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Messenger Puppet Blog

Indulge your inner weirdo.
Welcome to wiki This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging! Read More
Tasty, but not so vastly different than regular, as much as I could tell, seven-year-old recollections being what they are. I swear to god, I only had two. That would have been fine, except… Read More
Don’t Forget Your Towel
Somehow I missed last month’s 10 year anniversary of the end of my 3-year exile to Antarctica and the 2 years of recovering from frostbite. I may have been distracted by… Read More
More Wine
Meet Justin, a 2014 cabernet I ran into on a brief holiday. Way better than my usual go-to wines (notice the lack of a screw off cap) Read More
It Seemed Like A Good Idea
At the time. What to do when you’re alone in a strange town on Xmas eve eve. Dive bar? Check. Barfly who is totally not a hooker? Check? The usual charm? Check. One last round and then… Read More
Rogue One is fine. The continuity and shoutouts (Captain Antilles, anyone?) reach gratuitous levels, but still not as bad as Sith. Thankfully, no mention of Yoda. I saw a little bit of… Read More
Me at the beginning of 2016; me about 5 hours ago, wishing 2016 would GTF off my planet already. — Messenger Puppet (@messengerpuppet) December 13, 2016 I re… Read More
Eat A Dick, 2016
Via John Oliver, this whole year needs to be impaled on a pike at the gates, as a warning to 2017 and any other fucked up year of shit that wants to follow Read More
After realizing the apes lizard people really are in control (in another 70 days or so) Read More
and I ain’t got nobody I got some no money ’cause I just got paid fucking sent home again, until Thursday Now, how I wish I had someone to talk to I’m in an awful way… Read More
Helpful Advice
So, the Hells Angels had a booth at the Cruise on Central yesterday, selling swag. They also had a goodwill ambassador who was kind enough to chat will me for a minute. It was time well spen… Read More
*Not actually dead, just fucked. You stupid, stupid man. The birthday went something like this: plus Equals this Then this And then this Then this Yo be fair, I know the part … Read More
If it looks funny, feels funny or smells funny, it’s NOT going in my mouth. – a woman There goes that plot twist, I guess – me This may just be about food. Sometimes a cat… Read More
…when you realize your WordPress theme is so helpful that it publishes private admin notes for all to read. Followed by the part where you realize those notes are google searchable. F… Read More
A Version Of No
Peter Garrett‘s new solo album, , is not my favorite. The music sounds a bit like the Oils. At least the sedated Breathe/Capricornia Oils. So there was at least some recognition… Read More
What The Hell, Tuesday?
You start off by cock-blocking me at work? Nice. Thanks for that, and the day long repetition. I don’t need your help failing with the women. You end by making me dream that I am shagg… Read More
Goddammit. – Me, after doing the due diligence a little late. Evidently, I don’t get to both express myself freely and do so without risking some sort of “your self-depreca… Read More
Mötley Crüe: The End was tonight. I love Nikki. Tommy is an atomic gerbil on meth. Mick Mars died 10 years ago but refuses to move to the next life. But God damn you Vince Nei… Read More
WHAT IF… the reason all these iconic artists  that 2016 keeps taking away from us weren’t supposed to die. What if it is Motley Crue’s fault? Stay with me here. In Ja… Read More
A word to0 the wise. It starts with Bud Light and too much sun. Before you know it, this seems like a good idea. It’s OK, because you’re a pro at this. And, you’ve got a te… Read More
I loved you Prince You were my first exposure to funk.  But you were more than that. Coming from a small midwestern town, you were BATSHITFUCKINGINSANEANDDANGEROUS. And that was the app… Read More
So it’s tax day. Take the day off from the job that has no work. Take the day off from the shitshow that keeps you alive. Do your fucking taxes. Before that, crash at 10 on the couch… Read More
Deja Vu All Over Again - My little one has some teen (and other) angst going on for a while now, and thinks the path to peace is following the example of the older sibling a few years a… Read More
We’ve just been taking it light – victory laps, Neil Diamond songs, rain cancellations and all that other shit that eats up bloggy funtime. Post by Drive By Shootings – Pho… Read More
We’re 10. Ten. X. 1.0 x 10 ^1. Unfuckingbelievable.  Who woulda thought this thing would last past the free trial at Blogharbor?  Not me.  Not my then-wife, but only (pa… Read More
Thank you Sirius First Wave for the shoutout to Chi Tetarton ca. Winter ’85 and “Hot at the Phi Sigs.” Some of TC’s finest work right there. Ask Hank, he’ll tel… Read More
Driving for Uber is a lot like the singles scene: some chicks don’t see you; some will give a great conversation. Always, you go home alone Read More
When your neighbor shows up to mandatory drug testing and blows a 0.3, plus has weed and meth in his system. #FredoWang Read More
Do you know this asshole? The one in the red shirt? I wish I had never crossed paths. Why is he an asshole? It’s not because he’s a pushy blowhard. Glass houses, and all that. It… Read More
to a question. Sort of. No one knows what it’s like To be the bad man To be the sad man Behind blue eyes Read More
tl;dr- some drunk Uber chick kissed me and tipped well.  Yay! I wish I knew your name. You “loved” me the minute you got in my car. You said so. Often. Probably even be… Read More
Sadly, the worthy deep cuts were not to be. OTOH, I don’t feel so bad about missing it now,  SINCE I’VE SEEN THIS BASIC SHOW. THREE YEARS AGO. They had at least an additiona… Read More
[for the last time together], we salute you. Dear Motley Crue Sorry I won’t see your exit after all. Kid: Don’t take a date, take me! Me: Of course sweetheart! Later… Marc… Read More
Goodbye Vegas, you sick bitch. I hate you. You used to be fun. Now you’re just washed up and pathetic Read More
blind parkour leaping from skyscraper to skyscraper  and family gatherings where Buzzkill can not only get the joke, she can tell her own. Also, the entire family thinks you are headed… Read More
Sometimes a rider leaves her room key on purpose. Or so I assume. This wasn’t that time Read More
The thing about the über diet is that what it lacks in calories, taste or substance, it makes up for in lowered Coors Light tolerance. That explains the fact of responding to 2007&rsquo… Read More
After months of delay and unequivocal efforts to make things smaller and cut out the larger fish from the discussion, the “final statement” and “conclusion” has been… Read More

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Messenger Puppet
