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Your Zen Growth Blog

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Personal Development through effective communication and interpersonal skills. The importance of interpersonal skills affects everything we do, so it’s essential that what we say and interpret doesn’t get lost in translation. It’s not only language that affects understanding but also emotional states, concentration and our determination to understand others and express ourselves clearly. Effective listening is the first step to increasing verbal communication skills. Subtle intonations, nonverbal cues and vocal tone can change the meanings of words, which might be straightforward, sarcastic or simply confused. Avoid interrupting others until they’re finished talking, and try repeating what was said in different words to clarify any confusing terms. Effective ways of recapping someone’s words include, “Let me see if I understand” or “What I’m hearing is that…” Don’t repeat the words verbatim but express the concept in different terms to clarify the message.
Dreams have fascinated humans since the dawn of time, serving as a bridge to the mysterious realms of our subconscious. Every night, when the conscious mind takes a break, the brain embarks… Read More
15 Impressive Juniper Smudge Benefits
We include products we think are useful. If you buy through links on this page, we earn a small commission Juniper berries are most known for their use in gin, but they are also gaining p… Read More
35 Best Herbs For Smudging
Many different herbs are used in smudging, each with its own unique properties. Some of the best herbs used include white sage, cedar, sweetgrass, and juniper. Each herb carries a specific p… Read More
How To Make Your Own Smudge Sticks
Crafting your own smudge stick is a beautiful and meaningful experience. Not only does it add power to your energy, but also enhances the potency of your smudging ritual. Additionally, by ca… Read More
We include products we think are useful. If you buy through links on this page, we earn a small commission Knowing how to smudge your space is a powerful tool that will protect your energ… Read More
The days of the week can have a significant impact on how we feel, and when Thursday rolls around, it is important to take the time to remind ourselves of all the positive aspects of our liv… Read More
Nisi aut quo rem alias officiis at vitae iusto. Eos natus quaerat quos at sunt officiis odit sit. Et sit porro rerum quia itaque dolorem Quia est in necessitatibus Sint quasi deserunt sus… Read More
Quis quo enim dolores adipisci. Aspernatur enim alias dolores quia totam et. repudiandae modi enim nam adipisci minus. Dolores et corrupti quod beatae ut magnam. eius corrupti nemo illum lib… Read More
Voluptas id ut tempore vero officiis quis et velit. Cupiditate qui non vel. Sequi expedita voluptatem vitae consectetur ratione doloribus Maxime ut ullam qui Dolores beatae consequuntur r… Read More
We include products we think are useful. If you buy through links on this page, we earn a small commission We often search for meaning in our lives, looking for a sense of direction or pu… Read More
It can be a real struggle to connect with our innermost selves due to numerous distractions in the world around us. The monkey mind is naturally full of chatter, and when combined with techn… Read More

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