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Our Revolution Continues -- The Bernie Blog Blog

Our Revolution Continues is a volunteer-run blog for supporters of Bernie Sanders and other progressive candidates, progressive issues, and environmental awareness. Please read, share and submit to us. (Click on the "How to Submit" page link on sidebar.)
Priorities, People! Priorities!
"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." —VoltairePriorities, People! Priorities!by C.A. MatthewsEveryone probably has had a teacher, professo… Read More
The Best Democracy Money Can Buy
The Best Democracy Money Can Buy (Is No Democracy At All)by C.A. Matthews I believe most Americans understand that the United States is not a democracy or even qualifies as a representa… Read More
The Fight
 The Fightby C.A. Matthews Nowadays there are so many things coming at us all at once—climate disasters, political disasters, personal disasters—that it sometimes becom… Read More
Celebrate The Win
Celebrate The Winby C.A. MatthewsJulian Assange’s release from Belmarsh Prison was all anyone could talk about online for days this past week. It was definitely good news worth sharing… Read More
The Exercise Of Imagination
“The exercise of imagination is dangerous to those who profit from the way things are because it has the power to show that the way things are is not permanent, not universal, not nece… Read More
The Ugliness To History
We need to tell the truth about the ugliness to history. We don't honor our forefathers if we don't learn from their mistakes. —Radical Jesus on X.The Ugliness To Historyby C. A. Matth… Read More
Biden's Berlin Wall
 Go to to see all images and links. Sorry for the inconvenience, but Google is playing games or censoring things again.Biden’s Berlin Wallby C… Read More
There’s Always Money For Bombs
“The sinews of war are infinite money.” --Marcus Tullius Cicero"How many free school lunches could have been bought with the money we used to send bombs to Israel so they could b… Read More
Shutting Down The Bullies
"We Have Blood On Our Hands" (original painting by Caitlin Johnstone)Shutting Down The Bulliesby C. A. MatthewsIsrael to Punish West Bank After 3 More Countries Recognize Palestinian State h… Read More
To Proclaim Loudly
I don't know if there has ever been a time comparable to this one, where we are seeing people for who and what they really are. There's nowhere to hide anymore. You're either with God or you… Read More
Changing The World
Changing The Worldby C. A. Matthews“If you think we can’t change the world, it just means you’re not one of them who will.” --Jacque FrescoThe last two hundred plus… Read More
All Cops Are [Expletive Deleted]
All Cops Are [Expletive Deleted]by C.A. Matthews I really hate slapping a label onto a particular group of people, but sometimes the label just fits.After watching videos and reading stori… Read More
The Grift Of Eternal Victimhood
  We've apparently reached the "University arresting its own professors" stage of decline. —Edward Snowden… Read More
Exposing Dirty Tricks
Exposing Dirty Tricksby C.A. Matthews Has anyone ever tried to pull the wool over your eyes? Fooled you into believing something that turned out later to be false? How did you feel after you… Read More
The Writing's On The Wall
The Writing's On The Wallby C.A. MatthewsSome days it feels like this nightmare will go on forever. It’s overwhelming. When you can’t even have a reasonable, adult conversation w… Read More
The Miracle
Editor's note: I had a dream about this whole hot mess the world finds itself in. I wanted to share my vision, but I struggled to put it into words until I decided to write it as a short… Read More
When Is A Ceasefire Not A Ceasefire?
If you still have any doubt that we live in a profoundly sick dystopia as deranged as anything that’s ever been imagined in fiction, take note of the fact that the most powerful empire… Read More
Deal With The Devil
by Mark Taylor, DeMOCKracy Ink Deal With The Devilby C.A. MatthewsAbout once a year, I feel compelled to write a post about the dangers and pitfalls of lesser evil voting in the US. So here… Read More
Blood Money
Blood Moneyby C.A. Matthews Tax season in the US has to be the most stressful time of the year. Even if you’re fairly certain you’ll receive a refund and not owe anything, you… Read More
True Civilization
Watch this artwork's creation at Civilization by C.A. MatthewsThere has been a lot of discussion both online and offline ab… Read More
The Quiet Part
 “...We will continue to actively engage in the hard work of direct diplomacy on the ground until we reach a final solution.” --Remarks by Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield… Read More
Bullets V. Ballots Or...?
