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Cooking Sustainably Blog

Website and Blogs dedicated to Food, Nutrition, and Sustainability
Traditional French Cassoulet takes time. Lots of time. I’m guessing most people do not have the time to spend in the kitchen to make this French peasant dish. So, I took the highlight… Read More
Making yogurt at home is worth the time and effort. It simply tastes better especially if you use high quality milk. To make the best yogurt, you need an Instant Pot. The the mid-size Instan… Read More
My 15-year-old son, Miles, spends an inordinate amount of time watching videos on his phone. I guess he’s a typical teenager. Most of the videos he watches deal with gaming – li… Read More
Dolcia Piperata (Roman Honey Cake)
I’m a food nerd. I know everyone is surprised (shocked, really). So, when Caitlynn comes to me with a recipe for a 2000-year-old cake from ancient Rome, well, I’m intrigued.&nbs… Read More
This recipe, akin to my bread or pizza dough recipes that reside in my head making it difficult to quantify, was recited to my colleagues and I by Colette (aka, Coco). When asked for the re… Read More
Chocolate Cake
A few weeks ago, my husband met a chef who was trained in France. This chef brought a cake to a get together and my husband simply asked for the recipe to bring home to me. What I recieved… Read More
Spicy Celery Root (Celeriac) Soup
Celery root or celeriac is a gnarly looking vegetable that might be showing up at the farmers market these days. You may also find it sitting in the produce section of the grocery store wai… Read More
Mushroom Bolognese
I know this seems sacrilegious -- to make bolognese without meat, but I just had to offer up a vegetarian version of this dish. I created a version that uses chicken thighs and mushrooms, w… Read More
Raspberry Galette
Simply put, I love pie. Fruit pies. Cream pies. Any kind of pie. I'd take pie over cake any day. A while back, I posted a recipe for an Apple Galette. Galettes are my favorite kind of… Read More
Black Bean Soup
The best way I can get my children to eat their veggies is through soup. My daughter loves nearly any soup I put in front of her -- squash, leek and potato, and tomato soups. Whenever w… Read More
Cream Of Chicken & Rice Soup
It's February and winter is winding down. Well, unless you live in Montana where winter seems to go on forever. So, for those cold, rainy (or snowy) days that lay ahead, here is a soup… Read More
Blueberry Lavender Jam
Blueberries are making their debut at my local farmers market and I just could not resist picking up a flat of these scrumptious little berries. While I could have made a blueberry buckle o… Read More
Black Bean Burgers
While I love a good beef burger, sometimes I want to be a bit healthier, so I go with black bean burgers. Plus, my kids would rather have black bean burgers, as odd as that may sound. In fa… Read More
Fennel And Grape Salad
If you are looking for a good salad that is easy to make and great for a cookout, then look no further. Made with fresh, crisp fennel, this salad has a slight anise flavor (from the fennel)… Read More
Mixed Berry Pie
The berries are here! The berries are here! The berries are here!This is what I want to scream each time I visit my local farmer's market. I might get strange looks but I don't care. I love… Read More
Raspberry Lemon Muffins
Going to the local farmer's market is always an adventure for me. So far, growers at my local market have many offerings from basic vegetables (lettuces, onions, radishes) to fruits like st… Read More
Oat And Almond Waffles
What's for brinner? Waffles, of course. You might be wondering, what is brinner? Well, brinner is breakfast for dinner. You know, like how brunch is breakfast and lunch. We first heard… Read More
Date Syrup Spice Cake
A while back, I was shopping in a little market that specialized in Mediterranean products. As I perused the shelves, I found a jar of date syrup. Intrigued, I purchased it and took it home… Read More

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