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Blog Directory  >  Arts & Entertainment Blogs  >  Humor Blogs  >  John Fleming's blog - SO IT GOES | John Fleming’s blog: human interest, humour, humor, comedy blog featuring eccentricity, performance, movies and occasionally a few tears humor Blog  >

The Iceman Melts Himself Via AI…
As my blog yesterday mentioned performer/artist The Iceman, I thought I would ask Gencraft AI to create an image of “a man made of ice attempting to melt himself with a flame-thrower&r… Read More
I meant to write a blog earlier. I meant to write a blog now. Well, to transcribe a recorded chat to become a blog. But I got distracted by ice cream. And desserts. And chocol… Read More

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John Fleming's blog - SO IT GOES | John Fleming’s blog: human interest, humour, humor, comedy blog featuring eccentricity, performance, movies and occasionally a few tears