Day X is here… This blog will post just before Julian Assange goes before the court in London for his extradition hearing on February 20-21. To keep up with the latest news on him… Read More
Thirty Pieces Of Blood-Stained Silver
Thirty Pieces of Blood-Stained Silver by C.A. Matthews  If I could regain those two hours I’d gladly take them back and do something useful with them, like clean out my cat&rsquo… Read More
Read The Room
Read The Room by C. A. Matthews "Political language... is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind." ~George O… Read More
Marching Toward Justice Toward Justiceby C.A. MatthewsNo justice. No peace!Know justice. Know peace!I wore an orange jumpsuit and a black hood over m… Read More
#BoycottMickey (Boycotts Work)
#BoycottMickeyby C.A. Matthews  From Mickey Mouse (Disney) to MickeyD’s (McDonald’s), Palestine will be free!I’m just back from a cold—but very effective&mdas… Read More
New Year's Revolutions
New Year’s Revolutions  I can ease the suffering of this world With my head, my heart and my hand –-from the song Of This World  resolution /r… Read More
Silence Equals Death: 2023 In Review
  Silence Equals Death: 2023 In Reviewby C.A. Matthews The very last post of the year for the past couple of years has been a review and summarization of events that happened in that… Read More
Peace In Palestine/Baby Angel
photo by Amjad DoumaniPeace In PalestineThe “Ceasefire Carols” for peace in Palestine were well received in downtown Toledo at Promenade Park on Saturday night. We even picked up… Read More
The Elephant In The Room
While you were shopping, bombs were dropping... on Gaza.Toledo area peace activists took a tour of a local shopping mall sharing their concerns over the genocide happening in Gaza. You can s… Read More
How Do We Live With Ourselves?
 In Lak'ech Ala K'in. "I am you and you are me. What I do to you, I do to myself." —Mayan SayingHow Do We Live With Ourselves?by C.A. MatthewsIn this season of supposed “Pea… Read More
Keeping Up With The Jen O'Syders
Keeping Up With The Jen O’Sydersby C.A. Matthews From time to time, we at The Revolution Continues blog like to get out in the community and see how people are coping and dealing wit… Read More
A Graveyard For Children (Censored)
  This week's blog has been censored by Blogspot. You can find it in full at Substack at  Thank you for your understanding. A… Read More
The Root Of All Evils
The Root Of All Evilsby C. A. Matthews For the love of Big Oil is the root of all evils. —1 Timothy 6:10 No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and lov… Read More
The New Litmus Test
The New Litmus Testby C.A. Matthews  As the US November election day rolls around, the question as to whom to vote for haunts me. Often times, I vote only on the issues on the ballot (s… Read More
Free Free Palestine!
photo by Amjad DoumaniFree Free Palestine!words and some photos by C.A. Matthews“From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free! Free, free Palestine!”I had thought about writ… Read More
Performative Politics
Performative Politicsby C. A. Matthews I’ve heard the term performative politics quite often in recent times. It makes me wonder why this kind of politics has come into vogue. Let&rs… Read More
Interview With A Non-Scientist
  Interview with a Non-Scientist by C. A. Matthews With the recent March to End Fossil Fuels in New York and the deadly floods in Libya and elsewhere, environmental crises a… Read More
Why The Revolution Hasn't Started Yet
Why The Revolution Hasn't Started Yetby C.A. Matthews That’s what authentic living is, in my view: meeting life just as it is, without egocentric filters, distortions or manipulat… Read More
The Cure For TDS
The Cure For TDSby C.A. Matthews January 6, January 6, January 6, January 6, January 6, January 6, January 6, January 6, Orange man bad, Orange man bad, Orange man bad, Orange man bad, Put… Read More
Fighting Words
Fighting Wordsby C. A. Matthews If you’ve ever wondered what people were talking about when they say something like, “The US is essentially an oligarchy,” then welcome… Read More
The Glass Is Refillable
The earth looks so beautiful from space. Let's keep it that way. The Glass Is Refillableby C. A. Matthews Most of us reach a breaking point at one time or another in our lives. There&rsqu… Read More
Shades Of Suez
Our resident historian and all-around sharp and savvy person, Coast Watcher, returns to the blog with an in-depth look at the recent going-ons in Africa, particularly between Niger and their… Read More
This Is What Empire Looks Like
 This Is What Empire Looks Likeby C.A. Matthews...Mark Twain, William Jennings Bryan, and all those early anti-imperialists understood America had a choice: It would be empire abroad… Read More
The Choice
The Choiceby C.A. Matthews I attended the Green Party US Annual National Meeting this past weekend. Once again we convened together online to hear what our fellow Greens and others have to… Read More
Fourteen Years And Counting
Fourteen Years and Countingby C. A. Matthews  Most of us can remember our “first, real paying job.” For Americans, we were most likely in high school, and a classmate ment… Read More
What Planet Are You On?
