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Could It Be As Simple As That?

Tags: sugar body bowels



  • Sugar comes from carbohydrates, which come from all plant material. Fruits, vegetables, and fiber are actually all sugar.
  • Fat doesn’t cause the diseases, it’s the sugar. Remember, sugar comes from salad, lettuce, pasta, yogurt, milk, kale, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, asparagus . . . all of these break down into simple sugars in the bowels.
  • Fat is bacon grease, beef grease, butter, and cream. Fat is the lubricant or the ‘soap’ for the bowels.
  • THIS IS THE DAY TO CHANGE THE WAY! Micronize the carbs; cook them down. Kill the bacteria and yeast. Add fat: cream, butter, egg, coconut oil, hemp oil.  Remember, we are more like a carnivore than a grazing animal.
  • Pick five things to eat on a regular basis and eat them far less frequently. I recommend: bacon, eggs, butter, beef, and Kiltz’s full-fat ice cream.


Hello, Dr. Rob Kiltz on your health and wellness today. Could it be that a “healthy” diet and lifestyle actually are not?  This isn’t going to make much sense, but I’m going to share an idea. We know that diabetes, hypertension, Sugar, and a highly-processed carbohydrate diet are damaging and deadly for our bodies. We know that bread, pasta, donuts, candy, and sugar are a problem. The hard part to understand is that sugar comes from carbohydrates, which comes from all plant material. Fruits, vegetables, and fiber are actually all sugar. We’ve made such a complicated story, but in fact, it’s not complicated. It’s simple.

Your Body, my body, our bodies are pristine amazing machines that require a lot of oxygen, air has got to come in and out. We’re bringing in oxygen and sending out carbon dioxide—the bi-product of combustion of carbon particles to make ATP energy to help our cells function, to keep our heart pumping, and our muscles moving, our bowels digesting, our thoughts thinking, our eyes, ears, taste, touch, our feelings. All of it. To keep it functioning and moving.

Yes, we are capable of converting all carbohydrates (sugar) into fat. We must make fat for fat is the energy of the body, NOT glucose. Insulin is required in the liver to convert the sugar and a small amount of amino acids in order to make fat.  We fill our bellies, our bowels, the “bucket”, the “crock” with a tremendous amount of plant material and milk biproducts, which turn out to be mostly sugar. And most of that comes with bacteria and yeast to fuel the digester within our bucket. The digester—it takes the solid stuff, grinds it up (first how we process it out there, then how we grind it with our teeth), begins to release the enzymes necessary to get to work at breaking the bonds of the complex carbs—fruits, fiber, vegetables, seeds, and nuts, and breaks them down into the simple components of sugar (glucose, galactose, mannose, fructose, sucrose). We’ll go down the list of the simple and more complex sugars, but ultimately, they all must break down. The simple story is they all must go to the liver. There, with the mechanisms of an amazing life force (and the liver is our amazing life force), with insulin, we able to convert the sugar to fat and first store it in the liver and then send it throughout our bodies.

The body is always mobilizing fat—local and distant. We store it in the butt, around the bowels, in the arms and the legs. We have “inside” fat and “outside” fat. Yes, kale, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, asparagus, tomatoes, mushrooms, seeds, nuts, yogurt (even full-fat yogurt if you look carefully), are all mostly sugar. We love sugar because it stimulates the opiate receptors that make us happy and feel good. That happy and feel good stuff is the stuff we just love to go after. It keeps us coming back because it gets fat stored, and fat storage is the key to life.

Fat storage allows us to go days, week, and rarely months without food. We love sugar. We love all processed carbohydrates because they stimulate the opiate receptors that create joy and happiness within our bodies and give us the satiety—the momentary “Wow, that felt good and I want more!”

Opiates are hard to get rid of. We are always searching after the ‘feel-good’ stuff. That is how our bodies are built. Our bodies are built to make fat quick and easy. It is likely that the majority of plant materials are mostly made of sugar, but they contain a tremendous amount of plant antigens, phytochemicals, bacteria, yeast, and the slow and difficult-to-digest fibers that, over time, continuously break down into simple sugars and secrete glucose into the bloodstream 24/7/365 keeping your pancreas on continuous production and secretion of insulin.

We try to create the story that some carbs are better than others:  above-ground versus underground versus processed.  But I’m here to tell you that they ALL have complicated processes in our body that are actually simpler than we think. Leptins, ghrelins, and all of these other molecules that help you have good fat and bad fat. It’s just another bad story.

