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Sanity Sentinel Blog

Sanity Sentinel is a place to examine the apparent decline of America.
I mourn for my country.It gives me no pleasure to write this essay. I just wanted to make that clear from the outset. However, in just the last decade, my country has transformed into an unr… Read More
America, this is your rallying cry.Ted Cruz announces that he will be running for President of the United States. My fellow Americans, now is the time to seize the opportunity to do wha… Read More
The look says it all.On Tuesday, Benjamin Netanyahu won re-election in Israel, something which pleases me greatly, and something that has soured President Obama's mood obviously. As of Wedne… Read More
One Smart CookieThere's an old axiom that states that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Attributed to Albert Einstein… Read More
Here's a guy with a job.He looks delighted, doesn't he?Seemingly striving to shatter the boundaries of utter stupidity, Obama's State Department deputy spokesperson Marie Harf  spoke to… Read More
Once Our Minds Were Challenged"Billy? Dinner time!" There was a one-time built-in "ignore" function on this particular command, but it was not worth much since the follow up command would co… Read More
Democrats Seek Compromise Now?November 4th was an historic day. America overwhelmingly rejected the sitting President and nearly every crony he enjoyed sitting in either House of Congress. A… Read More
Is He Telling Us Something?God knows our minds. He knows our souls, and he knows our hearts. And while He can get angry with us from time to time, I believe he still loves us very much. And… Read More
A destructive swarmOn June 27th, Jon Brown and Kit Daniels published an article in which began like this:Small towns and counties in states bordering Mexico are drowning in debt… Read More
A serious warning? Barack Hussein Obama learned early the futility of a red line, it seems. He began breaking the laws of the United States -- which he twice swore an oath to defend and… Read More
He gave Baghdad Boba run for his money. Are Eric Shinseki and Jay Carney the beginning of the Conga line preparing to leave the Obama administration? Like rats running down the rope lin… Read More
Rose Catherine Wood1931-2014It's May 21st, a day that should signal new life in our lives as the grass begins growing anew, beautiful flowers of all colors begin to bloom, and summer is but… Read More
Houston. Problem.The story that refuses to die has gained new legs, and the Obama administration will soon feel the heat as a result of such tenacity. And while the White House apologists sc… Read More
Perhaps it began as far back as the 1960's, when the Left began their charge up the proverbial hill. I remember those tumultuous days like they were yesterday, but I never thought that they… Read More
Credit Las Vegas Review JournalTo the left, Cliven Bundy walks past a federal "first amendment area" sign, posted by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) office...on a public highway, and my… Read More
A time to believe.To begin, I won't even argue that Christianity is under attack in America and also around the world, as any casual observer would have to be comatose not to see it. From sc… Read More
The Work of General MacArthurWhat you see in the picture to your left is the burning remnants of the property of some 15,000 World War I veterans and their families, the last of their earthl… Read More
Will this be our fate in the end?Please don't share this because the last thing this ol' boy needs is a viral article and a stint in the local gulag FEMA Camp. Please do spread it by wh… Read More
Even Rod Serling couldn'tmake this stuff up.Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats have officially outdone themselves, delving into a hitherto uncharted realm of reality, or a departure therefrom. H… Read More

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