed...
Well well. "In response to new sanctions by the Biden administration" [Human Events] Russia has banned ex POTUS Barack Obama (among 500 Americans banned from going to Russia, LINK: AP). This… Read More
Well it was obvious before the first day of the first lockdown that the idea of 'lockdowns' (prison riot term) would kill more than the virus. Now the data is showing it loud and clear: not… Read More
Open Obloquy Obfuscating Ovines...
Disgracefully misleading the sheeple: almost every single line in the following US Gov COVID jab info is wrong - and demonstrably so. Evil abounds: DEMONStrably... Source: CDC government web… Read More
Overtly Odd Overreaction Overview...
Three years ago today. Looking back to my first post after having returned from abroad (got back on 1st day of the first lockdown). I had already told colleagues, customers and friends, loud… Read More
Olid Oligarchic Oneirodynia...
"America's deadliest war - and it has not ended yet, by a long shot." Ethical Skeptic on Twitter. Read the whole thread, then read the other threads. The wall is slowly crumbling but the… Read More
Oncoming Oppression III...
...or is it IV, or XV?! * Image credit Imperial War Museums [LINK]If you tolerate this, Then your children will be next [MSP Lyrics] ...but it's already too late, your children - or at the… Read More
Obsigning Overflowing Obsequies...
"Excess mortality in the EU in December 2022 soared to +19% of the average number of deaths for the same period in 2016-2019...". Seen before but The Naked Emperor’s Newsletter just re… Read More
Oriental's Ocean Obligation...
Visualized: Ocean Plastic Waste Pollution By Country [LINK: Visual Capitalist] "Millions of metric tons of plastic are produced worldwide every year. While half of this plastic waste is… Read More
Outstanding Oration...
Well worth seven minutes of your time; if you haven't already begun to think like this you should start pretty soon. From Mikki Willis of PlandemicSeriesOfficial, Our Birthright...[Video… Read More
Omnivore Order...
Well what a surprise...not. "Red meat is not a health risk. New study slams years of shoddy research"...[LINK] both parts of that title deserve looking at, the shoddy research becoming more… Read More
Oops. Oh-oh...
No hiding now: hundreds of thousands have died: will there be an accounting? Excess deaths are through the roof and no one is on telly every night telling the people. Why not? Because it isn… Read More
Objects Of Odium, Ostracised...
Following the earlier overture things have heated up. The push back now has it's own push back: Melissa Healy at the LA Times muses that "It's as if [the non-covid-jabbed are] no longer haza… Read More
Overdosing Obnubilation...
This is the daily deaths from COVID as per Worldometers. More data HERE from Covidgraph. All based on official world statistics. About 2.5 million deaths in the first 12 months and pushing 6… Read More
Blogpost title referring to Obama (all posts) infamously (IMHO :-) ) sticking his overreaching oar into purely UK Creepy Joe has done the same (in what many call Obam… Read More
Oblast...oh, Blast!
See image (left). Russian control of Ukraine as of September 2022..."US officials closely watching sham referendums in Russian-occupied areas of Ukraine and preparing to act" [LINK]... 'prep… Read More
Ocean Oscillations...
Not written about Pakistan directly before, except if you include all the problems with a certain community then I have mentioned it indirectly (mostly not good) a few times and for quite a… Read More
'One-off Offer' Offing Offspring...
After this week's encouraging conservative (almost Conservative!) mini-budget PM Truss continues the good start she has made. Two real issues she needs to sort: the English Channel organised… Read More