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Pharmaceutical Microbiology Blog
pharmaceutical microbiology,quality assurance, healthcare, cleanroom, contamination control, microbiology, tim sandle, sterility, disinfection
Handwashing In The Clinical Setting
The importance of handwashing in the clinical setting is demonstrated by 80% of sepsis cases are contracted outside of the hospital (see video below), hand hygiene plays a critical role in t… Read More
Has A Second Patient Been Cured Of HIV?
A study of the second HIV patient to undergo successful stem cell transplantation from donors with a HIV-resistant gene, finds that there was no active viral infection in the patient's blood… Read More
A Natural History!
If you thought the human body was only made of human cells, then think again. What scientists now know is that for every one human cell in a healthy body there are about ten times as many mi… Read More
New Metabolism Discovered In Bacteria
Microbiologists have discovered how the bacterium Acetobacterium woodii uses hydrogen in a kind of cycle to conserve energy. The bacterium lives in an environment without oxygen, and thanks… Read More
How Silver Ions Kill Bacteria
The antimicrobial properties of silver have been known for centuries. While it is still a mystery as to exactly how silver kills bacteria, University of Arkansas researchers have taken a ste… Read More
ISO 22367 - Update
ISO 22367, Medical laboratories – Application of risk management to medical laboratories, specifies a process for a medical laboratory to identify and manage the risk to patients and s… Read More
The Advantages Of Enzymatic Detergents
Contaminated flexible endoscopes are the medical devices occasionally associated with outbreaks of health care-associated infection. To minimise the risk, effective cleaning and disinfection… Read More
EU GMP Annex 21
Annex 21 to the EU-GMP Guidelines has been published as a draft (on 20thMarch 2020), titled "Importation of medicinal Products". The Annex is aimed at Manufacturing and Importation Authorisa… Read More
Bacteria can perceive how many they are. They release and sense signaling molecules that accumulate with increasing cell numbers, which allows them to change their behavior when a certain gr… Read More

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Pharmaceutical Microbiology
