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Living Yoga - Aham Yoga Blog

Tips & articles on everything Yoga; from poses (asanas), philosophy, chanting, diet and what not to do!
Have you ever wondered how to become a yoga teacher? In fact, this is one of the most common yoga-related topics searched on the internet today. In this blog, I’m… Read More
Wait! Stop scrolling for a moment!! You probably just saw Intro to Inversions and automatically thought, I could never do an upside-down yoga pose, right? Most people assume inversions are… Read More
A few weeks ago, I brought you Yoga for Flexibility Part 1. I hope you enjoyed that video and felt encouraged that even if flexibility isn’t your strong point, you can still do yoga… Read More
How To: Peak Pose Sequencing
The concept of “peak pose” in yoga has become very popular in the past 40 years of modern vinyasa yoga. You might think of peak pose as a destination to get to in your practice… Read More
YOUTUBE: Yoga For Mental Health
Mental Health has become a serious issue in today’s world. 1 in 5 adults struggles with their mental health. It’s no wonder as life has become very fast-paced and stressful for… Read More
Did you know the average human spends 1/3 of our lives sleeping? Besides food and water, sleep is most vital in keeping humans alive and healthy, but in our busy world today, it has been d… Read More
If you’re a beginner to yoga, you probably haven’t quite developed a preference to time of day for your practice. While yoga practice at any time is beneficial, did you know a… Read More
YOUTUBE: Yoga For Your Lower Back
Did you know 80% of adults experience lower back pain at some point during their life? Causes for the pain can range anywhere from a minor strain to a full-on traumatic injury with many is… Read More
5 Ways To Do Yoga Without A Yoga Pose
Confused? I’ll get right to it. There is SO much yoga you can do without just a yoga pose on a mat. You can do yoga when you’re off your mat too. Yoga in the modern day has bee… Read More
One of the most popular myths in regard to yoga is that you have to be flexible. More often than not, if you ask someone about yoga their first comment will be about not being flexible eno… Read More
New Aham Yoga Online Community
I’ll be honest, at first, I wasn’t too keen on the idea of an online yoga platform. It seemed less authentic and eliminated the human interaction that comes with joining togeth… Read More
Jala Neti 101 For Everybody
We recently did an elaborate Jala Neti cleansing in our latest 300-hour yoga teacher training program. The questions from the teacher trainees as well as stories of their previous experien… Read More
Yoga Poses Post-gym Workout
Ever been sore after an intense day at the gym? If yes, this blog gives you the best and most effective yoga poses post-gym workout. They’ll work especially well if you lift weights… Read More
Ever feel like you’re always on the go and there’s never enough calm or time? Is there something that’s always coming up – that needs to get done or someone needs y… Read More
Yoga For Postpartum Moms
Postpartum yoga can be challenging and different for every new mom. Yoga is an excellent tool to have in your kit as you navigate this tricky, tiring, but an awesome new journey in your li… Read More
How Yoga Affects The Brain
Have you ever wondered why millions of people for centuries at length have turned and twisted their bodies into all sort of shapes repeatedly? How do these shapes affect us? How does one c… Read More
Simplify Your Home With Yoga
Aside from the physical practice of yoga, you’ll discover a rich bank of practical wisdom that can be used for everyday living to enrich our lives by simplifying and giving us more c… Read More
If you’ve been on the fence about starting yoga or sticking to it, I’ve got 5 GREAT reasons why you need to start doing yoga NOW! Let’s be honest here, none of us are get… Read More
Yoga For Grief
A few days ago, I lost my mother. She was fighting a medical condition that deteriorated her lungs steadily the past five years in addition to battling cancer three times in the past three… Read More
Yoga For Healthy Knees
“Strengthen my knees”, is a common request at our yoga studio. While every joint in our body is important and has special uses. The knees are unique because they’re a hin… Read More
Since last summer, I’ve been getting into a lot more DIY (do it yourself) projects. These vary from cleaning products for the home, skincare, gifts, and makeup. My interest for thi… Read More
What Is Mindfulness?
