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I Found The Place (formerly The Flirty Blog) Blog

The personal blog of origami artist Stacie Tamaki
Health Update 2020
First of all I'm doing just fine. I've moved well beyond the space of fear and am once again thriving and moving forward with my life.A brief update about the untestable, inoperable, bilater… Read More
At Home, Tinygami, Origami Classes
I love origami because it's art within reach of everyone. For anyone who's always been curious about learning to fold, and has the time, I'm making a series of beginner level videos of tradi… Read More
Third MRI Results For Thalamic Gliomas
The carp (koi) is a symbol of perseverance in Japan. So it felt fitting to fold them while I waited for the oncologist to come in and go over my third, Valentine's Day (so romantic,  MR… Read More
A Video Update :)
Personally:The good news is I am working with a wonderful team of professionals (each of whom I mention in the video) who have helped me to let go of the fear of the discovery of the tumors… Read More
Strange Bruising And Great Lab Results
Even though the macrobiotics have already done wonders putting an end to my trigeminal nerve damage (aka chronic facial pain of 7+ years), I decided to do more to help my body heal.Back when… Read More
Feeling Empowered
So today I got some news that could have felt bad but instead meant nothing (to me). My appointment at U of M Neurosurgery (for a second opinion) next week has been canceled and rescheduled… Read More
My New Mantra: I Can Heal
I want to tell you about a movie that is empowering, inspiring, and helping me to find my way through my current situation. It's called "HEAL."Before some of you dismiss it at first glance I… Read More
Though I've rarely posted on this blog since moving to Michigan in 2014 I will be resuming posting here again in just a few days.The reason for this post is I've decide to change the url fro… Read More
Art.Downtown 2017, Grand Rapids, MI
Last Saturday I spent the day on Division Ave. S in downtown Grand Rapids for the annual Art.Downtown event. It's kind of like a mini ArtPrize except there is no voting/contest aspect and it… Read More
This Weekend: Art.Downtown 2017
Coming to Grand Rapids, MI this Saturday? If you are maybe I'll see you. I'm participating in the Art.Downtown one day event hosted by Avenue for the Arts and will be at my venue (122 Divisi… Read More
New And Improved Siu Mai Technique
Keeping an open mind isn't always the easiest thing to do. We become comfortable when we are accustomed to doing something in a way that has always been successful.But somewhere along the wa… Read More
Today Is The Day E.O. 9066 Was Signed
One of the most disheartening things people who didn't mean to offend me have said (directly) to me has been post 9/11 when they express their belief that people of Middle Eastern descent, o… Read More
The New Me
The other day I was talking to my friend Dana on the phone. He said something like "Remember when you used..." about how I used to go out and do more things when I lived in California and wo… Read More
Happy New Year 2017!
The new year always brings both hope and anxiety, oddly, for the same reason: What lies ahead? Sometimes that question is a good thing because it symbolizes possibilities. From the opposite… Read More
A DIY Faux Weathered Wood Ceiling
My idea for the Tinygami Work Studio is to have the left half of the ceiling bright white as it will be the side I use as a mini photo studio. The walls and ceiling will be plain white and p… Read More
Happy Halloween!
