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America, Think About It Blog

Random thoughts on politics and popular culture. I am a conservative in theory and practice. I enjoy discussing politics and often times take an opposite stance just for the fun of debating, even if I agree with the opponents stance. I am intolerant of individual that does not debate on issues and resorts to name calling and mud throwing. Just because people have different views doesn't necessarily make the other opposing view wrong. We all learn more when we debate the issues.
"This commutation sends the clear signal that in this administration, cronyism and ideology trump competence and justice." - Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y.Below is a list of all Preside… Read More
If you believe we have a right or a self determination to decide who and how many people we allow into our country please act. Contact you Senator and Representative and let them know how yo… Read More
I received a email from the Better Business Bureau regarding the latest email scam. Below in an excerpt, just in case you haven't heard about it yet..." The IRS does not send out unsolicite… Read More
Immigration is the hot topic. Ok, it's not just hot, it's boiling over! I've listened to both sides of the debate from all angles. Great points are made by both the for and against. This is… Read More
Ok here is my take on the show "Lost". I can't say that I've watched every episode from the beginning but I watch enough to keep up with the story line. My theory is this, the title of th… Read More
I was watching CNN News last night and they continually amaze me. Yesterday our law enforcement agencies captured a group a men planning to attack one of our military bases here on American… Read More
I really feel we let all the combative talk cloud or perspective. On Sept 11 we were attacked by an organized group whose stated mission is destroy America. Why is it so hard to come togethe… Read More
Just because you hear something over and over again doesn't make it a fact. Challange yourself to a debate and find the facts Read More
I have so many thoughts regarding politics in the United States that I decided to finally create this blog. I didn't create it in order to vent my personal beliefs, although I'm quite positi… Read More
"It doesn't matter how much you make, just ask Congress. "- Dave Ramsey Read More

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America, Think About It
