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"my Voice" Weblog By Miss Latoya Lawrence | Me, My Blog

Me, Myself, And I- just another great Wordpress Blog
Aspen is an artist with a hidden talent one that goes beyond his paintbrush and easel. While he is successful in his work life as a cartoonist and comic book illustrator loved by both… Read More
In the beautiful county of Luxaha on the coast of the Notaro Bay shores above the Tomosa river in the city of Winterly, Virginia sits the luxurious home of the wealthy African American Dor… Read More
Crochet has always served as a favorite pastime for me since I was a youngster. I came across this lovely item on Amazon today and could not resist the urge to share and to promote it. Suc… Read More
Cool Items
This brings back memories: I remember years ago in the neighborhood where I grew up as a child there was a store to get t-shirts and sweatshirts with your name or whatever design you chose… Read More
Book overview In this follow up to Fatal Beauty emotions run high while tempers flare out of control. From the brutal actions of a woman scorned to the husband and mistress that drov… Read More
Welcome To the Tantalizing Tales Collection: Toya’s Titles of Terror, Treachery, And Suspense Shorties Volume Three–Enjoy the ride! Story One: The Demo… Read More
The Pool  🏖
My New Supernatural Thriller Though surrounded by loved ones and friends Arlette Bardot feels old, lonely, and bored with her life. Filled with nostalgia she yearns for the times of long ag… Read More
Born into a family of preternatural gifts and Yoruba practitioners, a call to the Orishas backfire and turn deadly when a ritual is tampered with. Books By LaToya Lawrence Read More
Secret Admirer Bryce Brandon has found the love of his life—the only woman for him—but someone else is looking to take this lovely lady’s place. Watching and waiting behin… Read More
LaToya Lawrence Secret Admirer: The Tantalizing Tales Collection: Toya’s Titles of Terror, Treachery, And Suspense Shorties Volume Two (Tantalizing Tales In The City) Book 2 of 2:… Read More
Yoruba Power!🕯
The Bledsoe Clan: Occult Power In The Bloodline From Caul births to the calling of the Orishas into the pathways of the Yoruba religion to the mystical powers that inhabit the universe. Fe… Read More
On The Eve🕯
Another new year is here already. Last year treated me good. I hope this 2024 treats me even better. I accept and relish the wonderful, powerful energy the universe exudes- love the peace… Read More
Bambi is a trusted therapist who clients put their money and trust in. They share to her their innermost feelings and spill their deep darkest secrets. Bambi thought she had heard and seen… Read More
Jordanna’s customers are dropping like flies when they buy and consume the decadent array of incomparable and matchless handmade pastries of her family-owned bakehouse that are liter… Read More
Book Overview In this fictional California town of Ramona life is kind until a sudden flow of recent events come to threaten the immediate future of a young woman who is resistant to… Read More
My New Page-Turner!❤
Written in a style that blends a touch of mystery and suspense. Exciting psychological thriller with a shocking plot twist available in paperback, hardcover, and kindle Read More
When Love Kills
Do to others as you would have done unto you or do to others what they have done to you? One should ask Delilah, the beauty with a score to settle against those who inhabit her world. When… Read More
Bloody Good! My Book Review ❤
I recommend this book to those who like the suspense genre  Review submitted – Thank you!We’re processing your review. This might take several days, so we appreciate your… Read More
Hot Off The Press! 🔥
Danielle’s Diary Hardcover Edition My Book: Danielle’s Diary New York Style: Tales of Suspense, Tantalizing Excitement In The City!- Join this two hundred sixty-five  pag… Read More
My Book: Danielle’s Diary
My book is available in paperback, kindle, and hardcover. This is a Reprinted edition of Danielle’s Diary that was originally published by LaToya Lawrence in March, the year 2003- av… Read More
My Tales Of Suspense⚘
Three short stories that include thrills in a mixture of fictional towns around New York. Hardcover and Kindle edition will be available soon Read More
My Suspense Book Is Published❤
LaToya Lawrence NovelHere is an excerpt from my new release! Blood was everywhere. The five-year-old babies were covered in blood but appeared to be unharmed after close observation. The po… Read More
Such A Pain In The A$$!
