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Tags: bodies human body

empty your bucket

  • We’re carrying a bucket, and the bucket is our bellies, our bowels. We don’t realize we’re carrying around a septic tank of fermenting, sugar-containing tank. Most of us our eating mostly sugars and carbs. We don’t understand that the human body is a fat-burning, fat-making machine. 
  • When we reduce our sugar load in our bodies, glycation is reduced; fermentation is reduced, and the manufacturing of alcohol, aldehydes, and methane gas is reduced. The inflammation in our bellies and bowels is reduced. The temperature and heat of our bodies reduces at the internal core, which basically cooks the internal organs. Over the long-term, we are “cooking” our bodies. We should reduce the temperature by reducing the carbs, eating one meal a day at night, and if you choose to be a vegan or vegetarian, that is fine. But one meal a day.
  • The body’s glucose is always elevated. The body’s insulin is always elevated. We call it “insulin resistance”, but, in fact, there is no such thing. All we are seeing is hyperglycemia, which requires insulin to be secreted. Eventually glucose damages the pancreas with the plant antigens, causing an inflammatory reaction and, in many cases, kills the eyelet cells–the cells and Langerhans that make the insulin.
  • The simple story is that we are ALWAYS a fat-burning and a fat-making machine. The human body makes fat and burns fat. It doesn’t burn sugar.
  • The human body, the human brain, and every cell of our bodies burns acetyl Co-A that comes consistently from fat.
  • High fat reduces inflammation and reduces appetite. The real good fats are animal fats because those are nature’s fats. We have a tremendous number of allergies to plant material. Fruits, fiber, vegetables, and bacteria and yeast within the plants—they fuel the fermentation bucket of our belly. We are simply carrying around the digester.

We are walking around as the Human digestive system. We’re carrying a bucket, and the bucket is our bellies, our bowels. We don’t realize we’re carrying around a septic tank of fermenting, sugar-containing tank. Most of us our eating mostly sugars and carbs. We don’t understand that the human body is a fat-burning, fat-making machine.  We are attracted to carbohydrates. They taste so good! We can’t turn them away because, basically, it’s a simple fact:  We are meant to get fat. Fat is not the cause of disease. The cause of disease is sugar.

When we reduce our sugar load in our Bodies, glycation is reduced; fermentation is reduced, and the manufacturing of alcohol, aldehydes, and methane gas is reduced. The inflammation in our bellies and bowels is reduced. The temperature and heat of our bodies reduces at the internal core, which basically cooks the internal organs. Over the long-term, we are “cooking” our bodies. We should reduce the temperature by reducing the carbs, eating one meal a day at night, and if you choose to be a vegan or vegetarian, that is fine. But one meal a day.

We are a carnivore not an herbivore. As a carnivore, you feast from time to time and fast most of the time.  We are a Ferrari—an expensive, irreplaceable, beautiful machine, the human machine. We breathe in oxygen; it’s transported to every cell of our bodies to allow the mitochondria to manufacture ATP, which is ultimately the cellular energy of the body. This allows every cellular function to take place.

You and I are the machine, a fermenting machine if you’re a “carboholic”. Fat does not ferment. Amino acids and simple sugars must go to the liver to be converted to fat in order to have energy. Without a liver or insulin, our bodies cannot convert amino acids or simple sugars to fat, and we die.

We are a carb-eating and carb-manufacturing society. All of these carbs—I call it “carbo-caine”, basically damage our bowels, our brains, and the belly is BAD.  We can’t figure it.  Three to six meals a day. That is what we’re told to consume. That is a grazing animal with its eyes on the side of its heads in order to look around for potential attack. Human have their eyes in the front – binocular—to help them hunt and search. We’re walkers, not runners. We’re stalkers. We use our brain to bring us together as a team to utilize the tools that we make and the plans that we produce, which give us methods that change our world.

Begin the day everyday utilizing our brains as the master and the producer of the very best level of life. Hold the breath and smile each day. Start the day with “Thank you, God, for this day.” This is the master of the day. The universe has created each and every one of us in a masterful way with nearly identical DNA.  With only outward evidence of differences, you’ll find more alike in so many of us. The environment tweaks the DNA and induces an expressive shift and change within that allows certain functions to be turned on and others to be turned off.

Yes, on and off. On and off. It’s as simple as that. The environment is brought in through the breath, through consuming and eating, through the skin, a bite, a sting, a scratch, a touch, a rub, from a leaf, a twig, a bug. The environment has created methods to be protected. The plants, bugs, and either micro-and macro-organisms have created methods to protect them from harm.  Survival is what every animal and living organism seeks.  We have mastered much manipulation.