The story is simple. The Ferrari is amazing, and you are the Ferrari. The fuel tank is the butt, the belly, the bowels. It’s the fat we carry. It actually isn’t the fat that causes the disease, it’s the sugar. Remember, sugar comes from salad, lettuce, pasta, yogurt, milk, kale, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, asparagus . . . all of those break down into simple sugars in the bowels. It’s the liquified processes that are critical in order to get the absorption of those products, those macromolecules and micromolecules.

When they’re broken down, they are mostly all sugar. There is very little fat in the standard diets. Remember, industrial fat is all seed/nut fat and even fruit fat. We like to say one vegetable fat is better than another, but my sense is most of them, if not all of them, are industrial-processed foods.

Our bodies don’t require liquified fat, but rather solid fat to store for the rainy day, the famine, the war, the disease. With the bowels full of carbs 24/7/365 and fermenting like a digester, an industrial plant that takes poop and human food waste (mostly carbohydrates) along with bacteria and yeast to ferment creating alcohol, acetyl aldehyde, methane gas, heat, and other bi-products that we may not even understand.

The fiber fix that we’re recommended to consume is likely deadly. Crohn’s, Irritable Bowel, colitis, appendicitis, gall bladder problems. Remember, if you’re not eating a high fat diet (and my supposition here is that almost no one eats a high-fat diet).

Fat is bacon grease, beef grease, butter, cream . . . but this sounds too outrageous. It is the lubricant or the ‘soap’ for the bowels. The lymphatics take up the fat up into the thoracic duct and distribute it everywhere quickly without the processing of the liver. The liver is required to convert protein and amino acids, carbohydrates and simple sugars into fat.  We are a fat-making machine. Fat is the fuel for our body and nothing else.

We eat a high-carbohydrate glucose-laden diet (again, even the fiber, vegetables, fruits, salads, yogurt, milk, and cheeses made from low-fat products). Yes, we are made to consume sugar, protein, and fat.  A high plant-based diet is almost all sugar, along with the phytochemicals. Those are the molecules that the plants make to protect themselves.  To utilize those molecules for other life forces, we have created the idea that one thing is better than another.

The challenge is likely the eating 3-6 meals a day. Eating once a day at night is best. I call it Intermittent Feasting. Many call it fasting, but intermittent fasting means you intermittently don’t eat. Well, in fact, we intermittently should be eating and that’s once a day, plus or minus one. Maybe every other day? But the habit of once per day is the best and easiest approach.

We are driven to be hungry. We are driven to be starving, but in fact, we carry a tremendous number of calories in fat stores. It seems to be that fat suppresses inflammation when it is consumed in your diet. It may be that some oils—olive oil, coconut oil, hemp seed oil—are okay, but my bet is butter, lard, tallow, and duck grease are better.

The challenge is WHAT DO I EAT?  WHAT’S HEALTHY FOR ME?  Well, pretty much everything and anything is good and bad. We’ve created these stories of what is good and bad. It’s hard to know the science from the snake oil. It turns out that inflammation occurs first in the bowels, caused by carbohydrate abundance. I call it the compost heap or the digester, which is full of fiber, bacteria, yeast, and other microorganisms that love our bodies. They thrive and survive within the bowels causing damage within the bowels—leaky gut, nests of bacteria and yeast colonies, breakdown due to diverticulitis, diverticulosis, appendicitis, small and large bowel bacteria overgrowth everywhere. It’s in the food.

Yes, there are colonies, and I’m not sure I know what is a good bacteria or bad bacteria. I’m not sure I understand what are the right colonies. Someone tells us one thing and maybe there’s another answer to all of it?

Understanding the story can be difficult and challenging. The stories we’ve told for thousands of years. Think about wheat. Like asparagus or broccoli, they’re all flowing plants. Some of it dried, and some of it left green. They all have molecules—antigens—that cause an inflammatory reaction with the lips, tongues, gums, esophagus, the stomach, intestines. They seep into every nook and cranny of our bodies. They go everywhere.

Make the fat in the liver. Store it on the inside. Store it on the outside. Being fat or overweight doesn’t cause the diseases. It’s actually what we are meant to do:  GET FAT. But we’re likely meant to go through much feast and famine. Feast and famine. Feast and famine.

We are capable of eating strictly carbs and a plant-based diet. It’s difficult to get some of the minerals and vitamins and some of the molecules that only come with animal food, but supplements may help. Eat less frequently, just 1-2 meals a day. Eliminate the constant grazing which constantly feeds the bowels with products that break down into sugar, which constantly keeps the glucose and insulin rising in the blood.

My bet is the real problem of insulin resistance is hyperglycemia which causes glycation—damage to every nook and cranny of the body, inflammation, and mitochondrial damage and death, tumors, cancers, arthritis, appendicitis, MS, ALS, dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, we can go down the list.

