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Happiness Consultants, Nlp Coaches, Meditation | H Blog

Happy Ho is a happiness services provider such as NPL training, happiness enhancement, meditation, yoga, reiki courses and many more that make you happy
One day when Bodhi didn’t come out of the bathroom for a long time we knocked on the door and called out to him. He came out after sometime and said that he had got so absorbed in list… Read More
Are you averse to taking risks in life? Are you the one who loves to be in your comfort zone? Are you playing it too safe? Are you leading a risk-free life? Are you leading a mistake-free li… Read More
Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing flawlessly. – Robert H. Schuller In my earlier article, I discussed what it means to be perfect. Why it is important to be perfect… Read More
“Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when nothing is left to take away. Beauty and ingenuity beat perfection hands down, every time.” When I though… Read More
Do you want to live life with a purpose? Obviously, yes. All of us have come on this earth to live with a purpose, to live for a purpose. But, sometimes, it so happens that we are not able t… Read More
In my last article on meditation, I told you about the importance of meditation, and why it is important to practice meditation. I hope you have understood the importance of meditation. So… Read More
The teen (no longer a tween.. yes been a while since I penned something down with some coherence of thoughts) often asks me on what it is that I am looking forward to… and depending o… Read More
“No amount of effort can make up for a lack of interest.” Are you the one who loses interest and enthusiasm fast? Do you start with motivation, energy, and high hopes, but lose t… Read More
If you are sad that life has knocked you down, what would you do? Stay there or rise and shine again. Both options are open for you, but which is a better option? Indeed, to get up, rise, an… Read More
Do you know what your dreams are?  A dream can be described as a series of images, thoughts, desires, or emotions that pass through your mind. It is a wonderful thing you can creat… Read More
I recently met my music school fellow during a music concert. He has been learning classical singing for many years and puts in a lot of effort to learn, though he is not from any musical ba… Read More
Are you consistently anxious about the future? Are you constantly thinking something may go wrong? Are you thinking that you may be inflicted with some disease? Are you thinking what if your… Read More
रुद्रप्रयाग। मुख्यमंत्री पुष्… Read More
Today I would like to rewrite the famous number: Don’t worry be happy! Don’t Cry, always Smile!! Is crying any solution for the emotions or situations you are going through? Not… Read More
Is helping others a virtue? Helping others is a big virtue that needs no skills, qualifications, or expertise. You just need a mindset to help others.  When we help others, it adds to o… Read More Originally written in the form of an epic poetry, the Ramayana has been told through the ages in different forms and… Read More
In my last article, we explored the immense benefits of reading which were direct like how reading helps you grow and evolve. How it is critical for human survival? How does it define the pe… Read More
Though making resolutions every “New Year” is not my scene this year I am making a resolution – to read a book for at least 30 mins at the allotted time and sitting in a de… Read More
Circa 2024: Now that we have welcomed the New Year with open hands and hearts, we are all set, well almost. Have you ever thought about how you see yourself by the end of the year? Moved f… Read More
“When things go wrong, as they sometimes will When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill… …Rest if you must, but don’t you quit.” Remember this quo… Read More
मुख्यमंत्री योगी आदित्यनाथ ने … Read More
Before you ask me the question: What is the itchy chair syndrome? I will ask you a question to answer your question: Where would you be working more comfortably rather than be more productiv… Read More
The year 2023 is history now! We are all set to welcome the new year 2024 with renewed hope and energy. For many of us, 2023 was a great year, for some, it was not so great and for some, it… Read More
राम मंदिर में रामलला के प्राण प्&#… Read More
Adversity is a part and parcel of our lives. There is not a single soul on this planet who has not faced adversity. Even if you are very successful, moderately successful, or not so successf… Read More
Now that we have started getting set for New Year, with renewed vigour and hope, it is time to set new goals to add value to our New Year. Do you know why goal setting is important? It is im… Read More
“Good health is not something we can buy. However, it can be an extremely valuable savings account.” – Anne Wilson Schaef Once again, we are at the cusp of bidding goodbye… Read More
मुख्यमंत्री योगी आदित्यनाथ की … Read More
