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Tony Phyrillas On Politics Blog

Tags: average american household social security contrary creation fema migrant fema migrant program mental fitness diagnosis woke leftists wrote rigged democrat primaries ninth circuit shoots newly disciplined trump american leadership abroad restoring american leadership victor davis hanson victor davis nullifies federal laws language nullifies federal orwellian language nullifies commit election fraud dems publicly declare reagan credits god voters totally destroy american divide clearer trump triumphant judge triumphant judge cannon legacy media trump assassination attempt leaving president trump republican party trump versus american versus american socialists carnival barkers distract newsweek descends deeper democracy social security joe biden election ninth circuit restoring american keystone kops court dei hire president trump american household average american president trump biden alexander hamilton kamala harris biden fighting trump legacy left deep trump secret trump campaign kamala democrats trump joe biden illegal fema migrant democracy inch supreme court deep blue panic mode nato support mental fitness canard problems president rally utter humiliation news reporters preamble woke leftists biden won rigged democrat election integrity circuit shoots newly disciplined left victor israel fighting japan publicly declare reagan credits credits god trump proved pure braveheart assassinate assassinate president secret yesterday updated shot shot resilient dei secret democrat party young dumb bongino breaks secret woke secret voters totally totally destroy assassination attempt american divide media trump assassination bidens secret trump key moments greatest fear trump greek myth american historyacircnbsp secret democrats defeat actual legend ugandan kids republican party democrat politics inevitable endpoint charitable assessment trump count trump versus tweetedout letter biden greek democrat establishment parting gift democrat party george costanza kamala kamala harris barkers distract carnival barkers assassination attempt independent investigator trump american politics leftism fails media trump support ukraine president trump keystone secret failure secret vance perfect secret director hydroxychloroquine crime coup democrats similarities alexander courage congress threat consequence isnt writer biden diagnosis bidengate doom biden democrats integrity idea obama trump yesterday young president story starting president roof democrats greatest count resigned trump saved parting harris failure lincoln leftism
What Price Trump?: The guy that “wasn’t going anywhere” is now gone. The Democrat party axe, poised squarely over Joe Biden’s head for days, has finally fallen… Read More
The Hydroxychloroquine Crime:More than four years ago, Democrat leaders colluded with the WHO (as part of the wannabe global government) and Big Tech to perpetrate a horrific crime: the deni… Read More
Who Can Donald Trump Count On?: Donald Trump may very well be the next president of the United States. But when the going inevitably gets tough, who can a future President Trump look to for… Read More
Donald Trump Versus American Socialists: Robert Kennedy Jr. stated that Biden is more dangerous to democracy than Donald Trump. Robert is misguided; Biden is senile and does not pose a threa… Read More
Trump as a Greek myth: Donald Trump has become unique in American history.  He has survived and prevailed against so many plots of evil hypocrisy, so many creatures of wickedness risen… Read More
Secret Service Director: Oh my God: All roofs are sloped. It’s necessary for water run off.  Even roofs that aren’t peaked are sloped. While it’s possible some adults… Read More
JD Vance: The Perfect Pick: President Donald Trump chose Ohio senator J.D. Vance to be his running mate for the 2024 presidential election, and though there are plenty of naysayers citing Va… Read More
Secret Service failure: Some thoughts on the attempted assassination of former president Donald Trump. First, regarding the Secret Service. It is all well and good that the agents at the sce… Read More
Trump just isn't that mean: It seems that all I’ve been doing lately is fielding pieces apologizing for Donald Trump’s personality. You know, the “mean tweets,” the a… Read More
Joe Biden Has Alzheimer’s: A recent New York Post article forced this physician-author to face facts. Our president meets all the medical criteria for a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s… Read More

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