Since Kitai passed away in 2014 I haven't had a reason to post a dog costume here on the blog... Until this year :)Meet Lenny! His owner contacted me to ask a question about how I made Kitai… Read More
Adding To My Resume: Human Mousetrap
It was an ordinary day. I was about to make breakfast when I saw a tiny flash of grey go *hop, hop, hop* under the kitchen table. It was so fast I almost couldn't tell what it was but I knew… Read More
A Space Of My Own
I think it would be fair to say that most artists and crafters dream of having their own work studio. A space separate from their living area whether it's a room, the basement, or even bette… Read More
Miniature Origami Art At ArtPrize8
I have to say, even though I am completely uncomfortable having a photo taken or video shot (of me) I was really glad I was able to be interviewed by Jennifer Ackerman-Haywood of the CraftSa… Read More
It's Been Awhile. . . Again
Hi! I hope you've been well and enjoying a good spring and summer.I just realized the last post I wrote was March 3, 2016. Even as my posting here on the blog slowed, I was more regularly po… Read More
Are you familiar with Kintsugi? It's a Japanese technique used to mend broken pottery. The belief is that when mended with gold the broken object becomes more beautiful and valuable than it… Read More
It's an origami heart, inside an origami crane.A month ago I was looking at a piece of cellophane that had come wrapped around a Christmas gift. Before tossing it in the trash I cut a square… Read More
From the moment I first laid eyes on an old school rope and pole awning I knew I had to have one for The Glampette, once she was designed and built :)I looked at dozens of pictures online an… Read More
The day I attended the artist's reception for the ArtPrize: Second Glance gallery exhibit Fred (being the nice guy he is and because he wasn't going with me) offered to scrape all of the ice… Read More
By now most of you know that I do my best to consume a balanced diet meaning I eat very healthy things. . . And some very unhealthy things :) It's definitely a balancing act. At most I try t… Read More
Five biopsies in three months. That's how my 2014 ended and 2015 began.At first I wasn't sure I'd share any of this on my blog. One's health is a very personal thing. But then that part… Read More
For weeks I've been watching one of the three occupied birdhouses Fred built this spring and hung in the yard wondering what kind of birds are nesting in it. In house #1 (aka "The Tree… Read More
You may have noticed the little mitten I added to the header of the blog last week. Some of you will know exactly why. Others are probably wondering what it's all about. To be honest I had n… Read More
I had just been home to visit my parents in December when 9 days after I left my dad had an unexpected stroke and passed away several days later. At 84 years old he wasn't on any p… Read More
My friend Brenda shared this meme, a quote by author Iain S. Thomas, on The Modern Pioneer Facebook Page. It sums up how I've been feeling not only the past few years but pretty much my… Read More
A lot of people don't like to bake because best results come from your ability to follow a recipe in exact detail. The right kitchen tools, ingredients, and techniques are essential. A lot o… Read More
I love my tiny canned ham, rv, travel trailer to bits! I named her "The Glampette," a petite spin on the whole glamorous camping trend. Because teardrop and canned ham trailers became popula… Read More
I can't say the thought of packaged camp food (you know, the kind in a pouch) has ever been appealing to me. I've seen it at outdoor and sporting goods shops when I lived in California… Read More
When I lived in California I was posting food pictures constantly. It was easy to do with so many restaurants to enjoy. It's been ages since I've done a food post partly because there aren't… Read More
This morning I woke up at 5:00 AM, not to see the Blood Moon, simply because I'm still not a good sleeper and seem to wake up at 5:00 whether there's a reason to or not.I went out into the l… Read More
It's been three weeks since the death &demise removal of my mole. Just as my doctor predicted it healed up fine with virtually no visible scar on the right side of my nose. Amazing! Whil… Read More
In an effort to stay sane I've made myself look maybe just a wee bit crazy for the past few months. A lot of stress had been piling up on me for, oh, about a year or so. My doctor sugge… Read More
I needed to come up with a Birthday present for my neighbor. Something not too personal but thoughtful. Not too expensive, but not cheap. I hate giving someone something they don't need… Read More
Change is good. That's what I keep telling myself.With the New Year I felt it was time to create change. At the top of the list I decided to launch a new blog! While The Flirty Blog (re… Read More
For 21 days my "Tiny Cranes" miniature origami entry was displayed in the front window of the Grand Central Market and Deli on Monroe Center NW.When I showed up the first two days to answer… Read More
The truth is since I've been living from The Glampette the past few months it's made some things easier and some things more challenging. Being able to reach everything in my "home" while si… Read More
It was a small thing, Kitai went to jump in the car yesterday and almost didn't make it onto the front passenger seat. "Maybe he just didn't have his feet under him" I thought to myself.To l… Read More
Here it is, my second Throwback Thursday contribution.When I was in preschool we had a circus where all the kids dressed up and put on a show for our parents. I was a lion tamer. I still rem… Read More
This picture kind of sums up how Kitai has been feeling lately since his Lymphoma diagnosis. Not as bright eyed as he used to be, sleeping more, and sometimes a little out of sorts. He stumb… Read More
The strangest thing happened to me earlier this year. Not once but twice I was involved in hit and run car accidents, two Fridays in a row. Because of that I've created the hashtag #HARF tho… Read More
There are two words you don't often see together.The other day I posted on Facebook:"It's freaking snowing here and guess who got a mosquito bite? One guess. Did you guess me? Arghhhhhhhhhhh… Read More

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I Found The Place (Formerly The Flirty Blog)