The human kind—mankind and womankind—has developed in many ways to create and develop life’s expansion through cultivation, animal husbandry and learned how to manipulate reproduction in plants and animals for thousands and thousands of years. To create abundant food stocks and resources to feed not just a family or village, but the city, a state, the nation, and the world. Most of those food stocks are carbohydrates and plant material that require massive land, machinery, industrial shipping, trucking, and storage methods, and are used as pawns around the world to manipulate.

We seek out carbohydrates:  corn, rice, wheat, sorghum, and many other fruits and vegetables. We believe they are the best for us, good, and that some are better than others. Truth be said, they all become simple sugar in the bowels with minute amounts of minerals and vitamins.  The majority of minerals and vitamins are contained in fatty meat and liver, bone marrow, bone broth. Yes, the fat contains the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K.

And we, in some way, have been duped to believe that fatty meat is bad, but, in fact, it’s the best. The story seems opposite, and my contention is that fruit, fiber, and vegetables are deadly. Exercise is deadly. Most fruit, fiber, and vegetables contain bacteria and yeast, which are deadly and dangerous to all of us. Probiotics are bad, in my opinion.

Our bodies are amazing Ferraris, not Yugos, not dispensable. They are irreplaceable, my friends. Alcohol is deadly, and in potentially minute amounts for some. In persistent and constant amounts, likely deadly for all of us. The medical, nutritional, and healthcare industries truly don’t understand the function of the human body. That we require ZERO carbohydrates to eat, but essential fats and essential amino acids are necessary. Our bodies are the very best.

GO SLOW and easy. From time to time, utilize our fight or flight, but if you run, exercise, and do risky things, you risk your life and limb.  We share and create ideas of things that actually turn out to be harmful and hurtful. The idea that fruits and vegetables are deadly doesn’t make sense. To feed a diabetic 3-6 meals of fruits, fiber, vegetables, and lean meat is basically fueling the glucose and creating an environment that requires a tremendous amount of insulin.

The body’s glucose is always elevated. The body’s insulin is always elevated. We call it “insulin resistance”, but, in fact, there is no such thing. All we are seeing is hyperglycemia, which requires insulin to be secreted. Eventually glucose damages the pancreas with the plant antigens, causing an inflammatory reaction and, in many cases, kills the eyelet cells–the cells and Langerhans that make the insulin. Like the thyroid gland, the pancreas is a very sensitive organ. Many of our hormone-producing organs like the adrenals, pancreas, thyroid, ovaries, testicles, the hypothalamus, and pituitary are all very sensitive organs that are affected by plant antigens, plant phytochemicals, and the fermentation by-products in our bowels from consuming a high carb, fermenting material.

These concepts are opposite and different. The simple story is that we are ALWAYS a fat-burning and a fat-making machine. The human body makes fat and burns fat. It doesn’t burn sugar. Sugar must be converted to fat in the liver. Because if you have liver disease or liver failure, you become emaciated because you cannot make fat. If you have absent insulin because of a damaged pancreas, you cannot make fat. You become emaciated and thin.

The chronic healthy diet that we eat is killing all of us. I’m glazed and confused in life. The experts of the world can’t agree on much, and certainly diet is one. Is it a vegan, a vegetarian, a plant-based, a pescatarian, lean meats, fatty meats, 6 times a day, one time a day, or should we fast for 3 days and eat one day? OMG, my brain is going crazy!

We are built so that we need oxygen constantly, but a minute or two without. Water must be available, but we can go 1-3 days without. Amazingly, we are a fat-making and a fat-burning machine, and we are capable of storing it in our butt, our belly, our bowels, and all over our bodies. The muscle becomes marbled because fat is the energy for every muscle cell also. The human body, the human brain, and every cell of our bodies burns acetyl Co-A that comes consistently from fat. Fat has no requirement to be processed in the liver if it’s eaten. It goes directly through the lymphatics, the thoracic duct, and is deposited everywhere in the body.

We are driven to eat carbs and sugar because the body and brain knows how to get you eating things that get you fat. The body is used to famines for infinite years. We are hunters and gatherers. The body is made to consume pretty much everything and anything. But if you have abundant animal products, as a hunter, you did not require carbs. But we learned how to settle down. With the use of cultivation, fire, and many other methodologies to grind the grains, much work was necessary.  We don’t put much work into it today. But this day and every day, we are listening to the experts who somehow tell us what is right and what is good.

The big bubble of big data . . .we’re data mongers. We are looking at data trying to figure out the pattern. We’re seeking patterns. The brain is always seeking patterns. We look in the sky and the clouds and we see animals and faces. We look at an inkblot and we see butterflies, faces, cars, and planes. The brain manufacturers the things that are necessary to see because that’s how it’s build. We are a perception/perceiving/pretty brain-maker. The computer is always looking for patterns. And somehow patterns come together. We love symmetry, but the universe works in chaos. The universe knows the way, the flow, the good, the go.

