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The Independent View Blog

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The Internet has made this the age of the instant political movement. Like-minded people (and even unlike-minded people) can find one another and quickly create a kind of critical mass. The hope, often the expectation, is that these new aggregations can bring positive change to the body politic. This includes seizing new opportunities for democratizing communication and communicating democracy, both of which are urgently needed.
Senators Unveil Bipartisan Gun Deal
A bipartisan group of 20 Senators struck a Deal Sunday, on Gun Control legislation, including strengthening Background Checks and boosting Red Flag Laws, a major breakthrough following weeks… Read More
NYC Mayor Forms Gun Violence Task Force
New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D), on Thursday, discussed the need to Prevent Shootings before they happen in the First place, by attacking Crime at the Root. Adams announced a New Gun Vi… Read More
NY More Gun Laws
New York is Changing its Gun Laws and stepping up Social Media Oversight: Microstamping A long-sought Measure that could lead to the unique Imprinting of Pistols and Ammunition is about t… Read More
NY Bills Passed Last Night
The New York Legislature is officially in overtime. The Senate adjourned for the year last night around 2:30 am. The Assembly is scheduled to reconvene this morning at 9:30 am, and work thro… Read More
NY Preclearance Bill And Other Changes
New York State Legislators, are poised to give Final approval to a Major overhaul of Election Rules, meant to Expand access to the Polls and to tilt Legal scales toward Voters. The Legisla… Read More
U.S. To Allow Some To File For Asylum
The Biden Administration is broadening the pool of Migrants who will be allowed to enter the U.S. to make Asylum Claims, in the latest effort to chip away at the Restrictive Immigration Poli… Read More
Twitter Shareholders Musk Lawsuit
Twitter Shareholders have filed a Lawsuit accusing Elon Musk of engaging in Unlawful Conduct aimed at sowing doubt about his bid to buy the campany. The Lawsuit, filed late Wednesday in th… Read More
AZ New Voter Suppression Law
Arizona's 2022 State Legislature Session saw a bunch of Bad Bills. But their Governor, Doug Ducey (R), has signed the First Voter Suppression Law of Session, trying again to require Proof… Read More
Effort To Recruit Poll Workers In 2022
Power the Polls, an effort backed by Major Civic groups and Businesses, that recruited hundreds of thousands of People to serve as Poll Workers in 2020, is Relaunching its efforts ahead of t… Read More
Federal Judge Blocks Ending Title 42
A District Judge ruled Friday, that the Biden Administration must continue to expel Migrants under Title 42, a COVID-19-related Health Measure First implemented under Trump. The Ruling pre… Read More
KS Supreme Court Upholds GOP Map
Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly (D), is reiterating her calls for a Non-Partisan Commission on Redistricting, after the Kansas Supreme Court upheld a GOP-drawn Congressional Map that split Racially… Read More
White House Expands Flights To Cuba
The White House announced a historic shift in its policy toward Cuba Monday night, saying that for the First time in Six Decades, it will sign off on an American Company investing in a Priva… Read More
Biden's FSB Nominee Confirmed
The U.S. Senate on Wednesday, Voted overwhelmingly to confirm Philip Jefferson, an Economist and Davidson College's Dean of Faculty, to the Federal Reserve Board. Jefferson's Appointment w… Read More
Biden's FTC Nominee Confirmed
The long wait to complete the Democratic Majority on the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) ended Wednesday, with the Senate Voting along Party lines to Confirm Privacy Expert, Alvaro Bedoya, to… Read More
NY Congressional House Member Resigns
Tom Reed (R-NY, 23rd District) Resigns, Seven months before his Final Term was due to end, setting up a Second Special House Election in New York. Reed’s Resignation come a week afte… Read More
White House Bolsters Cyber Office
The Biden Administration is building out a White House Office, for strengthening Federal Cybersecurity Policy and Strategy, by hiring a prominent Microsoft Executive and a former CIA Officia… Read More
ME Now Has An Open Primary
Maine Governor Janet Mills (D), allowed Legislation to go into Law, creating an Open Primary, permitting Independent Voters, 32% of All Maine Voters, the right to pick a Party Ballot, and Vo… Read More
G-7 To Ban Russian Oil Imports
The U.S. and Top Allies will Ban the Import of Russian Oil, and impose a new round of Sanctions, World Leaders said Sunday. The moves, announced after a Virtual Meeting with Ukrainian Presid… Read More

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