You know how you know better, yet go ahead and do something anyhow, only to regret it later? Well, going against my better judgment I allowed my computer to download Windows 11 for free wh… Read More
It is 5:21 am in the morning here in Queens, New York as I type this. At exactly 5:17 to 5:18 it sounded like I heard a darn owl outside my window. There are a lot of trees in my area and… Read More
On Monday morning I stepped out of my apartment building into the pleasant air of a warm summer day. I stood by the curb waiting for the bus when I happened to look down upon myself. I not… Read More
My Thoughts As An Author
I am a writer who does not limit herself to one specific genre. I write by what naturally inspires me at any given time as I am naturally versatile- whether it be self-help, devotional, no… Read More
Isaiah 35:4 Say to those with fearful hearts, “Be strong, and do not fear, for your God is coming to destroy your enemies. He is coming to save you.” Read More
There is a time and a place for everything. So, when the times are convenient, and the places are suitable to my liking- delightfully inviting- and affordable to my pockets, everything sho… Read More
I left yesterday morning headed for work. I stood by the curb in the partially lit sunlight looking out for the bus. While I waited, I took in the air of a breeze. One that went through me… Read More
My Friends Are Unbelievable!❤
My friends are unbelievably Special. They are so true and real to the core! They never cease to amaze me. We do not have to see one another everyday or talk on the phone everyday but we st… Read More
Lady Luck
Wow! I captured a good picture! I had forgotten that I had spotted this beauty and taken this photo with my smartphone last week while I was out in Nassau County. I always associated Ladyb… Read More
Since the eleven years I moved from across town to my current lovely, quiet peaceful neighborhood area of Queens, I have experienced positive energy around my surroundings. Healthy environ… Read More
My right-hand has been itching lately. Almost every time my right-hand itches I do end up receiving a little extra money to go into my pockets. I have on numerous accounts experienced supe… Read More
My mother told me a long time ago not to tell people that I do not care what others think because they will think something is wrong with me. I know my mother meant well, but to be honest… Read More
Smooth Ride
On Wednesday morning, when I left home from Queens, the weather was nice in my location- warm, a mild sunny reflection. In a car heading on the expressway, I enjoyed the sounds of jazz tha… Read More
The Call Of A Writer
One of my friends keeps telling me that she cannot wait for me to write and publish another book. She loved the two I wrote and published years ago. The thing about us true writers, though… Read More
Through My Eyes 👀
I remind myself of the 1978 Faye Dunaway thriller/mystery “The Eyes Of Laura Mars”. It is said that art imitates life. I have been seeing accurate visions that were confirmed o… Read More
My Morning Glory
I lay in bed not to get up right away during mornings when I do not have to. Resting my body in comfort in the calm of the room, daylight reflecting through my window. The sound of birds o… Read More
My Bedtime Story
I sleep like a baby and treasure most nights when I get the adequate rest that I need. Moments of peace and calm are precious. Having time to release oneself and to contemplate is essentia… Read More
Natural Hair Flow In The Grow
I do not go to the beauty parlor, I do my own thing. I live as simple as possible, relaxed and comfortable. My scalp be itching like crazy because my hair is growing. My hair grows like wi… Read More
Pastimes To Past The Time
I have quite a few hobbies that I enjoy and occupy myself with from time to time when I have time or am in the mood. I learned to crochet at nine or ten years of age. Knitting was too comp… Read More
Into Me ❤
I am into myself. I have always been into myself. I have learned by naturally being this way I can never be swayed or psychologically manipulated by anyone or by the world.  Read More
Preternatural Insight Is Not Paranoia
No of us are one hundred percent all the time. We can mistake one thing for another, and so on. There are times when we are unsure or just do not know. And even when we doubt, we can still… Read More
Finely Intertwined☀️
It feels so good to go out and to be in nature, to absorb and soak up energy from the sun. Those irresistible days of lovely weather -feeling breeze, watching leaves as they sway on the t… Read More
No Room For Darkness
There will always be negativity in some form in this world whether it be people or occurrence. This is a challenge we all must face and are unable to escape. Yet, as positive people who… Read More
Kill Them With Kindness Or Kill Them With Truth? A daughter of an elderly man I have been working on a case for left me a voicemail and text message as I was unavailable at the time, she… Read More
I am getting such a pull to stay close to and remain with God. Not that I could be separated from him anyhow, yet to keep attention and heart focused steadily on him. To be aware of whatev… Read More
I feel the energy of love reaching out to me along with positivity and light. Feelings, emotion, intuition, or energy force is not a sole indicator of God’s love. Whether we feel any… Read More
Come Into My Arms🕊
I feel myself continuing to evolve through the energy connected to me flowing in accordance with the universe that I am in alignment with. I literally feel God motioning me to come closer… Read More
A Finally Closed Chapter
Everything is not always mere coincidence. Certain things in life happen for a reason Born With Second-Sight/Extra Sensory Perception There was no mistake at me getting hired by and work… Read More
My Main Luscious Delights❤
Daily writing prompt List your top 5 favorite fruits. View all responses I signed into WordPress this morning to notice this Daily Prompt- which I have seen Prompts in g… Read More
I purchased a brand-new smartphone last summer that I have not used yet. I never even opened its package. I am still using my current phone that I have had for about three years, waiting u… Read More
Beyond Expectations🌷
There are things that happen in life that are sometimes beyond our control.   Yet, we can sometimes control things that happen in life beyond what we expect. –latoya lawren… Read More
This Man Thing Is Ridiculous!
I came across an Article titled Do Women Need Men and what I read in this article is total bullshit! The author is stating that if women say they do not want or need a man it is only becau… Read More
I am not one to ponder or to worry about things unnecessarily. I usually have faith in whatever situation knowing that I am divinely loved and solicitously watched over. Even so, during ti… Read More
Eye Of The Beholder❤
I do not like anything that diverts from my natural beauty. I am not and have never been into or fond of fake hair, fake nails, false eyelashes, piercings, tattoos or make-up. With me, wha… Read More
A Significant Event
I have never considered myself a religious person even though some in my past have viewed me in that manner I am spiritual. Some people get the two mixed up when in relation to as they hav… Read More
Pull No Punches
Isn’t it something when people tell you the pros about something, but not the cons? It is a total misrepresentation of whatever it is that is being addressed or called into question… Read More
Live And Let Live🌸
As writers we can get inspired by anything- I know I do. It is a part of our artistic, creative mode when the energy stirs us into action. Today I read a fellow blogger’s “About… Read More
When Envy And Jealousy Reign
Jealousy is a very ugly thing. Haters do not want to hear good things about you. They do not want you to succeed. They want you to believe the lies they implant because they do not want to… Read More
To Or To Not Forget🧸🌷
Our minds are a place where we store and collect. Where we deliberate and rationalize. It is also a place where impressions materialize. Reminders of events depicted within visionary, audi… Read More

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"My Voice" Weblog By Miss LaToya Lawrence | Me, My