What is mindfulness? I’ve asked myself this question several times over the years. To be honest, it took me a while to really understand what mindfulness meant to me. In the wonderful… Read More
5 Easy Ways To Reduce Plastic Usage
Want to know 5 easy ways to reduce plastic usage at home? Are you wondering why? Maybe this will convince you… According to the Ocean Crusaders… It is now believed that there… Read More
Yoga At Work
Even though I run a yoga and dance studio, I too spend most of my day at a desk getting backend work done. This often leaves me feeling tight, sore and heavy. But there are a few cheats or… Read More
Beginners Guide – Bakasana
This is our step by step beginners guide for Bakasana (crow pose) Yoga poses to learn before attempting Bakasana… Adhomukha Swanasana (downward facing dog)  High Plank Chat… Read More
Vinyasa Modifications For Back Issues
Vinyasa is a very popularly practiced style of yoga in the west. And if you are someone with back issues – caused by lifestyle or due to an injury. This blog post will help you unders… Read More
Instant Back Pain Relief
Are you looking for instant back pain relief solution? Try this yoga pose. Don’t be fooled by how simple it is. It is very powerful and soothing. Here is what you need to know. Who ca… Read More
Top 5 Yoga Poses For Back Pain Relief
Do you occasionally feel stiff or strained in your lower back? If you sit all day at a desk or stand for extended periods of time every day, you may occasionally notice some lower back… Read More
Wall Handstand Tutorial
This blog post will take you through how to get into a handstand with the help of a wall. If you have been practicing yoga for a while and would like to learn how to do a handstand, this wa… Read More
Build Up To Bakasana (crow Pose)
This yoga sequence will help you build up to Bakasana (crow pose). An intimadating arm balance for anyone who has not tried it yet. But a comfortable one for those who are seasoned yoga pra… Read More
Top 5 Yoga Poses For Beginners
If you are looking to get started with a yoga practice, here are our top 5 beginner yoga poses to kick-start your practice. I recommend starting a group yoga class; it is always beneficial… Read More
The Best Yoga Retreat…
We headed off into the mountains of Leavenworth, WA again this June. Our 4th year in a row for our annual yoga retreat at Sleeping Lady Resort. We had a smaller group than usual this year a… Read More
How Often Should You Practice Yoga?
By now, we all know that practicing yoga is good for us. And that it has a profound impact on the physical body as well as our mental faculties. I write this post as a yoga studio business… Read More
At Aham Yoga, we have been teaching pregnant ladies since our doors opened 4 years ago. In the past few years, we have seen a rise in the number of women coming to learn yoga prenatal yoga… Read More
Just An Update
It’s been a while since I posted on the blog. From blogging weekly, I have completely put this on the backburner for the past 6 months. I know some of you have been asking me why I ha… Read More
Yoga Practice Video
As part of our #domoreyoga campaign for 2018, we are releasing short yoga videos every day till the end of the month (January 2018). As a way to motivate, inspire and help people like you g… Read More
Short on time during the busy holiday season? Want to do yoga at home but do not know how or what to do? Check out our 3 quick yoga sequences to keep your yoga going during the holiday seas… Read More
Ushtrasana (Camel Pose)
In many hundreds of yoga poses accessible to us, a few of them are extra special. Ushtrasana or camel pose is certainly one of them. Why? You ask. Because it is one of the few yoga poses th… Read More
Yoga In 2018 At Aham Yoga
2018 is already here. I can hardly believe it. 2017 has been a good year for us at Aham Yoga. We got the opportunity to once again share yoga with a lot of new people in the community. Sinc… Read More
5 Tips To Avoid Yoga Teacher Burnout
Recently I had one of my new yoga teachers confess how she is stressed and tensed all the time about the Yoga classes she needs to teach. Just within the first 4 months of teaching Yoga. An… Read More
Impact Of Social Media On Yoga
We live in an age where everything is going virtual and social media platforms have crept in our lives. And have become a part of our being. Think back to the time when you did not have a F… Read More
Top 7 Post Hike Yoga Poses
Up here in the Pacific Northwest, we love our summers. Especially because we wait all year long for the sun and the heat. You may call me biased but I think we have some of the nicest outdo… Read More
5 Cheap Ways To Stay Fit This Summer
Are you looking to get fit and healthier? But do not have the budget to spend on classes, trainings and private coaching? Then these 5 cheap ways to stay fit this summer is just right for y… Read More
Top 5 Yoga Poses For Menstrual Pain
Suffer from menstrual cramps? You are not alone. Almost every other woman I meet has some menstrual issue nowadays. While some women breeze through their menstrual cycles, others dread this… Read More
The Correct Base For Shirshasana
I was very new to yoga practice and had already signed up for my first yoga teacher training when I lived in India. During my first yoga teacher training I was introduced to… Read More
Top 10 Yoga Poses For Cyclists
Redmond is the biking capital of Washington state. And May is bicycle month. Almost everyone I know jumps onto a bike every summer. Some (like me) do it for recreational fun on we… Read More
Importance Of A Morning Routine
I have always worked evenings and late into the nights ever since I started working in 2006. It began during my days as a Bollywood dance instructor with the Shiamak Davar Dance Company in… Read More
What Is Ahimsa In Yoga?
