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Conservative Right- "rebellion To Tyrants Is Obed Blog

America must return to conservative principles of less government,reduced taxes, less spending and a balanced budget! Cut,cap and balance!
ENIGMAS (1) Isn't it weird that in America, our flag and our culture offend so many people, but our benefits don't?(2) How can the federal government ask U.S. citizens to pay back stude… Read More
GOP health effort on hold indefinitelyThe Republican push to repeal ObamaCare is officially on ice.Now the question is when -- if ever -- the GOP will try again.Senate Majority Leader Mitch… Read More
GOP chairman declares bipartisan ObamaCare fix deadThe Senate health committee chairman on Tuesday released a statement ending a bipartisan effort to find an ObamaCare fix amid a n… Read More
Pat Buchanan "The Barbarian cannot make ... he can befog and destroy but ... he cannot sustain; and of every Barbarian in the decline or peril of every civilization exactly that has bee… Read More
BackCitizen Newt Is Needed TodayElise CooperCitizen Newt, an authorized biography by Craig Shirley, explores how the legendary speaker of the House rose and influenced American politics and… Read More
Judd Gregg: The Art Of Legislating
Judd Gregg: The art of legislatingBy Judd Gregg, opinion contributor - 09-18-17 06:00 AM EDTIf President Trump and his people want to do "huge" things (to borrow from his vocabulary), they a… Read More
BackIs America a Christian Nation?Roger TaylorFormer President Obama has said that America is not a Christian nation. Was that far left atheism, pro-Islamic proselytizing, or just wishful th… Read More
White House: DACA is not amnestyBy Ben Kamisar - 09-15-17 14:15 PM EDTThe White House argued Friday that the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program is not "amnesty," pushing b… Read More
COULTER: No Amnesty Is Good Amnesty
Faith leaders place their hands on the shoulders of U.S. President Donald Trump as he takes part in a prayer for those affected by Hurricane Harvey in the Oval Office of the White House in W… Read More
Trump steps up courtship of DemsBy Jordan Fabian - 09-13-17 20:26 PM EDTPresident Trump's courtship of congressional Democrats intensified on Wednesday as he asserted a willingness… Read More
Trump: No Deal On DACA
Trump: No deal on DACABy Kyle Balluck - 09-14-17 06:54 AM EDTPresident Trump early Thursday said he made no deal with Democrats to protect young immigrants, pushing back on a statement by th… Read More
BackWorking to Build Up, Not Tear DownJeremy FrankelOur country has been floundering for some time. We have seen weak, indecisive leadership in the past and now we see a practically unpreced… Read More
Transactivism Is Hurting Your Children
Transactivism Is Hurting Your ChildrenThe Stream - Tuesday September 12, 2017by Michael BrownWhat you're about to read will shock you, but first, let me do my best to be a voice of sanity in… Read More
BackWho are our Real Enemies?Elise CooperA good novel allows readers to learn and question, a gateway to world events. Such is the case with Vince Flynn's Enemy Of The State by Kyl… Read More
Statue Mania Comes to MinnesotaPower Line - Saturday September 9, 2017by John Hinderaker(John Hinderaker) One might think that Minnesota would be one of the last places to pull down sta… Read More
THE MEMO: Trump puts the GOP on noticeBy Niall Stanage - 09-09-17 06:46 AM EDTPresident Trump's shock deal with the two top Democrats in Congress was a shot across the bows of his own party… Read More

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CONSERVATIVE RIGHT- "Rebellion to tyrants is obed