What Planet Are You On?by C.A. Matthews  Reality isn’t to everyone’s tastes.  This is most evident in the the comment sections of blogs and social media sites like Twit… Read More
Boulder. Together.
  Boulder. C.A. Matthews  It’s been difficult, if not next to impossible, to become excited by the American political scene in recent years. The whole elect… Read More
Join Team Orca!
Join Team Orca!by C.A. Matthews It’s not every day that warming oceans and the detrimental effects they cause make the news in four separate, but not unrelated stories.  One woul… Read More
Impossible Things (Uniting The Left)
Impossible Things (Uniting The Left)by. C.A. Matthews “Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.” ― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderla… Read More
Hazy Days Are Here Again
Hazy Days Are Here Again by C.A. Matthews Hazy days are here again— Smoky skies and tears to lend The environment is screwed my friend! Hazy days are here again! (*Sung to the tune… Read More
Canceling Free Speech
Is this the end of protests?If western governments need to keep ramping up censorship, propaganda and the persecution of journalists in order to defend western freedom and democracy, is it r… Read More
The Unwelcoming Society
The Unwelcoming Societyby C. A. Matthews When my mother first got off the ship in the United States of America, I wonder… Did she feel welcomed? It was right before the start of the… Read More
(How Not To Say) Told You So
The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.― Joe Klaas  (How Not To Say) Told You Soby C.A. Matthews Seven years ago, if you’d asked me if Hillary Clinton… Read More
Behind The Curtain
"Pay no attention to the man behind that curtain!"In these weird times, sometimes it's good to take a break and look back into our past and see what all we can learn from those who came befo… Read More
We Know What They're Afraid Of
 We Know What They're Afraid Ofby C. A. Matthews Have you ever heard the old expression, When your enemy is making mistakes, don’t stop and correct him? I believe working class Am… Read More
Weaponizing Free Speech
This is the dystopia you were warned about. A mind-controlled populace thinking, speaking, shopping, moving and voting in accordance with the will of the powerful. All that's left now is… Read More
The Average Billionaire
 The Average Billionaire by C. A. MatthewsHow “average” would I feel if I became a billionaire? Since I’m nowhere close to becoming even a lowly millionair… Read More
Digital McCarthyism
Digital McCarthyismby C. A. Matthews It was bound to happen sooner or later. And it did—a self-proclaimed “very important person in government” would impugn the integrity o… Read More
The New Title 42
The New Title 42info gathered by C.A. Matthews Editor's note: From the "Just when you hoped things would get better for ordinary people" department comes news of what the Biden Administratio… Read More
Does The US Deserve Redemption?
Hey, I've got a smart idea: let's make laws that require corporations to act like sociopaths, pursuing profit without any consideration for morality or human well-being, then let's allow our… Read More
American Chernobyl
 American Chernobylby C. A. Matthews"A society that prohibits the capacity to speak in truth extinguishes the capacity to live in justice." --Chris Hedges Ididn’t hear about the t… Read More
Pay For Your Own Wars, Big Oil!