The body is amazing. When you see food, it wants you to eat food because the next opportunity for feeding may not be around the corner.  That is likely our legend of life. Infinite episodes of famine with occasional feasts. We learned and invented agricultural practices that have helped us thrive and survive, but with them comes damage to the Ferrari. It acts more like a Yugo. It gets damaged and dies often too young. Pain, damage, and disease which leads to the need for an endless number of products to improve your health and wellness.

Excess movement of the body with pushing its limits increases damage and disease. Constant exercise heats up the core causing friction and disease.

The way we place our minds and our bodies in life matters most. Begin the day with a breath and smile and “Thank you, God, for the day” –a daily morning meditation and daily afternoon and evening meditation. It’s the gratitude attitude of life.

Remember the 5-6-7-. Take it in through the nose in 5 seconds; hold it for 6; then let it out in 7 seconds through the smile. While you’re doing this, thoughts of gratitude and grace of life. We are blessed and alive. The universe has gifted you and me with an amazing life. The breath and smile.

Watch what you think, what you eat, and how you move. SLOW IT DOWN and TURN THAT FROWN UPSIDE DOWN. Keep the smile going in life no matter what the challenges. God gifts all of us challenges. Life is full of faith, joy, happiness, harmony, and there is much damage and disease. In order to understand, you must do something, listen to something, experience something you don’t believe in.

How can vegetables, fruit, and fiber be damaging and deadly? Real simple. Sugar, fiber, fermentation in the belly is like a compost heap, making all of that bad stuff. A grazing animal, we are not. Out of the trees we came, not to eat the grass, but rather the grass eaters. Yes, we learned how to cultivate the grass and make products out of the grass:  pasta, cereal, bread, donuts, and more. How to take the sugars that are complicated and simplify them? Yes, we love them.

My bet is simplified sugar from time to time is okay. The complex particles which we may be allergic to from the glutens, lectins, peanuts, avocados, and bananas—the many antigens from those healthy fruits and vegetables may actually be the harbinger of e-coli, listeria, and other damaging organisms. We are a Petri dish, and those organisms love us. We’re just another planet of abundant life forces.

Stay away from alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, and certainly heroin, cocaine, and LSD, and all of the pharmaceutical products that we overly utilize. From time to time, they may make sense, but all the time is likely not good. We do get depressed and anxious from time to time. That’s natural and normal.

Meditation, yoga, prayer, Tai Chi. Begin an art project; learn to play an instrument; sing a song; connect in life. The universe is conspiring in your favor this and every day. It’s a simple concept and idea, a process of motion. You sleep to rest and digest. Remember that the dinner meal is the best. Let the dinner soak in. Let the body and the bowels digest, micronize, internalize, and send the fat everywhere in your body. The glucose levels will go down.

Remember, acetyl Co-A comes from fatty acids, and fat is the fuel for every cell of the body. Glucose may not even be required for the brain, but fat is.  The red cell, the erythrocyte, seems to need the sugar. It needs plenty of oxygen, a lot less water, and for you to slow it down.

THIS IS THE DAY TO CHANGE THE WAY! Micronize the carbs; cook them down. Kill the bacteria and yeast. Add fat:  cream, butter, egg, coconut oil, hemp oil.  Remember, we are more like a carnivore than a grazing animal. The science sometimes fools us.  The stories of super marketing supermarkets that smoothies, shakes, and celery are good. In fact, they are likely mostly sugar. These concepts aren’t always so straight forward and easy to understand because our brains like reason and why’s. But the way, is if you’re suffering, change the day. Remember to stop and love thy way. The breath and smile.

The story is simple. I recommend bacon, eggs, butter, beef, and ice cream.  It can be beef bacon, duck, fatty fish, cream sauces, liver. I know. That doesn’t sound so good, but a rib-eye steak with butter and salt is AMAZING!

We are amazing organisms. We figured out how to make fire. How to take raw materials and make a pot to cook, to cultivate, to corral. We’ve created such abundance in life. We don’t need a supermarket. Pick five things to eat on a regular basis and eat them far less frequently. Make it one time a day at night. Get off the treadmill. Go for a walk in nature. Take a yoga or Tai Chi class. Practice meditation for thy mind. That’s where you find the change-all in life. Each and every day, my friends, you are on the journey of life.

This is Dr. Rob Kiltz. The Mind, Body, Smile. Sharing Kiltz’s Keto and concepts of health and wellness today. Know from time to time, aches and pains will come. It’s natural. We all will eventually die, micronize, go back into the universe, and make something new.

God Bless. Enjoy this day and every day. Simple practices to improve your health and wellness. God Bless!


This post first appeared on Mind Body Smile | Daily Smile Therapy By Dr. Rob, please read the originial post: here

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Could It Be As Simple As That?


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