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Donkeyshott & Xuitlacoche Blog

A blog concerning Goodness, in particular, Goodness related to politics, poetry, philosophy, life, food and art.
William Blake, The Gates of Hell How do you rough up Wrath, Greed, Pride, Lust, Envy, Sloth and Gluttony? What do you wallop them with? Blakean rhyme; with ‘bows of burning g… Read More
The ridge above the Weald To live on the edge of a forest is to live by a path into dream, or childhood; when you were small and the legs of adults were like trees and their heads rustl… Read More
Swallowing Melancholia 1
At a boarding school in the North East of England, three boys of ordinary charm, formed a cabal at the centre of a class and successfully invoked the powers of a ragamuffin demon who w… Read More
Expert advice on foot care from a man called Brett The walk, for me, started in Roncesvalles. I saw the bus coming into the underground car park before anyone else and lined up at the bay… Read More
Torta Cubana from Ryan's blogWhen I was single and didn't have time to cook and I was working in Antonio Caso Street in Mexico city, I dared to eat this sandwich on several occasions with th… Read More
 Be against forced marriage not immigrants.  Human sacrifice, forced marriage and clitorectomy; unacceptable in Surbiton. If an Aztec, an Ancient Roman or a member of the Gold… Read More
Philip Blond explaining the Big Society The answer is that we ARE living in a new Dark Ages. What makes this time a new dark age is that the light of reason is being snuffed out. We have… Read More
A chimp Language is the defining characteristic of human beings because, mainly through language, we create our representation of the world and act on it: history, art, film making, scie… Read More
The Achilles Heel of the Tories is their unfairness. The Tory Party is Hobbsian; elitist and hierarchical by nature, based partly on the tradition of a managed democracy. When people vote… Read More
The rooftops of Manchester, ValetteWhen her mother brought Carmen to Manchester in September she packed a suitcase containing everything she might need. However, in contrast to the… Read More
Summer Junctions
. "You've got to go dad. Now.""Wait, I am doing something important, I shout."I was writing a Kattabatic letter to someone, dredging up smooth… Read More
Deep into the icy waters of the Atlantic Somewhere around the Cape of Storms encaged by rocky beaches all around assaulted by piercing winds from the Banguelo like an island ship... lies the… Read More
There is something very, very wrong with the literary zeitgeist of Britain. I buy my four shot Palomino, get on the train at Wimbledon, The seats are littered with blue topped, abridged c… Read More
Lawrence visiting Teotihuacan In most of Lawrence's writing his zip is undone and "Mornings in Mexico" is no exception. His metaphors for Mexicans are insectile. He insults them continuo… Read More
In the OXFAM shop I met a man. He hadn't washed. He sat drinking a mug of tea Felicity had given him and he collared me. He said he'd like a house in Cornwall, with a swimming pool. "I'm get… Read More
Hi Phil, The last few days I've been thinking about Eve and Tony and their house, and, surprisingly I can remember very little. I have a bit of a visual picture of the house with a long ha… Read More
Tony Hall My 'speech' for Eve's 65th party at Matumi - a much shorter version was given extempore, without reading. Dear friends, dear family... Thank you all for copming to celebrate with… Read More
We knew Marius not only through joining COD, but also during his beatnik period. We met him in Cape Town in 1959. Paddy Roome, Tony Levy and  other ex-Jeppe School pupils who were at… Read More
Dear Bar We've just had two thirds of our kids here - the twins Andy and Chris, their wives, kids (7 intotal) and Andy's mum-in-law, for almost a month. The wonderful thing about this… Read More
First draftAs the world financial system started to fall apart we came together and linked arms and together we shall overcome. Let our enemies, who sew doubt and fear and mistrust in our gl… Read More
Obama promises the USA Rawlsian ballsObama will be cowed into compromising over any plans to tax and spend on the poor unless that spending is merely strategic, focused and highly limited … Read More
The engines of a beautiful East African Airways VC10, picture from B742My brother Chris is, quite literally, a very high achiever. He's one of the top civil aviation pilots in Britain… Read More
Veld fire, photo from the SA Weather and Disaster Information Service.My first clear memory at 3 years old is somewhat apocalyptic. Until then I had existed in an undifferentiated, pervasive… Read More
From Lisa's photo collectionHarry Piel, the actor director, was a friend of Heini's before the war (and after it?) and because Heini and Lisa were inseparable twins he was a f… Read More
After going nearly mad, Richard came to. He came to around the time his family was being killed in Europe. Though he didn't know that. Telegrammes had been exchanged saying everyone was alri… Read More
"Why don't you establish a set of ethical ground rules for the corporates to play by in any country they operate in and propose measures and sanctions for those multinationals that do not pl… Read More
Pam explained:'What is a real friend? I'll tell you what a real friend is Phil. When your Mom discovered she had stage three breast cancer she phoned me up and she said. "I want to go i… Read More
One of the nicest places to drink beer in Canterbury is at The Old Buttermarket at the Cathedral gates.Anthony, beer guru. I know that you like:TanglefootDogbolterTomas SykesOld TomGreen Dae… Read More
Be like Bianca Jagger Perez Mora; be an activistAfter the march against the war in Iraq in 2003 Tony Blair’s government ignored the 2 million protesters and went ahead with the war in… Read More
What a dirty game the American government is playing!Assistant US Secretary of State Nuland handing out biscuits in Kiev in December '13In 1990 and 1991 I was a British Council Lector workin… Read More
If you walk through the English countryside you will see the Shires, the barrows, Mirkwood, the Tors, and you will visit the pub in Bree and see Mordor in the industrial wastelands and you w… Read More
I hadn't seen Sheesheck and Sunil for a long time. When I say I hadn't seen Sheesheck I mean since 1976 when we were both 16. That's a long time. The last time I saw Sunil, I think was much… Read More
Eve Hall as a young activist in South AfricaBy Hugh Lewin for the Mail&GuardianEve Hall, who died aged 70 at her home near Nelspruit on 23 October, was one of the first women activists t… Read More
I Can See Mount Meru, What Can You See?
Mount Meru J. ClaudedFrom our house in Tengeru, right in front, we could see the cracked stump of what used to be Mt. Meru. It had been bigger than Kilimanjaro. Then blew up. This happened a… Read More
When I was 12 I was bespectacled and precocious and we lived in Upanga in Dar-es-Salaam. Outside our house was a Kungu tree. It was 1971-2 and my parents were in the thick of it. We had left… Read More
Photo of Ait Ben HaddouFolded mountains; bouleversantFolding people, émouvantGrass and the sprinkle of pines Cedar, cactus and spruce.Berber women mill bitter Agar,To make oil, a… Read More
Murakami's cosmosLike Juan Miro I looked at a blank wall But saw bats.Does this mean: I am bats?I have bats,Or I am batty?Looking at a white wall.I see- given that ontology precedes epi… Read More
Swallow, Eve Hall, 1940, age 4You were thinking of your father, in Africa.In the shop a Frenchwoman called your mother a 'Salle Bosch,' a 'sallope.'So you said to her: 'Mutti, let me speak f… Read More
Aithee'ists shud prai te blak h'eulzMait ai sedjest sumthing fer 'n aithe'eist te prai too.A big h'eul.'V kaus it wud ownli bee a litl h'eul, but if aul the aitheeists praid tegethe then the… Read More
I am rubbing at my dappled milk skinPlaying under a jacarandaIn a ditch by the side of a roadAnd the sunlight pats and strokes my backAnd its full lips kiss my cheeks; constantly.A… Read More

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