Our Ferrari bodies are f#$%cking amazing! Our Ferraris are here to create, share, and grow, to learn, to live, to love. To play music, sing a song, paint a picture, write poetry, build institutions to help the masses learn, create, grow, share. And we all work together in amazing ways as we learn, grow, create, build, and make, the universe is working through each and every one of us individually in a creative way.

Be loving, kind, and generous this day. Remember, one meal a day at night. Fed, fucked, and put to bed. Breath and smile and gratitude, my friend.

High fat reduces inflammation and reduces appetite. The real good fats are animal fats because those are nature’s fats. We have a tremendous number of allergies to plant material.  Fruits, fiber, vegetables, and bacteria and yeast within the plants—they fuel the fermentation bucket of our belly. We are simply carrying around the digester. I call it the human digester. I know. It doesn’t make much sense, but it is the most amazing concept of the universe.

Your body, my body wants to eat pretty much anything and everything and is constantly looking for reproductive opportunities everywhere. This is the universe. Our brains are built for food and fucking. We are always on the lookout the go, to move. Our bodies don’t care about longevity. They care about reproductive opportunities. We care about the village. The growing, the protecting, the sharing, the creating.

In our infinite number of years of life on this beautiful, amazing earth, we have learned to build, to create, to grow, to manipulate, to better understand the nature of the universe. All of us, through the most amazing capabilities of life. The universe works through each and every one of us.

Begin to look around and understand and learn what is possible. Remember, alcohol, tobacco, and drugs are deadly. Each and every one of us chooses what we put in our minds and our mouths. This day and every day, choose to slow it down and go slow. Meditation, prayer, visualization. Be kind in the day, to thyself in the mirror and all of those around you no matter who they are, where they are, and what they are about.

The universe is a loving universe. It works through you and me. It’s a creative universe. We are seeing a tremendous amount of cancer, disease, inflammation, injury. The basic recommendations for grazing on carbs are killing us. Lean meat is killing us. Lack of fat in our food is killing us. Many, many of us keep listening to the experts who tell us one thing, when maybe the opposite is true. Do we really trust big data? Do we trust the thinkers, or do we really trust the doers?

The universe is built on doing. Yes, thinking, thinking, thinking is great, but ultimately, it’s observation and experimentation that teaches us the ways. I would say the true way to know is to experiment yourself with the possibilities of getting off the treadmill, gratitude, prayer, and faith each day, go slow in the flow. Get rid of the fruit, fiber, vegetables, cereal, pasta, rice, bread, yogurt, and milk. Bacon, eggs, butter, beef, ice cream—that is the very, very best. Bacon, eggs, butter, beef, and ice cream with cream, egg, a little bit of sugar, and a little bit of vanilla, but it is mostly fat.

That one meal a day is satiating. You rest and digest so the blood flow to the bowels is best. If you’re consuming complex carbs, know that complex carbs basically cause a slow breakdown in the belly and a constant secretion of glucose into the blood. Glucose is the killer. It causes glycation. Glycation damages every cell and molecule of our bodies. It’s an abnormal environment. But we’re also damaged by plant antigens, plant phytochemicals, and fermenting fiber which makes methane gas, heat, alcohol, and aldehydes. We are causing a lot of indigestion and increased pressure, damage to the vessels, the interstitial spaces, the lymphatics, the lymph nodes, and every single cell of our bodies, every nook and cranny.

That high plant-based diet is causing kidney stones, irritable bowel, colitis, Crohn’s, and appendicitis.  Since we don’t eat fat, the gallbladder never empties. We get dry, stones, pain, and inflammation caused by a “healthy” diet, a “healthy” lifestyle, and “healthy” fats which are not.

This is the opposite story, my friend, and I will bet a billion dollars it’s right. Bacon, eggs, butter, beef are best. The best meal is at night. Eat one meal a day. Rest and digest. Get more sleep, more rest, slow it down, and have faith. Your Ferrari—the human Ferrari, the fucking awesome and amazing Ferrari (excuse my words, I’ve not intention to be disrespectful to anyone). But the truth be said, is we are all fucking awesome and amazing, each and every one of us. All of us regardless of size, shape, color, looks—it doesn’t matter. Health and wellness are built in the brain, my friends. Each and every one of us has the right to exist. We must respect and be patient, kind, and loving. We must share ideas. We all have such different ideas, but yet, we all seek basically the same thing:  success in life.

The universe builds each and every one of us in great ways. Slow it down. God Bless! This is Dr. Rob Kiltz. Mind, Body, Smile. Kiltz’s Keto Cures. The Fertile Grounds Café. Remember, each and ever one of us is the miracle of life. God Bless, my friends. Enjoy this day.


This post first appeared on Mind Body Smile | Daily Smile Therapy By Dr. Rob, please read the originial post: here

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