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Health and Exercise tips from a Physical Therapist to help improve day to day life.
Cervicogenic headache is one of the common types of headache. This type of headache is also frequently misdiagnosed as a migraine, or stress headache. While in fact, it is a referred pain fr… Read More
Gamekeeper's thumb is a chronic injury to UCL of the MCP joint of the thumb. Physical therapy is crucial to improve range of motion and strength of the thumb. The post What is Gamekeeper&rs… Read More
What is hip impingement? Hip impingement syndrome is otherwise known as Femoroacetabular impingement (FAI). It is an impingement of the cartilage or labrum of the acetabulum with the movemen… Read More
Radial tunnel syndrome is a compression of the radial nerve inside the radial tunnel. Physical therapy reduces pain and improves function with nerve stretching exercises. The post What is Ra… Read More
Cubital tunnel syndrome is the most common cause of Ulnar nerve entrapment. With proper gliding exercises and nerve stretch, it is possible to relieve the pressure of the nerve and thereby r… Read More
Biceps Stretching is important and very easy to do. The stretching can be done in various positions to maintain the range of motion, to reduce soreness, as well as to prevent shortening of t… Read More
Triceps stretch is an important stretching exercise to maintain elbow range of motion as well as the flexibility of the triceps muscles. There are a few different ways to stretch this muscle… Read More
Spinal Stenosis is a condition where the spinal cord is getting compressed within the spinal canal. The symptoms vary from mild to moderate pain to severe neurological impairment and possibl… Read More