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Homemade Yogurt

Making yogurt at home is worth the time and effort. It simply tastes better especially if you use high quality milk. To make the best yogurt, you need an Instant Pot. The the mid-size Instant Pot. It holds a full gallon of milk. 

The video below details the process step-by-step. Here's the basic recipe and instructions:

You need: 1 gallon whole milk and 1/4 cup full fat plain Greek yogurt 
  1. Pour 1 gallon of whole milk into an instant pot. 
  2. Hit the yogurt button until it reads "boil." 
  3. Place lid on the pot. 
  4. Let it come to a boil -- reach about 180 degree F. This will take about 30 minutes. 
  5. After it beeps, remove the insert and cool the milk to 110-120 degrees F. You have 2 options for cooling -- room temperature or in an ice bath. Room temperature can take about an hour to get to 115 degrees F. The ice bath takes 10-20 minutes. 
  6. Be sure the insert is dry before placing back in the Instant Pot. 
  7. Place insert back into the pot.
  8. In a small bowl, mix together 1/4 cup full fat plain Greek yogurt (Fage is my preferred one) and 1/4 cup of the milk. 
  9. Pour this mixture into the milk. 
  10. Put lid on. 
  11. Press yogurt button until it reads either 8 hour or 24 hour. Either setting works. It all depends on your time. 
  12. The time will count up (not down). 
  13. Wait. And wait. 
  14. When it's done, it will beep and say "ygrt." 
  15. Strain into a colander (placed over a bowl) that has been lined with a flour sack towel or cheesecloth. 
  16. Stain as long as you want -- 2 hours... 12 hours. The longer it strains, the thicker it gets. Keep it refrigerated while straining. 
  17. Now it's done and ready to eat. Keep it refrigerated. Use within one week. 

This post first appeared on Cooking Sustainably, please read the originial post: here

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Homemade Yogurt