I have been thinking on this blog post for a while now, and today I feel compelled to write it. I watched a documentary on Netflix last week, ‘The White Helmets‘. It shows how c… Read More
Is Yoga A Religion?
Is Yoga A Religion? This question has come up a lot in the recent weeks. From my students in our Yoga Teacher Training classes to my Yoga privates with a Christian Missionary doctor, I… Read More
5 Tips To Live Sustainably
According the Center of Sustainability at Duke University, the average person generates 4.6 pounds of waste per day. With 55% ending up in one of 3500 landfills. Are you aware of how m… Read More
My Time At The Sedona Yoga Festival
Finally wrapping up traveling for a while now. I am looking forward to spending Spring at Aham Yoga with the teacher trainees and workshops that we have lined up. My time at the Sedona… Read More
Minneapolis Yoga Conference
I had never been to a yoga conference until I moved to the US. I used to see them on Yoga Journal and other fancy yoga magazines and secretly wished I could attend, and more importantl… Read More
5 Reasons To Go On A Yoga Retreat
Yoga retreats have become quite popular nowadays. You see a lot of them being offered locally and internationally. When I lived in India, until about 4 years ago, yoga retreats were not som… Read More
International Yoga Day 2017
It’s that time of the year again – International Yoga Day 2017!  We invite you to join us as we celebrate the 3rd annual International Yoga Day 2017. This day, June 21st, wa… Read More
Summer Pranayama Series
Pranayama, or the art of yogic breathing, is an integral part in the practice of yoga – fourth in the 8 limbs of yoga (preceded by asana, or the physical practice). Translated literall… Read More
Summer Hip Opening Intensive
Hip Opening Intensive Are you looking to deepen your yoga asana practice? Open and strengthen the hips for a stronger, lifelong practice? Then join us for our 4 Week Hip Opening Intensive th… Read More
Mommy And Me Yoga Classes
Mommy and Me Yoga Classes We have had the privilege of guiding many of our expectant mothers through their practice of yoga for all or part of their pregnancy. We have heard their stories of… Read More
Jala Neti Workshop
WHAT IS JALA NETI? Jala Neti Kriya is a cleansing technique native to the tradition of Hatha Yoga, and is one of it’s 6 purification methods. Jala = water, neti = cleansing; jal… Read More
 Do you enjoy the great outdoors, and reaping the countless benefits that nature has to offer? Have you ever considered taking your yoga mat outside the studio or home, and pairing the… Read More
Yoga Nidra
What is Yoga Nidra? Yoga Nidra is a powerful yogic technique of deep relaxation. It has been grossly overlooked by the body-obsessed modern yoga practitioner who starts and ends hi… Read More
Legends Of Yoga Workshop
What are the Legends of Yoga? Today, the practice of yoga is available almost everywhere – from yoga studios, to gyms, and online classes. But did you ever stop to wonder how thi… Read More
Top 10 Yoga Sutras Workshop
Top 10 Yoga Sutras Workshop The Yoga Sutras are perhaps the most vital text for any serious yoga practitioner or teacher. This book is a compilation of a 196 yoga sutras, or a… Read More
Benefits Of Yoga Poses Workshop
Do you know how many yoga poses are available to us? 26? 50? Maybe 100’s? Legend claims that we have 84 million yoga poses! Many of these are unknown to us today, but there are st… Read More
At Aham Yoga, we constantly strive towards giving you more yoga through classes, personal attention, training, events and workshops, and access to more yoga knowledge through books, our blog… Read More

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Living Yoga - Aham Yoga
