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Never Forgot What They Took From You
And yeah, I am so happy that they’re leaving Calypso in the canon. Yes, we don’t know what could possibly justify them retrofitting Discovery back to its 23rd century config… Read More
An Art:
I know, I know, right? Kovitch being Daniels feels so utterly random. But still, him being a time agent was apparently the plan even without the series coming to an end. I like that he&rsquo… Read More
An Art! The Magician
I really do want to have my say about the aftercare at the end of Discovery and the interesting implications of its ending and the extent to which some of the final reveals feel tacked on de… Read More
An Art! The High Priestess
I’m tired and don’t want to write about Star Trek this week, so instead, here’s An Art. This is one of a series of encaustic collages I’m doing. Had a heck of a time… Read More
Captain’s Log, Stardate 58462.8. The Cerritos is departing Krulmuth-B, having retrieved Ensigns Mariner and Boimler. While their adventure in the past seems to have had no significant… Read More
So I finally start writing again after the strikes, and boom, my web host goes down for like a day and a half last Wednesday, and then again for about six hours this past Tuesday. Plus, I&rs… Read More
I’m not sure if writing a weekly essay about Star Trek counts as crossing a picket line or promoting a work by striking union members, but I think maybe it would be best if I waited un… Read More
I kinda want to take a little time doing nothing major to cool down from the volume of Trekwork. Suggestions for Seven’s “Make the ship go” cachphrase: I would like the shi… Read More
Sick Day
I have The Rona, so I’m not writing this week. Instead, enjoy this factoid: We are equidistant in history from the births of Benedict Arnold and Jean-Luc Picard. Also, though this fact… Read More
A decade and a bit ago Monday, I became a dad. He’s getting big now and isn’t crazy about having his picture taken, so here’s a picture of his birthday haul, with a small c… Read More
Here’s Me Playing With AI
I asked Dall-E 2 and Nightcafe to show me a promotional poster for Peter Falk as Columbo on the USS Enterprise. Neither of them seemed to quite know who Peter Falk is, but were kind of consi… Read More

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A Mind Occasionally Voyaging | Welcome to the WORL