Since childhood, it has been drilled in our heads that do not be average, be outstanding then only you will succeed in life. This is true to a certain extent and we have been blindly followi… Read More
As goes the saying: Change is the only constant! Without a change in life, you cannot survive, and forget to thrive. Change is a mixed bag, sometimes it brings happiness, sometimes challeng… Read More
How to be the change you wish to see in the world? We have all heard the saying, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” Mahatma Gandhi is often credited with say… Read More
लखनऊ। मुख्य सचिव दुर्गा शंकर मि… Read More
देहरादून। मुख्यमंत्री पुष्कर ì… Read More
गोरखपुर प्रवास के दौरान मुख्यम… Read More
देहरादून। मुख्यमंत्री पुष्कर ì… Read More
Nowadays when we are engulfed with negativity all over – there is war all over, natural calamities, accidents, untimely deaths, pandemics, murders, road rage, etc. hence it is very dif… Read More
उत्तराखंड के उत्तकाशी की सिलक्… Read More
How do you feel when someone makes you feel special? Elated. Indeed. Certainly. In the same way, you should also attempt to make someone feel special. Feel the magic! How nice you feel and h… Read More
“You are a firecracker in everything you do. Celebrate yourself every day.” ― Hiral Nagda  It has been noticed that in our conversations with our family members o… Read More
देहरादून। मुख्यमंत्री पुष्कर ì… Read More
Getting old is a perennial truth, much soever we say that: Age is just a number! Adding numbers to your years is painful. No one wants to grow old, but we do! Many of us accept this truth wi… Read More
धार्मिक नगरी उज्जैन में कार्ति… Read More
देहरादून। 54वें भारतीय अंतर्राष… Read More
लखनऊ। मुख्य सचिव दुर्गा शंकर मि… Read More
कार्तिक माह में प्रथम बार सोमवा… Read More
धार्मिक समिति की बैठक में निर्ण… Read More
Believe me, if you make Arete your way of life, your life will never be the same again… …You will be happy always! Have you ever thought what is the importance of excellence in… Read More
To begin with, what do we mean by investment in yourself? In the Indian milieu, as parents we invest in our home (where our family lives), children, higher education, instruments, gold, car… Read More
विश्व प्रसिद्ध महाकाल मंदिर मे… Read More
Once, an extremely clever guy said, “A fool is made more of a fool when their mouth is more open than their mind.”  I think most of the problems in life emanate from th… Read More
You want to break free but cannot because you cannot or you would not?  You need to decide, how you want to live your life – Chained or Free! Obviously, everyone wants to be free… Read More
When the entire generation of working professionals is struggling with long work hours, competition, and other work-related stress, the importance of sitting back and relaxing becomes even m… Read More
Acceptance is the ultimate reality of life. You must learn to accept when times are tough. We are not saying that you accept whatever comes your way without resisting, but where the situatio… Read More
वैश्विक निवेशक सम्मेलन से पहले … Read More
बाबा केदार के दर्शन के लिए आ सकते… Read More
इस वर्ष पूर्णिमा तिथि पर मध्य रा&#… Read More
केंद्र के बाद अब राज्य सरकार भी अ… Read More
काशी खंड के अनुसार काशी के मंदिर&#… Read More
Are you a perfectionist? Do you want to become a perfectionist? Are you very disorganized? You do not want to do anything with perfection? Do you do things for the sake of doing it? If you a… Read More
Do you often ponder what is the purpose in life? What are you working for so hard? Would you be able to achieve what you want? Do you doubt whether you will be able to achieve your purpose i… Read More
दमोह में हर वर्ष नवरात्रि के मौक&#… Read More
देहरादून। मुख्यमंत्री पुष्कर ì… Read More
George Bernard Shaw wrote, “The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself.” Therefore, all progress depend… Read More
Are you ready with an excuse at the drop of a hat? Do you master the art & craft of making excuses? Then you may land in a soup someday! Since my school days, I have been noticing that s… Read More
Are you feeling that you have a lesser number of friends now? When you have a tea party, you need to think, whom I can invite? You have no one around with whom you can go for a long drive? D… Read More
यूपी सीएम योगी आदित्यनाथ ने कहा &#… Read More
Why I am saying this is that you should surround yourself with positive people only, or at least with people who add positivity to your thinking. There is so much negativity around us&hellip… Read More
उत्तराखंड के 49 वाइब्रेंट विलेज म… Read More
उत्तर प्रदेश के 16,513 मदरसे के छात्र-&#… Read More
Is your memory defeating you? Is this the reason for frustration in life? You feel that you do not remember things or you are not able to memorize things that you need to. You need to work a… Read More
लखनऊ: प्रदेश के मुख्य सचिव श्री … Read More
देहरादून। मुख्यमंत्री पुष्कर ì… Read More

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Happiness Consultants, NLP Coaches, Meditation | H