Pay For Your Own Wars, Big Oil!by C.A. Matthews Did you get a chance to read Pulitzer Prize-winner Seymour Hersh’s excellent exposé on who and how and when the Nord Stream LNG p… Read More
Why Are We Repeating History?
Why Are We Repeating History?  by C. A. Matthews  Happy Black History Month! Last year, we spent several weeks in the month of February discussing various topics that are of… Read More
Targets On Our Backs
Targets On Our Backsby C. A. Matthews  Five cops brutally beat up and killed a young black man named Tyre Nichols in Memphis after a routine traffic stop. A large contingent of pol… Read More
The Great Divide
The Great Divideby C.A. Matthews    Imagine, if you will, a Great Divide so wide and so deep that it takes hours—if not days—to cross on foot. To get from one side… Read More
Protesting Evil (Be The Peace)
Protesting Evil (Be The Peace)by C.A. Matthews The greatest purveyor of violence in the world is my own government. I cannot be silent. —Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., April 4, 1… Read More
Who's Really In Charge?
Capitalism functions very efficiently without democracy. --Chris HedgesYou'll never stop depraved agendas as long as propagandists can manipulate a critical mass of people into consenting to… Read More
Resolved: Capitalism Must Die
Resolved: Capitalism Must Dieby C. A. Matthews     Most New Year’s resolutions aren’t kept for more than a month. Six weeks tops. Those resolutions to lose we… Read More
Heavenly Peace
 Heavenly Peaceby C.A. MatthewsSilent night, holy night. All is calm, all is bright.‘Round yon virgin mother and child.Holy infant, so tender and mild,Sleep in heavenly peace!Slee… Read More
Disinformation Wars
Disinformation Warsby C. A. Matthews   “The first casualty when war comes is truth.” —Senator Hiram W. Johnson From Caitlin Johnstone’s Newsletter:AP's anonymous… Read More
Lab Rats Of The World Unite!
 Lab Rats of the World Unite! (You Have Nothing to Lose But Your Cheese)by C. A. Matthews If you’re thinking this article is about the student teachers, graduate assistants… Read More
What Do These Stories Have In Common?
 What Do These Stories Have In Common? We have a guest blogger this week, but before we get to their article, here’s a story that popped up in the news that I felt is very importa… Read More
The Peace Eagle
The Peace Eaglewords and original artwork by C.A. Matthews We don't have to submit to this. We don't have to keep sleepwalking into dystopia and armageddon to the beat of manipulative socio… Read More
Why All The Hate For Haiti?
US Border Patrol deports Haitians like rustling cattleWhy All The Hate For Haiti?by Coast WatcherAct 1: Once Upon a Time...Toussaint Louveture and the Haitian Revolution inspired millions of… Read More
We Are Smarter Than They Think
Apples don't fall far from the tree...We Are Smarter Than They Think (Much Smarter) by C.A. Matthews  Once upon a time there were two farmers.  Farmer A owned a love… Read More
Is This A Dystopian Novel?
Is This A Dystopian Novel?(Or Is It Reality?)by C.A. Matthews I’m writing this on the way home from an annual science fiction convention we’ve attended for many years. My hu… Read More
Human Trafficking Isn't Funny
photo: Dominic Chavez/Getty Human Trafficking Isn't Funny An open letter by Redd Phlagg Dear Governor DeSantis: You don’t know me, and you probably don’t listen much to… Read More
God Save The King?
God Save the King? It's More Like God Help the British People!by Coast Watcher Tradition is a strong force in Britain. The "British way of doing things"is often at odds with the rest of the… Read More
You Can't Make This Stuff Up
We live in a time where leftists and communists are being labeled as Nazis and real Nazis are being labeled as freedom fighters standing up against fascism. We can't make this up. --Kris Leg… Read More
Put The US In The Time Out Chair
Put The US In The Time Out Chairby C.A. Matthews When you work in a kindergarten, you see a lot of a particular kind of behavior. One kid—sometimes the biggest physically in the… Read More

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Our Revolution Continues -- The Bernie Blog
